
[Vinnie Thread]: Black★Rock Shooter Released (06/09/2024) (Read 2300931 times)

Started by Vinnie, February 02, 2022, 02:43:36 am
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[Vinnie Thread]: Black★Rock Shooter Released (06/09/2024)
#1  February 02, 2022, 02:43:36 am
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Black★Rock Shooter is out now.

More Screenshots
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Video Showcase

You can get BRS here:

All of my characters can be found here:

Here's the link to my Google site where I usually update news and add-ons:

Alongside this release is 6 characters have been updated with OHMSBY's Coco THE MEMES compatibility and dreadedpotato's movelists for Ikemen. Including:
Ernst Von Adler
Saki Mitonoya
Kamui Tokinomiya
Hybrid Nimue

Mini update for Hakumen:
-Increased Zantetsu's cornerpush.
-Special Intro Vs. TornilloOxidado's Izayoi.

And with this, all characters of mine should be ready for Coco's Sh*tpost Review once she's released.

Spoiler: Coming soon. (click to see content)

Last Edit: June 09, 2024, 03:30:00 am by Vinnie
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#2  February 02, 2022, 05:18:20 am
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As I was posting feedback for OHMSBY, I happened to found a bug on his characters that certain things not working correctly if you chip kill on the first hit with a distortion drive. Sometimes, the distortion drive finish background is delayed or doesn't play at all. Here are the ones that do plus unrelated and missed feedback if any:

General (For those who do and don't have the bug like Hazama, Chie and Akiha):
-If any character is defeated while they are in Ultra Burst state, the Burst icon fully disappears and no longer show up until the next round (Not like the icon where it's inactive, not appearing at all).
-The finish background needs to be relayered so that the Burst icon and the red x is not seen after being defeated with any distortion drive (On 1.1, the Burst icon itself is not seen, but the red X still is on the opponent).

-The projectile on Kokujin Shippu needs to be relayered in front of the opponent.
-The NOY sound effect plays multiple times when Yukikaze is successfully countered.

-The finish animation on Sacred Spire Lucent is delayed as the sound is heard first but the animation itself plays when she touches the ground on the 7th hit.
-Thanatos disappears early during the finish animation on Luminous Embrace.

-After the first hit of Chained Nefarity, the 2nd hit and onwards can chip kill the opponent, doesn't have the finish animation and they fall down after the 11th hit.

-Inferno can chip kill upon block and the finish animation plays when it connects (I don't think it should since it's unavoidable).

-Like Tatsuya's Cadenza, the last hit of Divine Chains should KO the opponent and not the 6th when the distortion drive finish background plays.

-War Dance of Valkyria can chip kill the opponent, doesn't have the finish animation and the rest of the hits won't connect as it ends after the 4th hit.
-The hitspark and guard spark when Flash Line connects is slightly misaligned.

-Cadenza can chip kill upon block, but doesn't do the rest of the hits.
-If 5BB is used repetitively while they are near the wall, the opponent can't block it in the air fast enough after recovery (Resulting to an infinite despite not being part of the combo).

Unfortunately, this means everyone needs to be updated again to fix this bug. I was originally going to PM you this after I finish OHMSBY's feedback. But since you released Tatsuya already, I might as well post it here instead. Also, since the "Initial release" and "lasted update" on their readmes are not listed with their respective dates, this will be an excuse that everyone gets updated once again.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 05:22:29 am by ZolidSone
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#3  February 04, 2022, 09:39:03 pm
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Hey Ichida, how you doing? You doing well? If you don't mind me asking, how do pick the characters to make? Is their a pattern, process, or theme you going with or are you just picking characters that you find interesting?
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#4  February 04, 2022, 11:31:15 pm
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Nice work on Tatsuya and nice work on these characters. Keep up the great work.

(Offtopic: Is that the silhouette of Asuna in Tatsuya's finisher?)
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#5  February 05, 2022, 01:57:17 am
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Not at all. But I suppose that new updates should be arrived after OHMSBY launched his. There were a few things I wasn't sure about the general system in the first place, so I didn't mean to make changes to them.

Hey Ichida, how you doing? You doing well?
I'm doing alright.

If you don't mind me asking, how do pick the characters to make? Is their a pattern, process, or theme you going with or are you just picking characters that you find interesting?
I used to pick my characters based on their original game. BBTAG is the safe zone for me to go to, but I think DBFC might be the second one for now.   The way I pick my characters is just simply going around my roster to see if I'm gonna find somebody potential to make. If they belong to the two initial safe zones, they might get a ticket to be the next character. If the roster doesn't have somebody I'd like to see, I'll take a look on the internet. The other franchises I'd like spending more of my time on at this point are P4U and MBTL, which would require me lots more preparations to do them justice. So I feel like I shouldn't be sticking with them too often. Fun fact is, sometimes my upcoming character is hidden in one of the screenshots that shown on the first post. It's not hard to find out, so you may have a good chance of guessing.

