
Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users] (Read 11730 times)

Started by BigBoss, 17 years ago
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Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#1  17 years ago
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  • Snake Eater
Ok To Start Off, What Words Mean What You May Ask?

Archivo - Archive/File (common sense).
Nuevo - New
Guardar - Keeping
Salir - Exit
Crear - Create
Opociones - Options
Fichero - Card index
de sonida del stage - of sonida of the phase
Ejecutable - Exacutable

Okay to import your PCX File double click the purple image, its basically easy as that.

but i need some help after i posted this tutorial i need to know what program i should use to make PCX Files, and what settings i should use with that program and how to make it into a SFF File, i cant find tutorials for stages only characters which confuse me because the tutorials for the chars.

Sorry if my english is horrible and if any of the translation is wrong please let me know to correct it i hope this helps english users who need this easy stage program.

EDIT: i figured out how to make a file into a proper PCX
for those who dont know how here (ftw this is for photoshop cs2)

All the sprites belonging to a character need to be 256-color pcx files. Every sprite should have the same 256-color palette in order for them to be displayed correctly in-game. If you are experienced with Photoshop, the following part will be simple. We will assume you are starting with a true-color image (called RGB in Photoshop).

When converting sprites to 256 colors (also known as Indexed Color), most paint programs will make the palette however which way they like, and they'll do it differently for each sprite. Here we'll cover how to make a standard palette, and how to apply it to each sprite..

With Photoshop, go to Image->Mode->Indexed Color.


Interactive Stage W.I.P Click Below


I give my life not for honor but for you
Last Edit: 17 years ago by Charming
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#2  17 years ago
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  • Snake Eater
Can someone please convert this PCX into a SFF, i can do the rest most likely  :-X, also i can do translations for any other program sorry for double post >.< bitch slap me if neccesary im sorry

Interactive Stage W.I.P Click Below


I give my life not for honor but for you
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#3  17 years ago
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  • Yume De Aetara fanboy of the highest caliber!

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#4  17 years ago
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  • Snake Eater
Uhm can you give me a tutorial for it?

you might hate me for this but, i messed up that pcx's image size and hope you would redo the sff for me now that i fully have the size fixed dont kill me  :'(

also adding this to creations help because you are prolly busy with life non like me who is lifeless.
Interactive Stage W.I.P Click Below


I give my life not for honor but for you
Last Edit: 17 years ago by Charming
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#5  17 years ago
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  • King of Sona
humm could you make a link to the actual program you used?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Lord Canti Says:
i was playing FFVII and I accidently named Red XIII Cyanide D:
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#6  17 years ago
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  • Snake Eater
The Programs called EASY STAGE its in the tools section.
Interactive Stage W.I.P Click Below


I give my life not for honor but for you
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#7  17 years ago
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  • heh i create stages...
get fighter factory at randomselect.

now go to sprites.

add your pcx file.

now save it as an sff file that is all...
Re: Easy Stage Tutorial [for the english users]
#8  17 years ago
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  • Snake Eater
Havent you noticed ive been making stages, Kinda LATE dontcha think?
Interactive Stage W.I.P Click Below


I give my life not for honor but for you