
Darkstalkers style resurrection (Read 3613 times)

Started by daonlylonely, June 19, 2024, 06:39:26 pm
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Darkstalkers style resurrection
#1  June 19, 2024, 06:39:26 pm
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    • USA
So I'm making this topic since I haven't really been able to find a tutorial on this. How can I code a character to emulate the way Vampire Savior characters basically revive once after being defeated so that there's no need for two separate rounds?

Re: Darkstalkers style resurrection
#2  June 20, 2024, 02:09:18 am
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  • Don't copy code if you don't understand it.
    • USA
To answer your previous questions, the 2 rounds in 1 and the custom victory screen are very possible.  However, there are difficult to pull off with random characters by different authors.  It takes variables and custom states to create something like that.  Those things are easier to imitate inside a full game setting.  My last video for example

Re: Darkstalkers style resurrection
#3  June 20, 2024, 08:01:12 am
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    • USA
Would it be possible for you to explain how it can be done?
Re: Darkstalkers style resurrection
#4  June 22, 2024, 05:02:13 am
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  • Don't copy code if you don't understand it.
    • USA
It's a little difficult to explain if you do not understand coding very well.  But in a nutshell you need to use the NoKo assertspecial to keep your character from dying after he loses the first round.  You will also need a variable to keep track of what round the character is in.  Also, you will need to create a new state for the character to go in once he loses the first round.  Finally, if the character is killed in a custom state, you will need to create a helper to simulate the round 1 to round 2 transition.    As for the custom win portraits, you will have to create a helper with explods that cover the entire screen with the images of your choice, along with the roundnot over state controller.  For the custom music, you would have to use the wav files located in the character sound file. You would not use a regular mp3 for this.  Very possible to do, however it's hard to explain if you do not understand coding very well. 

Like I said before, this is mainly for full game stuff.  It's more difficult to do this with already completely characters, because it takes a few variables, custom states and helpers to pull this off.    With different characters you may would have to use different variables for each character to do this if they are not using the same ones.  Not to discourage you, just giving you a little insight on what it takes.  It requires some work homie.
Re: Darkstalkers style resurrection
#5  June 25, 2024, 08:40:33 pm
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    • USA
Custom victory theme sounds like the better one to attempt first. Could you provide some example code for that?