
One Piece Fighting - General discussion (Read 54044 times)

Started by Djoul, April 24, 2016, 09:18:30 pm
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One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#1  April 24, 2016, 09:18:30 pm
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Hi everybody and thank you for following our project !
This section will talk about the game, give updates on the work of progress. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Here a small description of our game:

Welcome Nakama ! Tell the world that a dream never die !
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What you have the pleasure to see is the dream of several Nakama.
Our goal ? Provide fans a funny and playable One Piece Fighting game !

We really want you to have an other experience with this game by using intense gameplay, dynamic combos according to your favorite characters !!
Please note that each character has unique special mooves, combos and fight strategies !

The 2D mode is an important choice for us as all sprites have been built by using Photoshop and were encoded into "Mugen".

We don't have any association with the One Piece license, our goal is to show what can be done with the One Piece Universe.

Of course, All of us are big fans, we love creating and we would like to share our work.
Our Inspiration came from severals games : Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Hokuto no Ken and Blazeblue.

We would like to thanks all these following people involved in the project :
Lordrkrauser22: Encoder and spriter.
Djoul: spriter
Yugo: Spriter
Z-studios: Spriter
TRDaz: 3D modeler
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#2  April 30, 2016, 05:31:46 am
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  • Crusher of Bits
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Woah. Okay, this looks really interesting. Though I'd like to know a little more about how the sprites are made?
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#3  April 30, 2016, 05:21:54 pm
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Hmmm most of them are completely invented, some of them are based on the anime, and several from specific edit (snk and so on).

We have reveal a new character from our game : Rob Lucci, you can find the video here :
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#4  April 30, 2016, 06:10:22 pm
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Yeah, this definitely looks very interesting ! :)

I think what TheBitcrusher meant is : how do you create these sprites ?
Is it done with the old way of animating sprite after sprite ? Do you use a 3D model that you "pose" to create a base animations over which you sprite ? Or do you have 3D models that you pose then convert to sprites using a filter (before touching them up if needed) ?

Because there seems to be a whole lot of characters right there.
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#5  April 30, 2016, 06:23:22 pm
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judging from lucci's video they seem to be using limited animation to cut down the amount of frames to draw for each character, which is a smart thing to do when you're dealing with alot of characters. it doesn't actually look bad.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#6  April 30, 2016, 06:31:32 pm
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Oh understood, actually Cybaster we do the both.
We sprite with the old fashion way and we create our moves with 3D model, then we sprite the moves. :)

The good thing with 3D model is that your limit is only your imagination.
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#7  May 01, 2016, 11:51:26 am
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Victory screen :

We have also a combo breaker mecanic, a good way to stop your opponent, you have to burn meter to do it.
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#8  May 07, 2016, 11:12:08 am
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we create our moves with 3D model
just a curious question about this point, how exactly do you guys animate the models? do you pose them frame by frame? or do you have animations ripped from a game?
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: One Piece Fighting - General discussion
#9  May 08, 2016, 12:33:20 am
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We create the move frame by frame, each move is unique and created directly by our imagination :)