
Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10) (Read 15815 times)

Started by Cybaster, August 27, 2010, 01:45:23 pm
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Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#1  August 27, 2010, 01:45:23 pm
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    • France

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代理公開hosted >  realredred氏

Here's my review copy-pasted from MI:
Interesting character. The graphics are pretty, even though the FX is not fantastic.
I don't know if realredred modeled/draw the char himself, but it's really neat.

However, the gameplay is rather bland from what I tested.
On another note, if you choose him by pressing A, you'll get an additional mode where he plays as a mix of Street Fighter character (a bit like Warusaki's Kuroko) :
- qcf+x = yoga flame
- qcf+y = Ken's hadouken
- qcf+z = tiger shot
And so on with qcf+k,qcb+p/k,charge B F+k/p, etc.
You can even see the SF character in transparent appearing during the move. Kinda fun and creative.

- Too bad the gameplay is not fantastic. I can juggle a lot with qcb+a (Dee-Jay's kick) in the corner, followed by Chun-Li's multi kick, by smashing A.
- He gets stuck after performing Vega's Psycho Crusher (F+y+z).
- F+z throw misses at close range (LOL WTF).
- Also, holy debug flood.

If he got coded correctly, it'd really be a fun character with awesome sprites. Unfortunately, I'll just consider it as a beta (if not an alpha) for now.
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#2  August 27, 2010, 05:06:36 pm
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Those palettes look terrible. DL anyways.
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#3  August 27, 2010, 05:23:34 pm
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    • Mexico
Just downloaded this character a couple of minutes ago and have to admit that it's size it's a little big, 24.6 MB compressed and 60.4 MB uncompressed but anyway have to admit that is fun to play as him (or she), really like the concept of seeing the transparent characters at some moves, it has a lot of moves and the IA well is decent enough to enjoy fighting against him, hope somebody can make some nice palettes for him  :sugoi:
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#4  August 28, 2010, 12:03:03 am
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  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#5  August 29, 2010, 04:49:28 am
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Character is my painting, of course, SF skill is reference official.
In fact, the CNS is my weakness.
Thank you very much
Give me the evaluation.
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#6  August 30, 2010, 12:16:51 am
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    • USA
Tried it, here's what I got.

In Street Fighter mode:
- Transition from stand to walk and vice versa is stiff.
- Trail on stand Z is farther out than the CLSNs.
- Stand C looks a little awkward.
- Red CLSNs on backdash don't seem to do anything.
- Debug when repeatedly pressing Y (Blanka shock).
- QCF+X (Yoga Fire) is slow and does no damage basically.
- QCF+Y (Hadouken) is way faster and has debug on impact.
- HCF+Y (Yoga Flame) has debug.
- QCF+Z (High Tiger Shot) has debug.
- Chun-Li's hurricane kick only works with A.
- Blanka's shock only works with Y.
- HCB+Z (Zangief smack) has debug.
- HCB+X doesn't work.
- HCB+B (Hurricane Kick) is weaker than HCB+A/C/
- QCF+Z and QCF+C (Low Tiger Shot) miss at point blank.
- QCF+C has debug.
- F,D,F moves don't like to work (I got Shoryuken once). Only A version works (Fei-Long).
- Charge D,U+X/Z/C don't function.
- Charge B,F+B does not function.
- Priorities on some air moves.
- Gameplay feels uninspired and too slow.

In normal mode:
- Endless debug.
- Additional debug by mashing Y.
- Walk is not fluid.
- No dash at all.
- QCF+X's bounce is very jerky.
- F,D,F+X/Z does not function.
- F,B+Z chain has no blue CLSNs.
- FX on F,B+K could use transparancies.
- Gameplay still feels slow and stiff.

He's alright, but he feels very slow and stiff. Perhaps 1-3 original supers would make him feel more fun.
Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 02:50:42 am by Orochi Gill
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#7  August 30, 2010, 02:45:58 am
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  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#8  September 04, 2010, 10:08:23 pm
  • *
Tried it, here's what I got.

In Street Fighter mode:
- Transition from stand to walk and vice versa is stiff.
- Trail on stand Z is farther out than the CLSNs.
- Stand C looks a little awkward.
- Red CLSNs on backdash don't seem to do anything.

He's alright, but he feels very slow and stiff. Perhaps 1-3 original supers would make him feel more fun.

Debug skeleton has been modified, the wrong situation improved a lot,
In addition, the  Street Fighter mode is still adding skills,
character is beta version93%.

Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#9  September 07, 2010, 03:07:53 am
  • ***
  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!
Good news realredred!  :sugoi:
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#10  September 09, 2010, 08:19:39 pm
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This is the  nirvana made of   guile    heavy blows to change

Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#11  September 09, 2010, 08:46:56 pm
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  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#12  September 10, 2010, 05:16:50 am
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  • That damn Tapir still haunts my dreams.
Looks pretty interesting. I'll take a look at it.

Man, Dong Hwan, you've really got a lot of wax in that ear of yours.
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#13  September 12, 2010, 09:15:39 pm
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this is the new skill
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#14  September 12, 2010, 11:42:18 pm
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  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!

I can't wait for the updated version
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#15  September 13, 2010, 10:44:53 am
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    • France
Yeah, the new attacks look really nice.
You're skilled with graphics. However, I hope the gameplay will get a major overhaul. You can even take code from POTS and other CVS/SF creators, to be sure the code is fine and the gameplay feels good.
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#16  September 19, 2010, 04:26:58 am
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  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!
Any news or update of this char?
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#17  September 22, 2010, 04:48:59 pm
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This will skill and also the same as before, original
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#18  September 23, 2010, 08:43:31 am
  • ***
  • You must be sexy to stand a chance!
Great as always man! I wonder if you can make the Gouki teleport?  :D
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#19  September 23, 2010, 05:50:09 pm
  • *
Yes, Diablo skeleton with Gouki teleport skills


in game
Re: Diablo Skeleton by realredred released (08/27/10)
#20  September 23, 2010, 05:58:03 pm
  • ******
  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
Nice animation. :)