(Offtopic: Is that the silhouette of Asuna in Tatsuya's finisher?)

Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#6  February 05, 2022, 04:17:01 am
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Not at all. But I suppose that new updates should be arrived after OHMSBY launched his. There were a few things I wasn't sure about the general system in the first place, so I didn't mean to make changes to them.
Since OHMSBY hasn't responded to the topic yet, he must be working hard to get the distortion drive chip kill bug fixed on all of his characters. Good idea to wait for confirmation not just that bug, but to see if the Burst icon really is supposed to disappear when defeated while it's active (Because I'm honestly not sure myself either). So while he is doing that, I decided to boot up BBTAG on my PS4 to check certain characters and there's some details I actually missed or things I discovered when playing the source game (Unfortunately, I don't have Hakumen and only have the 1st DLC pack which I got free at launch but didn't get the actual game way later):

-The chains and snake head on his B command normals could bite early before it makes contact with the ground or the opponent and has an effect and sound of the snake bite (I don't know if this is possible to make it truly accurate possibility due to M.U.G.E.N limitations).

-Tomoe jC is still layered in front of the opponent until her attack makes contact with them.
-Only Tomoe 5BB is supposed to be layered in front of the opponent but still behind her (So every other move was correct on the layering to be behind the opponent except this one).
-Tomoe follows her down when using jB and disappears next to Chie when she touches the ground (Turns out it's supposed to work like OHMSBY's Yu on his jB where Izanagi stops midway in the air after his animation finished, then disappears when he touches the ground).

-The swish effects from Orie's Thanatos are layered behind her unless they make contact with the opponent (They should be in front of her and the opponent, but still behind Orie herself).

-5BBB actually does push the opponent forward when they hit the ground (I know it's intentional to make certain moves easier which does, but just mentioning it as a discovery so you don't need to change it).

All command normals don't deal chip damage in general, but I prefer it if they do if they use them as specials for the purpose of balance. I also found out that no specials or distortion drives could actually chip kill the opponent. Even though that is accurate to BBTAG, I don't think it's a wise idea to change it as it would be a disadvantage to characters outside of the game. The distortion drives that shouldn't chip kill are the ones that put the opponent into custom states or completely unblockable if they are throw based ones.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#7  February 05, 2022, 04:42:19 am
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Right, I shall be testing them at once soon so these feedbacks would be noteworthy. As for Hazama's case, I believe that it is possible. Although I don't quite get the idea of "bite early before". Do you mean that the snake head will bite in the air ? Because as far as I can tell, it only bites whether it makes contact with the opponent or hit the ground.

Even though that is accurate to BBTAG, I don't think it's a wise idea to change it as it would be a disadvantage to characters outside of the game. The distortion drives that shouldn't chip kill are the ones that put the opponent into custom states or completely unblockable if they are throw based ones.
Indeed. Some of the distortion drives in the form of command grab can only be avoided, rather than blocked. But not letting them koing the opponent would be a huge disadvantage. I'm not really sure if I should do something about it but it reminds me of Seth's Last Rite Execution, which is a command grab distortion drive. And If changes are compulsory then OHMSBY would have to update his grapplers like Waldstein or Tager again. Speaking of chip killing on distortion drives, I believe that there was another feedback on Pistrix that I missed. The third tentacle in Triple Octopus Wave can chip kill the opponent. I didn't inform him about this but I guess he would realize it soon.

Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 06:09:46 pm by Ichida
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#8  February 05, 2022, 05:16:10 am
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Right, I shall be testing them at once soon so these feedbacks would be noteworthy. As for Hazama's caase, I believe that it is possible. Although I don't quite get the idea of "bite early before". Do you mean that the snake head will bite in the air ? Because as far as I can tell, it only bites whether it makes contact with the opponent or hit the ground.
It's mostly discoveries and some of these I didn't find out until I actually played the source game they were in. I could have played characters in their original games since I have some of them on PC, but the mechanics are not the same and may have different movesets than BBTAG. For Hazama, I'm certain that you could make him start strafing just by pressing B again instead of waiting until it makes contact with them to press it, which causes the snake the bite in the air. I'll probably have to check that again to make sure.

