Screenshot:Video:'s done and just lacking open testing and minor tweaks, so there it is.
Sonic 2 is text book AWESOME and I am definitely a Sonic fan! Love it, you have my gratitude. BTW which Charlie is that in the screen cap? Would anybody happen to know the creators name?
O.O*bows down in worship*Holy crapstix batman! This stage is epic! I wish it were possible to do more Sonic Bonus Games.
as another "generic" sonic fanboy i must say.....THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! Thank you very much Pu...i mean..P.o.t.S!! LOL
A very big THANK YOU for this bonus stage, which is really fun to play and brings back a lot of memories.
Teros said, January 24, 2009, 11:51:10 pmComing from a Sonic fanboy... this is all types of awesome! You took the words from my mouth