
Gogngos' Palette Thread (Ryu by Soy Sauce) (Read 10066 times)

Started by Gogngos, May 02, 2020, 04:35:41 pm
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Gogngos' Palette Thread (Ryu by Soy Sauce)
#1  May 02, 2020, 04:35:41 pm
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I couldn't be bothered necrobumping my old palette thread so here's a new one.
Here is a set of palettes for Dragon Claw I have made about 4-5 years ago IIRC but never got around releasing when I finished them.

Dragon Claw by Reu

I don't have any names for these palettes but they are ordered from 1-13 instead as Gogngos_Custom(InsertNumberHere).act. Apologies in advance if I messed up the order.

As for whether or not I am going to be making new palettes, I am not sure since I haven't been making new palettes for a while to be honest.
On the other hand there are still more palettes I have made in the past for other characters that I have backed up, but I am still thinking whether to release the palettes per character or in one pack altogether.

Either way, I hope you enjoy these palettes.
Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 04:55:37 pm by Gogngos
Re: Gogngos' Palette Thread (Palette Pack)
#2  May 04, 2020, 04:32:54 pm
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As I have said before, here are some more palettes that I have made before but I haven't released yet (or saved as an .act file in the case of one palette).
I decided to release all these in one pack as the quantity of palettes I have made for each character are inconsistent. Some palettes have names which will be listed below in order while others don't.

Bartholomew by hadoman

Eagle by CrazyKoopa (Edited by Jmorphman)

Dusk of Sunset, Smooth Ocean

Fighter By Antagonist

Ingrid by CrazyKoopa (Also works with Deathscythe's Ingrid as they share the same colour separation)

Elegant Blood, Glass Maiden, Gothic Mint, Project X Zone 2, Soft Scent

Leonardo by Dcat

Dolphin Turtle, Dull Default, Mona Lisa, Thirst For Blood

Rosemary by Juke Kisaragi

Shimo by Ikaruga

Ghostblade (Reference)

If there are any issues or inconsistencies please let me know.
Re: Gogngos' Palette Thread (Palette Pack)
#3  May 04, 2020, 08:02:37 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Good color schemes !!

I like Fighter and Shimo ones !
Re: Gogngos' Palette Thread (Ryo by Soy Sauce/Ryo by Ikaruga)
#4  May 30, 2020, 02:08:11 pm
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Thanks, I am glad you like them.  :)

My apologies for the very late post, I hadn't gotten around finding something new to share until now.
I finally caved in and started to make new palettes. I am admittedly rusty with making palettes so I decided to start somewhere simple:

Ryo by Soy Sauce


Ryo by Ikaruga


I started making these palettes for Soy Sauce's Ryo first, but then decided to transfer the palettes over to .act files that were compatible with Ikaruga's Ryo. Either way I hope you enjoy them.

Re: Gogngos' Palette Thread (Ryo by Soy Sauce/Ryo by Ikaruga)
#5  May 30, 2020, 04:47:07 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Your last Ryo sets are even better!
Gorgeous colors !

thanks for sharing
Re: Gogngos' Palette Thread (Ryu by Soy Sauce)
#6  June 05, 2020, 04:46:34 pm
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Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 04:50:04 pm by Gogngos