
Ikemen GO (Read 1865313 times)

Started by K4thos, May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#81  June 30, 2018, 10:58:04 pm
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Hmm if it could be done in this manner, that would save me a shitload of time as I use Photoshop to make and cut all the text one by one. That's how I was doing the winquotes before all these updates, well like in that Ryu video. Right now both characters have it within themselves, so I match things accordingly. So this would work for... EVERY character then if its the same as the winquotes. It's essentially built like KOF 13, everyone has dialogue with one another. It all sounds good, but won't know until you try. Screenpack probably, well I always envisioned that the dialogue box would match the SP, I don't have one so I just use the black bar as a place holder.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#82  July 02, 2018, 02:38:24 am
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For me, it crashes before going to the victory screen after a battle with Ryu, yet it's fine with everything else I have tried.
Edit: Wrong thread, I meant to put this in Normal Plus.
Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 02:17:37 pm by HyperClawManiac
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#83  July 02, 2018, 02:09:23 pm
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Hi guys!
Thanks for this amazing project, I just wanted to ask if there is a set release date or not?
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#84  July 02, 2018, 02:26:14 pm
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@K4thos: Is there a Discord server or some other place (aside from here) for GO Plus discussion exclusively? Reading about the changes you've introduced and how they impact the environment as a whole, I'd rather be in the know sooner than later. If not, cool, just curious.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#85  July 02, 2018, 03:22:15 pm
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I just wanted to ask if there is a set release date or not?
no set release date.

K4thos Is there a Discord server or some other place (aside from here) for GO Plus discussion exclusively? Reading about the changes you've introduced and how they impact the environment as a whole, I'd rather be in the know sooner than later. If not, cool, just curious.
there is a discord only for the fork developers to discuss features that we are working on (in order to gather internal feedback, help and to inform who is developing what to not duplicate the work). No access to it, sorry. This topic is the best place if you want to be in touch with Ikemen GO Plus news.


Some effort on Ikemen GO documentation is desperately needed. I don't have enough time to do it all and the fact that English is not my first language doesn't help.

I think it would be best to use Sphinx documentation using reStructuredText format like in this page:
We could start with copying everything from mugen docs into this new format. Or maybe using MFG documentation (if @JustNoPoint and other MFG stuff wouldn't mind), since it's presented in more readable and detailed way.

Once that's finished all the Ikemen GO Plus specific features could be documented on top of it - that's the part which I could handle myself.

If anyone is interested in helping with Ikemen GO documentation please contact us.
Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 05:09:40 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#86  July 03, 2018, 09:59:13 am
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Hi again
Sorry I forgot to ask in my last post
Is there an exe for ikeman plus go or is it not compiled yet?

Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#87  July 03, 2018, 10:22:54 am
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Public Releases:
You can build the IKEMEN GO Plus with Go's gc compiler in the repository below. (keep in mind that the code hanging there is currently outdated, updated source code should be available soon, though. No public releases as of yet.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#88  July 03, 2018, 04:04:05 pm
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My bad, thank you for the reply
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#89  July 04, 2018, 01:19:10 am
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  • Lovely Day
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Getting these errors:

C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>set GOPATH=C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental/go

C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>set CGO_ENABLED=1

C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o Ikemen_GO.exe ./src
src\font.go:5:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\go-gl\gl\v2.1\gl (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\go-gl\gl\v2.1\gl (from $GOPATH)
src\input.go:5:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\go-gl\glfw\v3.2\glfw (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\go-gl\glfw\v3.2\glfw (from $GOPATH)
src\sound.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\jfreymuth\go-vorbis\ogg\vorbis (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\jfreymuth\go-vorbis\ogg\vorbis (from $GOPATH)
src\sound.go:7:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal (from $GOPATH)
src\main.go:7:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        C:\Go\src\\yuin\gopher-lua (from $GOROOT)
        C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental\go\src\\yuin\gopher-lua (from $GOPATH)

What should I do.

Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#90  July 04, 2018, 01:33:47 am
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  • Working on MUGEN characters, 24/7.
    • Australia
Will there be an option to disable turns/tag/team and only allow for singles?
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#91  July 04, 2018, 02:11:00 am
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@Alex Sonico:
How to compile Ikemen GO on windows:
1. Install GO:
2. Set go environmental variable if not set automatically
3. Install TDM-GCC-64 compiler:
4. Download this unofficial soft OpenAL dll file:
and place it within C:\TDM-GCC-64\lib directory (for some reason engine can't be compiled with official OpenAL dev package)
5. Install git for windows (required by one of the libraries):
6. Use shell file or get.bat batch file to download libraries used by Ikemen GO
7. Compile the executable with or build.bat

Keep in mind that the code hanging on Github is currently few months old. Updated source code should be available soon (once it's in committable state) but testing and reporting here is not needed until there will be proper release (in "releases" section on Github). dev builds always have known bugs and unfinished features.

Will there be an option to disable turns/tag/team and only allow for singles?
Already implemented. Works the same as removing modes from mugen - by disabling "itemname" parameter in screenpack. For example if you have this in your screenpack then only Single mode will be available (also changing order of these itemnames changes order in which they are displayed):
teammenu.itemname.single = Single
teammenu.itemname.tag =
teammenu.itemname.simul =
teammenu.itemname.turns =
On top of it if you leave just 1 team mode itemname in screenpack DEF file than the team selection menu won't show up at all.


btw. yesterday @ShinLucho: implemented FNTv2 support, so now we are a lot closer to mugen 1.x screenpack support (the only thing left for HD screenpacks is localcoord)
Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 12:06:08 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#92  July 04, 2018, 02:53:09 am
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  • Lovely Day
    • USA
Did everything but another problem has come up

:C:\Users\beta1\Desktop\Ikemen-GO-Plus-K4-experimental>go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o Ikemen_GO.exe ./src
In file included from go\src\\timshannon\go-openal\openal\alcCore.go:24:0:
./local.h:5:18: fatal error: AL/al.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#93  July 04, 2018, 09:24:32 am
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Alex Sonico, no idea, sorry. If you're interested in editing the source code maybe @MangeX: will be able to help you since he has set up GO environment recently. If all you want is the executable than consider waiting for the stable build.


There are few more game modes that don't exist in mugen but I'm interested in implementing for default Ikemen GO Plus:
- Story Mode
- Versus Co-op (supporting up to 4 different local players in 2 co-op teams)
- Tournament
- Time Attack
- Time Challenge
- Score Challenge
- Trials Mode

The problem is that both main window and Extras section are bloated already. Considering mugen has max 11 items in main menu and many screenpacks are designed around this number, I've been thinking how to group the new modes in order to end up with total 11 items with submenus. Here is what I came up with taking KOF14 as a reference since it uses submenus like this:

Arcade Mode
 - Arcade           (fight against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
 - Team Arcade      (team of fighters fights against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
 - Team Co-op       (team up with another player against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
Versus Mode
 - Versus           (choose a fighter to defeat a human opponent)
 - Team Versus      (choose a team of fighters to defeat team of human opponents)
 - Versus Co-op     (team up with another player to defeat co-op team of human opponents)
Story Mode
 - Arc_name_1       (follow story mode arc designed for this mugen game)
 - (...)            (there can be multiple story arcs in a single game)
 - Versus           (choose fighter(s) to defeat online human opponent(s))
 - Arcade Co-op       (team up with online player against AI-controlled opponents in a customizable arcade ladder)
 - Survival Co-op   (defeat as many opponents as you can in a row with an online human teammate)
 - Round of 32      (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Round of 32)
 - Round of 16      (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Round of 16)
 - Quarterfinals    (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Quarterfinals)
 - Semifinals       (participate in a customizable single-elimination tournament starting from Semifinals)
 - Training         (practice special attacks and combos with training KFM by stupa)
 - Quick Match      (practice your skills against AI controlled CPU character(s) of your choice)
 - Trials           (complete moves and combos trial challenges)
 - Time Attack      (defeat 10 opponents as quickly as possible, beating previous time records)
 - Survival         (defeat as many opponents as you can on a single Health Meter)
 - Survival Co-op   (defeat as many opponents as you can with a human teammate, on a single Health Meter)
 - Boss Rush        (defeat all bosses in a row)
 - VS 100 Kumite    (see how many characters out of 100 you can take down)
 - Time Challenge   (defeat 1 selected opponent beating previous time record)
 - Score Challenge  (defeat 1 selected opponent beating previous score record)
 - Bonus Games      (defeat 1 selected bonus character beating previous score record)
Watch Mode
 - Select           (watch CPU controlled match of your choice)
 - Random           (watch endless random CPU matches, generating useful AI rank data)
 - Replay           (watch saved replays of your online matches)
 - Records          (display overall score data)
 - Ranking          (display rankings data)
Options             (adjust game settings)
Exit                (exit the game)

in order to be backward compatible with mugen screenpacks (especially with awful workaround that mugen creators came up with that uses single letters referencing images in font instead of normal text) only the original itemnames will be enabled by default:
(new ones needs to be added into screenpack DEF file to show up)

