
Optional Animation Standards (Read 864653 times)

Started by Jmorphman, February 16, 2012, 03:40:11 am
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#61  August 10, 2013, 06:57:03 am
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I know the game wasn't released, but is there anything in the sprites that indicates whether or not the "falling after hitting wall" animation is flipped or not? Like, with KOF, after hitting the wall, it just uses one of the standard falling animations, but the character has been flipped around, so they're facing the wall. Judging from the animation that seems not to be the case, but I figured it was worth double-checking.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#62  August 10, 2013, 09:14:05 pm
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Hmm, seeing that I have played Fighting is Magic, no, they don't flip.
Even though my AJ isn't supposed to be source-accurate, I should probably remove the flip-around thing for aesthetic purposes. Is there anything else I should do to Applejack if I do that?
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#63  August 11, 2013, 02:33:35 am
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You don't need to worry about flipping, that's just what happens in KOF, since they don't use a unique falling from wall animation. I just wanted to double check, so I'll make a note in the entry for 5902 that if you have an attack that causes wall slam and has the opponent go into anim 5902, don't flip them. And if they don't have 5902, flip them.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#64  September 07, 2013, 05:17:34 am
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hey, i just noticed that you haven't listed the "Stoned" animation, which is currently part of Alucard's Thanos (anim 7980): i don't know if it's used elsewhere but considering it's part of Scruffy, other chars might be compatible.
thought it would be nice to add to the list
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#65  September 07, 2013, 11:24:29 am
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Did FaceDown-type Liedown has any default state numbers?
Fun fact: I can't remain silent about problems of M.U.G.E.N, or the entire Gameworld, but i can't say about them without it turning into shitpost.

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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#66  September 07, 2013, 11:53:47 am
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hey, i just noticed that you haven't listed the "Stoned" animation, which is currently part of Alucard's Thanos (anim 7980): i don't know if it's used elsewhere but considering it's part of Scruffy, other chars might be compatible.
thought it would be nice to add to the list
I'll check it out.

Did FaceDown-type Liedown has any default state numbers?
Huh, I thought KoopaKoot had listed them in one of his posts in this thread, but I was mistaken. I was gonna add it to the first post eventually, though.

So let's see... I'm no expert, but I believe that 5111 is the face down equivalent to 5110 (standard lie down). 5121 is the equivalent of 5120 (get up from standard lie down). There are three more: 5112 and 5122 seem to be duplicates of 5111 and 5121, respectively, and 5151 looks to be the face down equivalent of 5150 (lie dead).

or wait, maybe it's reversed and 5112 and 5122 are the originals and 5111 and 5121 are the duplicates?
Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 01:03:55 pm by Jmorphman
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#67  September 07, 2013, 07:57:59 pm
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The anims ending with 2 are to make sure that the correct animations play after diagup (5052)
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#68  May 04, 2014, 08:53:26 am
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Sorry for the necrobump, but Jmorphman allowed me to post a new animation standard on this thread.
So here it is:
Spinning (from the old Touhou fighting games)

Animation number: 5975
Some attacks in the games Hisouten and Hisoutensoku (maybe "Immortal and Missing Power" as well) causes the opponent to go into this spinning state.
When hit by such an attack, the character spins around for a while, not being able to attack during the spin, and then recovers.
Basically, the animation should loop and the last frame should NOT have -1 ticks. These are the only requirements.
Notable examples: Most Touhou characters, that are based on the Touhou fighting games mentioned above.
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#69  May 04, 2014, 08:55:27 am
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5975 is used by one of the Blue Mary grabs, and necrobumps don't matter in this section.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#70  May 04, 2014, 08:57:21 am
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Hey...*pokes Jmorphman* HEY! MISTER J! When ya gonna update the first post with everything!? :V

I don't know if you ever added anything from Yu-toharu's site or not either. Still think you should just in case!
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#71  May 04, 2014, 08:58:58 am
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but I'm so laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#72  May 04, 2014, 09:04:57 am
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Well stop being lazy and get er done so you can be lazier more! .V.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#73  May 04, 2014, 09:32:59 am
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5975 is used by one of the Blue Mary grabs, and necrobumps don't matter in this section.
Wait, it is already used?
Now the question is: Who used that animation number first? Because I have not chosen that number.
And thanks for the information.
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#74  May 04, 2014, 12:37:48 pm
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Just use 5180 and 5181 for the anim since it's pretty much the same thing as stagger.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#75  May 04, 2014, 01:24:36 pm
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Just use 5180 and 5181 for the anim since it's pretty much the same thing as stagger.
Like I said, I didn't chose these numbers. Kurogane was.
And depending on whose Blue Mary uses this animation number, I'm sure that Kurogane used that animation number first.
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#76  May 04, 2014, 02:55:06 pm
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It doesn't matter because Kurogane's Touhou chars are shit and I'm sure that using the existing stagger standard is probably better for a multitude of reasons, including more compatibility, which, silly me, I thought was the point of this thread?
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#77  May 04, 2014, 03:21:23 pm
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It doesn't matter because Kurogane's Touhou chars are shit
Highly subjective. If anything, they are okay, since they DO have flaws. Also, the quality of chars doesn't matter.
I'm sure that using the existing stagger standard is probably better for a multitude of reasons, including more compatibility, which, silly me, I thought was the point of this thread?
I'm sorry, but from what I witnessed, the spin hit in Touhou works different from the usual staggering, so it already requires a new animation.
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Unlimited Force HQ:
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Touhou database (by Ryouchi):
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#78  May 04, 2014, 08:06:01 pm
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Thread Title said:
Optional Animation Standards
No one is obligated to put these in their chars, and you really can't control if the community finds an animation number is more likely to be used for one char's interaction than another.

Re: Optional Animation Standards
#79  May 04, 2014, 08:14:26 pm
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All of them looks pretty useful. Then there's a couple more Optional stuff like the Dash Collision... Back Break... There should be more of these.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#80  May 04, 2014, 08:34:32 pm
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