Hello, friendsThis is where I will be posting W.I.P updates on stagesYou don't have to give me feedback, I'll be glad if you just look at what I'm doing here As you may know, I am putting together a JUS styled screenpack, and am releasing stages alongside it.The training stage is doneCurrently working on Kame house, with day, night and sunset variants (the day version will be released early, as soon as it's done, because It's been almost a year since I've released a stage) removed video because of past incompetence I am using sprites from Toni's Kame House stage, but I edited them so that they can parallax properly.Speaking of, I think im going to change the perspective of the house, so that it parallaxes more. As of now, its slow and barely noticeableIf my mugen stages are going to even get close to contending with Ikemens 3D stages, then I need to have things parallax as much as possibleY-axis parallax is not going to be done for the house until the stage is complete. I have an idea to use window for that, but i've never tried it before, I assume its going to require a BUNCH of layers which will make it harder to add other things, hence why its going to be the last thing I do.Whats awesome, is that I can also try using window and sin.x to animate grass and trees (to have them sway in the wind) that should be fun.Thanks for reading this progress update
It's all Mugen actually, but if you thought it was actually 3D in Ikemen, then that is mission accomplished lol
Stopped working on mugen stuff for a while, but I returned yesterdayMade staggering progressI dont suggest watching the previous video, because ive changed the perspective of the houseWill probably be released soon Very proud of this parallaxing house... never want to parallax a house again
I've returned, long time no see huhIm returning to normal sized stages before moving back to jus stages Starting off we have "Building a Utopia" from Fire Emblem Heroes for Mugen 1.1Ive tried to make this stage as advanced as possible, advanced parallax, advanced lighting, etc.Still quite a bit left for this stage but I hope you can look forward to itedit: If you saw what i was talking about with memory, pay no mind... I was using the wrong sff haha
You must be some sort of mathematics genius, your grasp of parallax is beyond masterful. Very impressive stuff.
Thank you for the kind words Dcat, believe it or not I actually do almost everything by eye rather than math Stage is finished, ive got some material for some other stages, im going to try to create those aswellThis stage will release after I finish the other ones.Edit: realized just how bad my camera code is... I studied for a little while and its now much better Edit 2: On second thought ill just post it tomorrowI was going to port it to ikemen first, but the window code is different on there, and everything automatically has like some weird zoomdelta or something, which makes everything fall out of line. I dont really know whats happening there, or how to fix it, so I'm gonna have to pass on that for now.