
Books (Read 510789 times)

Started by Sepp, September 06, 2004, 07:17:29 pm
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Re: Books
#361  February 17, 2013, 02:49:29 pm
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Angela's Ashes  had me in tears.  I LOVED it.

 I'm rereading The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon.  One of my favorite all time books by one of my favorite all time writers.

"The novel follows Oedipa Maas, a Californian housewife who becomes entangled in a convoluted historical mystery when her ex-lover dies and designates her the co-executor of his estate. The catalyst of Oedipa's adventure is a set of stamps that may have been used by a secret underground postal delivery service, the Trystero (or Tristero)."

Re: Books
#362  February 17, 2013, 03:37:46 pm
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last read annie proulx's the shipping news. has a very imaginative use of imagery and restrained descriptions. a lot of the motifs worked in creating the whole atmosphere of daily newfoundlander life.
now reading le carre's tinker tailor soldier spy. just in the middle of it, but so far it picks up the pace quite strangely, with having different viewpoints and episodes stacked on each other.

heres my goodreads. it isnt updated much but lets be bookpals! i swear i usually read more than this
Re: Books
#363  February 17, 2013, 03:44:31 pm
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I have readen ernest hemingvway's book old man and sea,BUT! old man who is in deeper ocean is caught fish for 3 days,but that book is soo hard to read.
Re: Books
#364  February 17, 2013, 03:49:52 pm
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Re: Books
#365  February 17, 2013, 05:29:46 pm
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Re: Books
#366  February 28, 2013, 01:45:58 am
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I finished reading A Matter Of Trust by Anne Schraff around a week ago.

It's about a high school student named Roylin Bailey (dunno what grade), who has like no friends. He dates a girl named Korie Archer, and an apartment janitor named Tuttle pester him for work. The ending was very good as Roylin now hangs out with friends he knows, especially his best friend, Ambrose Miller (Tuttle lied to Roylin that Mr. Miller died just because he stole some money from his wallet to buy Korie a $300 necklace for her birthday, but he found out he was in a nursing home along with a friend named Cooper).

Also I laughed when Roylin threw dirty water at her sister. I dont know why tho.
Re: Books
#367  March 11, 2013, 05:24:34 am
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I'm going to confess it...

I'm a Demigod... because I'm a fan of Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.

Relates the tale of Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon. With the company of his faithful friends, Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and Grover Underwood, a satyr, they experience mythical adventures like no other.

This series had five books:
  • The Lightning Thief
  • The Sea of Monsters
  • The Titan's Curse
  • The Battle of Labyrinth
  • The Last Olympian

Due to their success, Rick Riordan released a sequel series called Heroes of Olympus, featuring seven demigods (including Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and fan-favorite Nico DiAngelo) along with new characters.

Highly recommendable for those who wanted to explore Greek Mythology in a different level.
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Re: Books
#368  March 21, 2013, 10:01:41 am
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I just finished all 7 books in The Dark Tower  series by Stephen King.  I know I'd read the first one a while back, but I couldnt remember much about it.  The only way I can read a series and remember anything is to read them all one after the other.

I especially like the way King weaves his own life into the tale.

Re: Books
#369  March 21, 2013, 10:48:05 am
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I read them all 7 as well! But I actually disliked the whole Stephen King himself appearing in it :(


Re: Books
#370  March 21, 2013, 11:15:22 am
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The reason I liked it is I remember when he was hit by that van.  He nearly lost a leg, could have had neurological damage (possibly never being able to write again), couldnt sit for long to write and was in constant pain, and I'm sure putting himself in the story was good therapy.   I should mention I read the revised version of The Gunslinger this time.


Re: Books
#371  April 13, 2013, 03:58:56 am
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Alrighty. My very first post in this thread comes with the conclusion of "Alien VS. Predator: Prey."

This is what the film SHOULD have been. The writing is tight and well done, and the story is good overall. I also love its take on nuances of the Predator's mindset and ideals/culture. Considering I'm a huge Predator fan and this book is older, its awesome.

I gotta read some more as I haven't way with a book in a while.
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There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Books
#372  April 16, 2013, 06:31:29 am
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short version is that Umineko (the VN, that is) got me back into murder mysteries. I was pretty much raised on Poirot and Holmes, so it feels good to be back.

Generous Death by Nancy Peckard is one worth looking into. It's fair play, it's interesting, the cast actually has more personality than cardboard, and it has a wonderfully upbeat atmosphere. Which considering
Spoiler: the ending (click to see content)
, it's fairly impressive to do so. Don't really feel like summarizing the plot, but it's a solid mystery. If you're into them, give it a look-see.
"I should probably call it a night. ...Sure, give me a sword and a throne and we'll make a big thing of it."


