
Wassup broz? Any AI stuff in progress? (Read 2042 times)

Started by electrocaid, Friday, 10:25 PM
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Wassup broz? Any AI stuff in progress?
#1  Friday, 10:25 PM
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    • Belgium
Hey broz,

Long time no see...

Artificial intelligence has brought me back to life.

I see this as a crucial opportunity across all sectors, so naturally, my brain gravitated back here, especially since I still have all the resources from back in the day. They're completely intact.

Before diving into yet another colossal project, I’d like to know if there are already any AI-based projects in the works—particularly anything related to a return of ElecBytes or an update of MUGEN 1.1.

On a similar note, has anyone come across AI-developed tools aimed at enhancing existing MUGEN creations?

Of course, you can imagine my brain is on fire right now. Especially since I’m currently following AI as closely as I used to follow MUGEN back in the day...

I’m open to any and all information because, from this point forward, everything is about to become truly useful for everyone.
Re: Wassup broz? Any AI stuff in progress?
#2  Saturday, 01:56 AM
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Good to see you back, bro :8):

I've working with a couple of AI tools that served me for MUGEN. I mostly use TinyWow, a multi-use tools that works with image, audio and video to make whatever you want. Some of the tools I used are to upscale images (in the case of Klaymen to get bigger sprites from Skullmonkeys to the size of The Neverhood) and to remove objects from photos, which I used for ClayFighter III beta images to remove elements to be usable to make stages.
Also I use FakeYou to simul voices with AI with text or voice, which I used it for ClayFighter again, making the LA voice of Homer Simpson (Humberto Velez) into the voice of HoboCop with english dialogs

There're other creators like POTS who make stages based on AI-generated images, there's an interesting thread about that here, take a look ;)
Re: Wassup broz? Any AI stuff in progress?
#3  Saturday, 10:13 AM
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You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: Wassup broz? Any AI stuff in progress?
#4  Saturday, 12:47 PM
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    • Belgium
Heyyyyy Basara-Kun & POTS, how are you broz?

Big thanks for the tips that i'm gonna integrate right now to my current searches...

I'm interested in all mugen-related rss  :hyo:

The mugen community will take all benefits of the numerous projects currently in progress

The first thing that should come is a complete mugen bible as base for the other projects  :angel:

nb: @POTS: be sure that nothing - like IKEMEN - will be forgotten  :yes: - and i'm just MAD about the AI generated bgs <3


Re: Wassup broz? Any AI stuff in progress?
New #5  Saturday, 10:05 PM
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I used flux (and to a lesser extent SDXL) to try and generate some images.  It's an option, I guess.

Vocal stuff:
You could make an account on, record 3-5 minutes of audio (at least.  no sounds or crosstalk, and if you're worried the audio's still contaminated with music, run it through the online version of Ultimate Vocal Remover), use the free training to get a voice model that you can then plug into something like Applio, and either record some lines with a microphone, or run some audio through it to try and make it sound like someone else.  Edit: This option is for you don't have the VRAM to use UVR or train a voice model on your computer.
Examples (I know a guy.....):
AF attempt 1: A chatty KF spriteswap
AF attempt 2: Dunno, but it might've involved Hyo with other sword-characters moves
XV Rugal saying 2002 Rugal's lines (sorta.  It doesn't handle laughing)
1 Last Updated: 4/19/23
2 Last Updated: 1/16/21
3 Last Updated: 04/20/23
4 Last Updated: 7/16/17
Last Edit: Sunday, 02:48 AM by N.