
diegosonic81's Male and Female Sonic - Edit Remake  (Read 71087 times)

Started by jrm1007, July 29, 2022, 05:36:40 pm
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diegosonic81's Male and Female Sonic - Edit Remake
#1  July 29, 2022, 05:36:40 pm
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  • Racing Game Enthusiast
  • Formerly known as SumirekoUsami
    • USA
This was meant to be out sooner, but the Laptop I was editing them with ended up dying to water damage, and I ended up back at square one.

You thought ABAB's Sonic was first? No.
I decided to tackle the ones I liked most first.

So, Male/Female Sonic, who are they?

They are fusion Hedgehogs so to speak, they have their Battle Moveset, but it's now been fused with their Smash Bros Moveset, as well a bit of MVC2 thrown in (Recoveries, Super Jump)
They are both a major gameplay edit of ABAB's Sonic, their entire gameplay has been overhauled, on top of Sprites being modified to have a more... Smash-like apperance. (the Sounds helping this of course)
So, unlike ABAB's Sonic, (Where the Combo was literally just hitting A five times.) They have a lot more tools for combos, and more tricks up their non-existant sleeves.
I enjoyed them both a lot, so naturally they were my first.. "legitimate edit"

It was ass.

It didn't even fix their biggest issues, being the Easy Infinites, broken Explod triggers, unbalanced damage, etc. - Surprise Surprise, I had also had these edits on MUGEN Archive.
So after making a Redux for Shadow, I decided to not only redo ABAB's Sonic, but Female/Male Sonic as well. (All changes Documented here, also apply to Both unless stated otherwise!)

I ended up making a lot of changes, that would result in lower damage per combo, as well as the Easy Infinites being patched out, and a bunch of others you'll see below.
Having to replicate the changes 6 times over was quite annoying, but I'm quite happy with the final result

Since they both play pretty much the same, I figured it's best they shared the same Topic, rather than being separate.
Sprite Credits go to
SEGA/Sonic Team/Dimps - Making the Official Sprites, which were used
diegosonic81 - for the Modified Sprites, which are used
ABAB, Cyanide, diegosonic81 - Sprites already here
Kevin Huff, Daniel Sidney, Ren Ramos, Nate The Hedgehog, IceisNice, QuadFactor, Arsenic, Vortex - Ripping the Sprites used

SonicBlazeFan, SonicFan, Neo_Fire_Sonic, Shiver The Fox, Nintendo_6444, LeemenaDan, TuffTony, HeiseiGoji91, DoubleSAnimations, ColdFan, Yagoshi, PicsandPixels, Destro-the-Dragon, XFireMHDev, LucarioShirona, Jmkrebs30, Shadefalcon, RnR, KuraiDarknessZX, Sonikku997, BlakeYagami
MyPicts, Ormentis/Blade-Swipe, Delvallejoel, ParrishBroadnax, TaymenTheHedgehog, TrueBladEdge, Nova The Hunter, MarnicX, Flare T.H., Fireant, SuperDarkShadic, SagaHanson25, Blitz215, CosmicSG, SorairoDJ, KonicFighter14/Joineth, Rock-Blade/Chaos-User
Facundogomez, Bar-Kun, Retro-Red, LeaoZX, SilverX219, Uberhawg, King-Atreyu, Q-T-D, PixelPower23, BaysenAhiru427, shadowpry, BlazkZero24, Next-Gen-Jay, PhoenixFireWolf12, TVGE2, shadow_91
- Custom Sprites used (In all reality, there's way less people involved custom sprites wise, but the sheet I found that had the custom sprites had all these guys listed, so I'm not taking any chances.)
(Rumor has it he also uses sprites from Gather Battle, but considering LeemenaDan's rep with sprites, they might actually be made by someone else)
If I missed anyone requiring credit, please let me know.

No Sprite Stealing has been intended (If only I knew of why diegosonic81 didn't credit...)
The reason as to why it looks like they are doing so much damage is because the Defense, and Life Stats were lowered to around 90 to 95, with Attack also being lowered as well.