In order to create flexible sub-menu grouping I'm planning to introduce new type of itemname that contains group in its name. Using above proposition following groups would be available:
Assigning particular mode to a group will be done by adding the group name to itemname, for example:
places Survival Mode into Challenges sub-group. Omitting "challenges" would result in Survival Mode available from within main menu (like in mugen).

Screenpack distributed with ikemen go plus by default will have all modes arranged in sub-menus like in the above propositions.

Feedback regarding this design proposition would be appreciated.

edit: added Trial Mode to the list, inspired by Street Fighter EX series:
Trial Mode implementation designed with @Yamori X: help.
Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 01:56:45 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#94  July 05, 2018, 10:12:30 am
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    • South Africa
This seems like a very good idea, it would cause less clutter on the main menu and would follow a logical layout, as you mentioned it would help with screenpack conversion too. The extra game modes would be greatly appreciated and would help modernise the engine with modern features. I'm pretty sure that full game creators and normal players would gladly welcome these features, I wonder if tag mode could be a game mode in the arcade selection instead of in the character selection, just a suggestion.
Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 10:17:15 am by LebKeller
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#95  July 05, 2018, 10:39:02 am
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  • Working on MUGEN characters, 24/7.
    • Australia
Will there be an option to disable turns/tag/team and only allow for singles?
Already implemented. Works the same as removing modes from mugen - by disabling "itemname" parameter in screenpack. For example if you have this in your screenpack then only Single mode will be available (also changing order of these itemnames changes order in which they are displayed):
teammenu.itemname.single = Single
teammenu.itemname.tag =
teammenu.itemname.simul =
teammenu.itemname.turns =
On top of it if you leave just 1 team mode itemname in screenpack DEF file than the team selection menu won't show up at all.


Another question, can we define custom placements for individual character slots, instead of them all being determined based on rows/columns?
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#96  July 05, 2018, 12:27:56 pm
  • ***
Another question, can we define custom placements for individual character slots, instead of them all being determined based on rows/columns?
no, it's still grid based. But following features makes it more flexible:
1. select.def has following optional characters parameters
 ; - exclude
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Set the paramvalue to 1 to avoid including this character
 ;   in 'rows' and 'columns' screenpack selection grid. (similar result as
 ;   hiding unselectable AI only characters in mugen without need to create tons
 ;   of unnecessary select.def slots to do so) Excluded characters are not added
 ;   to randomselect pool.
 ; - hidden
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Set the paramvalue to hide a character:
 ;   1: cursor can move to this cell, face and face background are not rendered
 ;      (same result as hiding selectable characters in mugen by placing them
 ;      outside visible grid, but without need to create lots of unnecessary
 ;      select.def slots to do so),
 ;   2: cell can't be selected, art is not rendered (slot is ignored until
 ;      character is unlocked).
 ;   3: cell behaves like randomselect slot until character is unlocked.
 ;   Unlocking hidden characters is handled via [UnlockContent] section.

2. You can use following new parameters in screenpack DEF file [Select Info] section:
- searchemptyboxesup
- searchemptyboxesdown
if the slot was not found in the below (down) or above (up) row searchemptyboxes starts a lookout for the first valid slot (1 = search moving right, -1 = search moving left). If valid slot was not found in the expected row then it automatically switches to next row and so on. Which means CvS2 style select screens with rhombus icons, and even madness like in the below screenshot can be implemented without silly workarounds:

I wonder if tag mode could be a game mode in the arcade selection instead of in the character selection, just a suggestion.
Then we would need the same for Simul and Turns. And why just Arcade? In such case, for consistency sake, all the other modes that support teams should have it separated. Sounds bad, imo. To be honest I don't even see a point in "Arcade" and "VS Mode" as separate entries when both "Team Arcade" and "Team VS" already have Single option to choose, but that’s Elecbyte implementation, so it's there for compatibility sake. Useless (imo) modes like these can be disabled via itemname in screenpack.