Indeed. Some of the distortion drives in the form of command grab can only be avoided, rather than blocked. But not letting them koing the opponent would be a huge disadvantage. I'm not really sure if I should do something about it but it reminds me of Seth's Last Rite Execution, which is a command grab distortion drive. And If changes are compulsory then OHMSBY would have to update his grapplers like Waldstein or Tager again. Speaking of chip killing on distortion drives, I believe that there was another feedback on Pistrix that I missed. The third tentacle in Triple Octopus Wave can chip kill the opponent. I didn't inform him about this but I guess he would realize it soon.
I don't think OHMSBY would. I remember he said before I got BBTAG that it had balance changes in 2.0 when it comes to command grabs. His Mika for example, her Mika Cannon was originally blockable back in 1.0 and was changed in 2.0 so it no longer is. I can't truly confirm or deny that because I don't have her and it wouldn't help playing as her in UNIB Exe:Late[st] as it might work differently since the characters are based on BBTAG in mind. But I think your Seth and OHMSBY's Tager and Waldstein are fine as I know for certain the latter two are unblockable. Throws in any general fighting game are never blockable, so the command grabs should be the same. And yeah, it's weird that the 3rd hit does it and not the first. If not, I'll remind him.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 05:19:23 am by ZolidSone
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#9  February 06, 2022, 12:35:58 am
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So, Happy Adachi I'm assuming is referencing to Happy Chaos?

Oh, does that mean Asuna's next or is that just coincidence?

Oh, quick edit. You ever thought of doing a MAAB Character?

Hope you had a great Lunar year!
Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 01:07:19 am by Wolfy120
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + 5 Characters Quick Update
#10  February 06, 2022, 01:42:32 am
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Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#11  February 08, 2022, 05:55:48 am
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Tatsuya and the rest of my characters have all received new updates.
-Relayering of the burst icons and vignettes.
-Fixing some certain Force Breaks that gained meter.
-Chip killing on Distortion Drives on certain characters.
-Readjusting the hitboxes (Hakumen, Tatsuya, Seth and Chie.)
-Fixing bugs on Bonus Strike's messages and Super Finish Animation.
-And many other general aesthetic adjustments.

Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 02:24:29 pm by Ichida
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#12  February 08, 2022, 07:03:35 am
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  • uhee~
I think you should put your future releases in this thread, just like OHMSBY.

Anyway, great char.
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#13  February 08, 2022, 08:13:19 am
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Ichida, I think you should make your own website so we can access your chars easier.
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#14  February 08, 2022, 08:53:13 am
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I think you should put your future releases in this thread, just like OHMSBY.

Ichida, I think you should make your own website so we can access your chars easier.
This isn't something that I have not come up in my mind a couple weeks ago. But I think I still have to go for a little bit longer before I have enough confidence to open my own thread. Although people told me that I could create one in the Creator's Vault section, but I'm still considering about it. In fact, I'm considering to ask the moderators to merge my old characters' topics into a respective one, but I'm not really sure if it is possible.

Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#15  February 08, 2022, 10:16:52 am
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Hey Ichida, do you ever plan on adding characters' missing effects such as Hazama's chains?
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#16  February 08, 2022, 04:11:17 pm
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Hi, Tatsuya it's amacing! thanks
i have a doubt, is there any plans to add divine right? is the healing ability
Re: Tatsuya Shiba Release + All Characters Update
#17  February 08, 2022, 05:45:27 pm
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Your character is very good, it fascinates me that his specials do occupy the entire screen
Re: [Ichida Thread]: Hakumen and Hazama quick update
#18  February 10, 2022, 03:49:50 am
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I decided to make this my own thread from now on.
Anyway, Hakumen and Hazama has received several updates. Go ahead and redownload them.

-Fixed an error where Bloody Fang couldn't whiff on block.
-Adjusted cornerpush on certain normals.
-Minor frame data and hitboxes adjustments.
-Fixed an error where Hungry Coils could hit the opponent on the ground.
-Vengeful Viper now can be cancelled into Rising Fang by pressing C.
-Devouring Fang and Falling Fang (214X) now can be cancelled into Rising Fang by pressing C.

-Slightly adjusted forward jump's velocity.
-Fixed an error where Gurren A couldn't be cancelled into other specials.
-Added specials cancelling effects.
-General aesthetic adjustments.

Also, here's a screenshot of my upcoming project:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I'll be coming back and updating more stuff soon. But this is a small announcement for now.

Re: [Ichida Thread]: Hakumen and Hazama quick update
#19  February 10, 2022, 10:51:19 am
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Awesome stuff Ichida. What stage is that in the new screenshot? :D
Re: [Ichida Thread]: Hakumen and Hazama quick update
#20  February 10, 2022, 11:55:50 am
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Since you decided to do this, you forgot to put the general link to each of your characters. Anyone visiting can't get access to the updates without needing to go to your respective character topics. If you have any big portraits, you can repurpose them with the portrait of the old character and the link right next to it, while the screenshots and video showcase showing off the newly released one.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.