Here's all the changes done in 2022. All changes Documented here, also apply to Both unless stated otherwise!
-Fixed Error, where Cracker Bombs, if thrown in Air, did not make existing ones explode
-Nerfed Sonic Turbo
-Sonic Turbo is now blockable
-Nerfed Sonic Flare
-Nerfed Wall slam after Flare
-Nerfed Pursuit Kick
-Nerfed Sonic Combo
-Nerfed Light Speed Attack
-Lowered Jugglepoints
-Removed NoJuggleCheck Assert (A big factor to their Infinites.)
-Sonic is no longer able to use standing attacks while Spinning (Once again, another big factor to their Infinites.)
-Sonic can no longer homing attack, after using it (Yet again, another big factor for their Infinites.)
-Nerfed Heavy Punch
-Lowered HitTime for Light/Medium Punch
-Sonic can no longer spam Crouch/Air Light Punch
-Fixed broken RemoveExplod triggers
-Light Speed Attack, when failed, makes the Hyper BG destroy itself properly
-Fixed Air-Specific Sprite Positions
-If Sonic Turbo is blocked, Sonic is temporaily stunned
-Replaced Battle Sounds
-Nerfed Air Spin
-Nerfed Air Down Kick
-Lowered Defense Stats
-Lowered Life Stats
-Fixed Grab Attempt glitches
-Nerfed Sonic Wave Damage
-Nerfed Sonic Storm Damage
-Sonic can no longer hit downed opponents with Crouch Kicks
-Nerfed Hitboxes
-Nerfed Grab Hitboxes
-Sonic Meteor Positions fixed
-Removed Launching Spin Kick (was OP and did literally nothing but be useless.)
-Fixed bug where Ring Explod for Sonic Drive didn't delete itself properly per Animation Frame
-Cleaned up cns files by removing unused states
-Cleaned up cmd by removing unused states
-Air Punches no longer send the opponent high up (it made literally no sense.)
-Air Punches no longer send the opponent as far away
-Heavy Air Punch takes a few more seconds
-Removed -2 from the main cns file, and made it a seperate file
-Fixed Meimu_GRBoss WinPose bug
-Original Thud Sounds have been Swapped out with Touhou 10.5/12.3 Thud Sounds
-Original Thud Effects replaced with the Classic Default ones (They have been ported in)
-Sonic can no longer use the heal right after being hit
-Heal Sound now uses loop instead of persistent = 25
-Nerfed Sonic Heal
-Slighty sped up a few animations
-Sonic can no longer use Stomp, after using Turbo, it did too much damage.
-Light Speed Attack, if blocked, sends Sonic backwards uncontrollably.
-Buffed Sonic Drive - Diag Launch
-Fixed bug, where using Sonic Drive seconds before the ring touches the ground, causes MUGEN to crash
-Fixed Super Jump Effect Visual glitch (Female Sonic only!)

-Super Sounds now consistent with all Soundpacks (Male Sonic Only)
-Added a Movelist.dat file for Ikemen GO users
-Disabled Single Button Dodging

name = "FwdDodge"
command = ~D,F,z
time = 15

name = "BackDodge"
command = ~D,B,z
time = 15


If you want them both

If you want Female Sonic only

If you want Male Sonic only

Below are older changes that might have been removed, or remade.
Here's all the changes done in 2018 to 2020. All changes Documented here, also apply to Both unless stated otherwise!
Jason Soundpack had mostly Roger in it still, so I ripped a ton of voice clips from Unleashed, All-Stars Racing (yes he voiced Sonic there.), Black Knight, and Smash Brawl (Male Sonic Only)
This soundpack name should be self-explanitory, now Ryan Drummond is an option, this means all 5 of Sonic's Main Game VAs are now usable (Male Sonic Only)
the Japanese Soundpack still used the old attack and hit sounds (Male Sonic Only)
same applies with Spanish. (Male Sonic Only)
-Releasing when Running now makes Sonic hit the brakes (they still work with Win.)
-When facing ABAB's Creations, they use a special grab state.
-Air Spin now uses the Spin Sound instead of Jump
-Homing Attack's AfterImage has been changed to be consistent with Meteor, and Drive AfterImage.
-Super Jump no longer uses Crouching Sprites, or Jump Start Animation, and now uses a completely new Animation.
-Jump Sound no longer plays when Super Jumping.
-Air Kick Launch is no longer a copy paste of ABAB's coding, and is now it's own thing. (Removed in 2022!)
-Male Sonic now uses MvC2 Hitsparks, not ABAB's ones, these are more cleaner rips. (Ripper unknown.)
-all cns files have been edited several times so Hitsparks would use the correct numbers according to the Hitdef's damage values.
-a new idle anim, Male Sonic will now stretch at random. (Male Sonic Only)
-Converted some more sprites for Super Jump use.
-Air Guard Sprites
-Fixed up some shoes and mouths to use the same reds as the rest.
-Added and converted new Stretching sprites.

Just a guy who has a big passion for Racing Games, who happened to stumble upon MUGEN one year...
Re: diegosonic81's Male and Female Sonic - Edit Remake
#2  August 02, 2022, 09:15:13 pm
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Wait. No “msonicroger” SND?

Homina Homina Homina
Re: diegosonic81's Male and Female Sonic - Edit Remake
#3  August 02, 2022, 09:42:33 pm
  • **
  • Racing Game Enthusiast
  • Formerly known as SumirekoUsami
    • USA

Just a guy who has a big passion for Racing Games, who happened to stumble upon MUGEN one year...
Re: diegosonic81's Male and Female Sonic - Edit Remake
#4  August 03, 2022, 04:54:34 am
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    • Skype - iago-moraes

Homina Homina Homina