If full game creator needs adjustment like you mentioned than it's extremly easy to modify Lua files (which makes the change likely not forward compatible with future Ikemen GO Plus releases, if it's not done via screenpack, but compatibility is not that important for full game releases).
Last Edit: July 05, 2018, 10:38:00 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#97  July 05, 2018, 01:16:09 pm
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    • South Africa
Okay I see your point
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#98  July 06, 2018, 12:52:12 pm
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    • USA
So. One of the users on here had a concept for doing the pause menu. Hopefully it will get his attention and he could explain it himself. A native, universal pause screen. You added two extra buttons correct? Not sure the total number available? So taunt could be select and pause start? Similar to the training menu, but all being accessible through player 1. This is ideally how I had wanted to do command list(in-game). So exiting straight to menu and or gameover instead of going to continue. I’m interested to see this ranking system as well. So about th we extra modes. Are you going to make a story mode? Don’t you need to create a base for these things? Just curious if you were, that’d be cool. What do you think about cutscenes? Think cvs series, Rugal/Akuma on roof etc. After you beat the boss hmm, various things like showing Geese falling, Rugal losing control then it goes to the characters ending. Now that I think about it, you made those SVC endings. The pause thing is the main thing here the rest are just things I’ll personally do.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#99  July 06, 2018, 02:16:20 pm
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A native, universal pause screen.
Game pause is already implemented, works the same as in mugen (during a fight, press the button literally labeled "Pause" on your keyboard.)

You added two extra buttons correct? Not sure the total number available? So taunt could be select and pause start?
7 mugen buttons + 2 new ones (intended for tag related stuff, but works the same as any others, so can be used normally in CMD files and assigned to whatever you wish)

Similar to the training menu, but all being accessible through player 1. This is ideally how I had wanted to do command list(in-game). So exiting straight to menu and or gameover instead of going to continue.
Changing Esc button functionality when pressed during fight to display Tekken like menu is on the roadmap.

I’m interested to see this ranking system as well.

It's not implemented yet. If you want to see it in foreseeable future you could help by analyzing the add004 common1.cns code and post here how exactly the rank value is calculated there. Not as CNS code (I don't understand a single line from add004 system with all those explodes, helpers and variable usage). What is needed is normal description how it's calculated (formulas used, how many points to achieve each rank, which stuff increases the score, how and exactly how much etc. etc.) With this info I could implement it on engine level, probably customizable from within lifebar or screenpack. Maybe the match calculation could stay in common1, but in such case using dedicated SCTRLs and triggers for storing the data (without convoluted code and workarounds)

Alternatively, if someone has information how exactly scores works in some commercial game, then we could use it as a base too (if the system is good enough).

Once match rank system is implemented global rankings would be just a sum of match scores at the end of the chosen game mode.

I don't think anyone on the team is interested in designing this feature, so If no one will help with this task, match ranks, rankings, score display on victory screen, as well as some of the previously mentioned modes that depends on scores won't be implemented any time soon (maybe ever since I don't think I can design the proper system myself).

So about th we extra modes. Are you going to make a story mode? Don’t you need to create a base for these things? Just curious if you were, that’d be cool. What do you think about cutscenes? Think cvs series, Rugal/Akuma on roof etc. After you beat the boss hmm, various things like showing Geese falling, Rugal losing control then it goes to the characters ending. Now that I think about it, you made those SVC endings.
Not implemented yet but already designed: (quote from select.def)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 02:54:55 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#100  July 06, 2018, 02:58:18 pm
  • *****
how the SF2 snes score system works
As for cutscenes I would just make the engine being able to open movie files, if you know what you're doing you can keep the quality 720p ( have not tested 1080) for like up to a minute to like 10mbs size with little to no quality loss( I doubt most of the cutscenes are longer) I would allow for more customization too if people plan to edit the old slide in cutscenes sf3 had and whatnot.

I dont care for a score system in fighting games but if I was to implement it I would strip it down to the most generic and easy to implement way.
What I mean is, instead of doing it on per char basis, I would assign generic points for a light,medium,heavy,grab,special,hyper etc.

Lets say a jab is worth 100 points a medium punch would be 200 heavy 300 once I got all my  values set I would calculate the A B C whatever ranks at the end by how much points the user has accumulated split them up into banks lets say an 100-1000 is an F at the end or whatever and go from there.
Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 03:29:37 pm by PeXXeR