Re: Books
#373  April 16, 2013, 04:55:00 pm
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reading the black company by glen cook and true grit


Re: Books
#374  April 16, 2013, 04:57:22 pm
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The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks

Get with the times bros. GEAR UP.
Re: Books
#375  April 19, 2013, 11:44:33 am
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İ am reading Dostoyevski's "The Brothers Karamazov" classic that's translated to my own language. İt has great lines wich brings more passion to the story.
Re: Books
#376  May 01, 2013, 04:47:14 am
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finished smiley's people, tinker tailor's sequel. a lot of tension, while keeping the clues easier to track down. the characterization is great, though lowkey. i had a few bones to pick with some descriptions, however. all in all one of the very best spy thrillers on print
Re: Books
#377  May 11, 2013, 11:26:25 pm
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I finished Superman: The Unauthorized Biography, by Glen Weldon; it's a great look at Superman's history, who he is, and why he has so captured the world's imagination.

Just don't expect an encyclopedia, this is not a book concerned with the most nitty-gritty parts of comic lore. For example, Power Girl is not mentioned once, which I know will upset many people here. But that doesn't matter, because this book is about Superman, and it's a fascinating look at him.
Re: Books
#378  August 08, 2013, 08:31:50 am
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I just finished, The Terror by Dan Simmons, which is a historical fiction novel about the real-life doomed Franklin expedition to the Arctic to find the Northwest Passage. The crew is trapped in the ice, running out of food, and beset by scurvy and putrid tinned goods.

And there's a giant monster stalking the ice trying to kill them.

It's a great read, very gripping and scary. A perfect read for when you're curled up in a blanket. Next to a fireplace. And with some oranges nearby because holy shit scurvy is terrifying.

Also, the setting (2 centuries ago in the Arctic, basically no women characters) means Dan Simmons didn't get a chance to be absolute bugfuck insane like the last book I read of his, the one that he wrote just prior to this one! No anti-Muslim rants or weird misogynistic asides here! I was hoping that maybe he took some crazy pills, but then I saw an online posting of his ranting about how "the left-leaning media" was making unrealistic demands of the behavior of the novel's gay character(s), and let's just say that that post was... unfortunate.
Re: Books
#379  August 14, 2013, 08:56:28 am
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Erm... Can I talk about my own book on here? I just finished it, and I'd like it if some of you gave it a read. :)

Link is in my siggy. It's free to read as of this posting. (That may change as my publisher's site goes from Beta to official.)

Oh, duh, a synopsis:
"The Winter Queen has gone missing, and everyone’s out to get her--including the Agency, a collection of the finest warriors in the realm. When Vantrekke Yuba is offered the whereabouts of his missing wife in exchange for Noa’s capture, he gladly joins the hunt.

But the Clandestined are also after the Queen, and assassins are shadowing Van. What lies ahead for this broken warrior may be anything but a reunion.

Paint your oath and step into the Cloud Wall. This legend isn’t made; it is reborn."

Straight-up action/adventure sci-fi/fantasy story, with 52 relatively short chapters total. The entire thing is a prologue.

The Red Threat has arrived in Gilta Nnea. Nine heroes are prophecied to defeat him, but no one knows who they are. When a journey to the Hollowlands unites players in an all-out war, the stage is set for the heroes' rise. This is their battle. METAL SHADOW
Re: Books
#380  August 24, 2013, 07:42:21 pm
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Konstantinovo Raskrce(Konstantine's Crucifiction)
I usually dislike Serbian,Croatian books and books from around this place,since most of them are romance or poems or romantic poems or whatever.
But this new Serbian author i had not heard about wrote this book,and it got nice reviews,so i decided to check it out.
The book takes place during 2nd world war,when Yugoslavia fell to nazis,and talks about Nazis search for the spear that Jesus got stabbed by,which is located somewhere in Serbia.I was kinda sceptical about it at the beggining,but then came the Werewolfs and the Vampires.
A very very nice book,with cool storyline,and nice characters.The ending was awesome,and the last couple of lines at the end of the book gave me chills when they finally told us who the werewolf actually is.

The Invisible Man
I had this on my tablet so i decided to give it a read,and its very cool.A nice classic,although it felt a little short to me.The ending was kinda sad,since i really think he didnt deserve that.Yea,he is ruthless and a cold blooded killer,but i still liked him

Sun Tzus The Art of War
Also had this on the tablet.Pretty interesting.
Doesnt work in RTS games though :(