Building on WindowsCheck the instructions
hereBuilding on MacCheck the insturctions
hereBuilding on LinuxCheck the instructions
hereDebuggingDownload the
Mugen dependencies and unpack them into the Ikemen_GO source directory. Then, use
Goland or
Visual Studio Code to debug.
Cross-compiling binaries with docker (linux/windows/mac)The easiest way to compile binaries for other platforms is with docker. You don't need the native development environment set to be able to build binaries if you decide to use docker. The image downloaded has all required tools to compile Ikemen_GO for all the three platforms.
docker for your platform. For mac, you can install using homebrew (brew cask install docker).
Open a terminal, go to Ikemen source directory folder and then run the script Look inside the script for details on how it works.
Preparing for releaseBefore generating the installation bundle, first make sure that the binaries for Ikemen_GO are properly generated. Download and install
InstallBuilder. Once finished, open the program, then open the file releaseconf.xml. Click in Build. For other platforms, select the target platform then click in build.
You may edit releaseconf.xml or use the InstallBuilder wizard to customize the installer.
NOTE: InstallBuilder is free for opensource projects. But you need to
get a license for it. Do not include copyrighted dependencies in the bundle.