57600: Nut punched

Character is hit in the nuts. For MK characters, this is a 3 frame animation with timings 4, 76, 6.
For other characters, the animation should not exceed 86 ticks in length. Character will shake between ticks 4 and 80.
When Cage is in MK1 mode, this animation is cut short at tick 80 and transitions into anim 12.
57610: Fall flat
Fall flat. Used in MK3 when a character is koed by a normal attack. Character stiffens up and falls backwards, ends with character about to hit the ground.
Last frame should NOT have time -1. No other requirements.
57611: Fallen
The character hits the ground from the above. Usually a single frame of the character just laying on the ground.
57630: Flipped over
The character is flipped over. Used in MK when hit by throws or certain specials like Mileena's Ground Roll and Ermac's Telekinesis.
The sprites for this are used by throws, and are a little different from MUGEN's default sprite standards.
As such, if this anim exists, it's sprites MUST be numbered as follows:
5630,0 = Character begins to flip, head slightly forward. Axis slightly below the feet.
5630,10 = Character keeps flipping, head pointed diagonally down. Axis ~100 pixels below midsection.
5630,20 = Character flips over, torso vertical, head pointed straight down. Axis ~90 pixels below hips.
5630,30 = Character finishes flipping over. Axis ~40 pixels below midsection.
5630,40 = Character has flipped over and is flying through the air. Axis ~35 pixels below midsection.
This is because Cage will use these sprites for his throw if he detects this anim exists.
There isn't really an axis standard for this in MK, it varies slightly by character.
Some characters might have more than 4 frames for this. Those are not used by throws and can be numbered whatever you want.
MK2 characters only have 4 frames. In those cases frames 5075,30 and 5075,40 should be the exact same.
57635: Hit ground from flip
Character hitting the ground from the above. Some characters have unique frames for this but its generally the same as 5110.
57700: Decaf
Character has lost his head! A single frame (or a loop) of the character just standing there, headless.
57701: Falling
Character falls forward, no head. Can be as many frames as you want but the last frame should NOT have a time of -1. This is so Cage can know when the character has hit the ground and apply envshake. This anim transitions directly into 57702.
57702: Ded
Character has fallen. One frame with time -1.
57705: The head flying off.
No requirements whatsoever.
57706: The head on the ground.
57707: Head held as trophy. Used by MK1 Subzero for his spine rip. Single frame, axis should be on the base of the neck.
MK1 characters have unique frames for this, but for everyone else, you can just get grab a frame from 57701 of the head standing upright.
57710: Sliced
Character is cut. A single frame (or a loop) of the legs just standing there.
57711: Sliced Falling
Character falls forward, no torso. Can be as many frames as you want but the last frame should NOT have a time of -1. This isn't actually used in MK2 (only 57710 is displayed), but the frames exist.
57712: Sliced Ded
Character has fallen. One frame with time -1. Like the above, this goes unused in the game.
57715: The torso flying off.
No requirements whatsoever.
57716: The torso on the ground.
57717: torso held as trophy and then thrown.
Used by MK2 Cage for his torso rip. Axis should be the same as 57712.
First frame is the torso being ripped, 4 ticks.
Second frame is the torso being held above Cage's head, 56 ticks.
The third and fourth frames are the torso being flung to the ground. 4 and 5 ticks, respectively.
57725: Hole in face
Character gets a big hole in their face. These were made for MK2 but ultimately went unused as the finisher that displayed them was scrapped. I re-created this finisher for my version of Cage so these can finally see some use.
Worth noting that for MK2 chars, the actual sprite rips only have the head part, which would have been overlaid over 57700.
For simplicity's sake, I've decided to do away with the overlay method.
57726: Falling
Character falls forward. Can be as many frames as you want but the last frame should NOT have a time of -1. Same deal as the other two.
57727: Ded
Character has fallen. One frame with time -1.
57780: Babality!
Character is totally defeated and turned into a baby as mockery. No requirements.
57790: Knocked into the PIT II
Character flays wildly as they fall in an overhead perspective. Should loop.
57791: Hit ground
Character hits ground from the above.
For the PIT 2 anims, you can also add a 57795 group to your snd file to have the character do a long scream as they fall down. 57795,0 is the screaming and 57795,1 is the sound they make when they hit the ground.