
Gotenks Z2 [Project] (Read 401583 times)

Started by Daeron, June 06, 2015, 01:28:59 am
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Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#1  June 06, 2015, 01:28:59 am
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Hi there, i would like to present you guys the main reason why i have been a bit silent arround mugen lately
Ladies and gentlemans, heres Gotenks!

Lots of anims, so better put them on a spoiler:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

So hes at punch bag state already and hes getting his normal attacks now :)
I guess his gameplay will consist on weird normal attacks and some fun specials
We have a lot of stuff figured out already, but feel free to make suggestions, tips and critics.
I wanted to keep him secret for some time more but some familiar guys convinced me to start a topic, so here we go :P

TEMPLATE for palettes
Be sure to make 2 versions. One for normal/SSJ1 and one for his SSJ2 mode where his palette will change
Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 08:49:46 pm by Just No Point
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#2  June 06, 2015, 01:30:40 am
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Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#3  June 06, 2015, 01:30:54 am
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Finally! :D Can't wait for this, looking really great.
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#4  June 06, 2015, 01:35:34 am
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So many quality animations!
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#5  June 06, 2015, 01:37:44 am
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It's Z2 madness! Z2 is just everywhere XD Fantastic job man, this looks great! I love Gotenks so I'm looking forward to this one
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#6  June 06, 2015, 01:39:13 am
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That walk forward is amazing.

You're gonna give him the mouth blast and Galactic donuts, right?
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#7  June 06, 2015, 01:39:46 am
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oxo. Holy crap everyone's doin the Z2! QUICK! SOMEONE DO A SHENRON! XDjk,
Awesome work overall bud :)
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#8  June 06, 2015, 01:44:04 am
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You, son of a pitch! No comments about this, it was unexpected!!! One animation better than the other. Great job, Daeron!
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#9  June 06, 2015, 01:45:25 am
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Great work, Daeron!
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I will slay you all.

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Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#10  June 06, 2015, 01:46:43 am
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just to show there is a working gotenks :)
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#11  June 06, 2015, 01:52:01 am
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Holy cow this year is full of amazing Z2 chars
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#12  June 06, 2015, 01:55:12 am
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Oh my Goku! Yes! So much yes! Gotenkusu! Fantastic work Daeron, who's the coder?
Also, what's up with Giran there? Another bonus char?

Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#13  June 06, 2015, 01:58:49 am
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no hes a character done by Warner, completely unrelated.
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#14  June 06, 2015, 02:00:25 am
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Oh right! Now I remember XD

Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#15  June 06, 2015, 02:02:49 am
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Looks fantastic! You've got a ton of his personality in those animations. Gotenks is a good character too. He's one of the more popular characters, but he's also got a lot of unique moves. And the more Z2 the better.

Am I wrong, or are some of your animations inspired by Jump Superstars / Ultimate Stars? The only suggestion I can think of is to give him Continuous Die Die Missile in the style of that game. That felt really good.
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#16  June 06, 2015, 02:03:42 am
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This is great! I'm so excited to see how he'll turn out...
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#17  June 06, 2015, 02:04:24 am
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The animations are fucking phenomenal. I love seeing all these Z2 projects starting. It's honestly criminal that this isn't an official game. I want to play a completed Hyper DBZ on my consoles!

On this animation:

Once they separate, it seems like Trunks' and Goten's heads are too large. Goten's head seems a good bit larger than Goku Z2's. I can't quite tell if this is the case with the rest of Gotenks' sprites.

Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 02:21:21 am by AugustAPC
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#18  June 06, 2015, 02:22:39 am
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@Daeron: Just tagging you to tell you that you are the fucking best for using the Hyper Dimension idle (if it isn't, then forgive me because I only played Hyper Dimension :bigcry:). Good luck with Gotenks!! ^_^ ^_^
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Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#19  June 06, 2015, 02:26:54 am
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The animations are fucking phenomenal. I love seeing all these Z2 projects starting. It's honestly criminal that this isn't an official game. I want to play a completed Hyper DBZ on my consoles!

On this animation:

Once they separate, it seems like Trunks' and Goten's heads are too large. Goten's head seems a good bit larger than Goku Z2's. I can't quite tell if this is the case with the rest of Gotenks' sprites.

they are a bit chibi but their heads are the right size for what older games did.  I dont think they should change as it would make them less visible.

Goten already appears like that with gohan on  his winposes and intros.
Re: Gotenks Z2 [Project]
#20  June 06, 2015, 02:32:05 am
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@Daeron: Just tagging you to tell you that you are the fucking best for using the Hyper Dimension idle (if it isn't, then forgive me because I only played Hyper Dimension :bigcry:). Good luck with Gotenks!! ^_^ ^_^

I think you're right about that.