
Next Alpha testing (Read 19308 times)

Started by Lost_Avenger, February 04, 2016, 07:07:42 pm
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Next Alpha testing
#1  February 04, 2016, 07:07:42 pm
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The Alpha is being sent out for testing and will be split into two parts since Im low on time.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#2  February 05, 2016, 01:33:05 pm
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Edit... It's been so long that I don't remember who all was doing testing anymore. So far it has gone to 3 people. If I didn't get it to you, let me know and I'll send it. I'm out of data and its a 100mb file so I have to limit my uploads

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#3  March 07, 2016, 08:20:39 am
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Sent it to a few more people and got some testing in. I've also been playing some SFV so...

Anyone opposed to grabs in combos? Possibly even command grabs? A couple can already (Guy comes to mind), but those are combo starters. This would mostly be used in cc or in free juggle States(I'm adding more of these). The reason I ask this is cause Gief seems to be able to combo into his grabs now and I like the concept

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!


Re: Next Alpha testing
#4  March 11, 2016, 10:08:09 am
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that sounds like a good idea, makes them more versatile
Re: Next Alpha testing
#5  March 13, 2016, 08:28:43 pm
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Apparently I already added this before and forgot about it.

I started working on Alex and found out that not only is he majorly outdated, his CNS is messed up somehow. Every edit I made to his specials caused bizarre glitches. Like the specials not working at all or animations not working. Had to completely delete his old files and start over. He is going to require a complete cmd overhaul as well.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#6  March 15, 2016, 11:49:42 pm
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I think I have most of his old normals updated to the new system. So I have some bad news and goodish news for Alex.

-Due to the uniform system, his most dangerous combo is no longer possible(HP flash chop xx MP Stun gun - dash - HP flash chop xx hyper bomb)

-CL.Mk is a +6 on hit
-damages stay the same as CFJ to compensate for the meter nerf
-Stun damage increased dramatically to match the new system
-HK air knee smash has a small window of start up invincibility to make it less useless. Ex has a bit more. Mk version has low body invulnerable on start up. EX can be used in combos(might remove this)
-ex air stampede may otg
-ex slash elbow may juggle

I still don't have the time to code I used to, so just expect small updates

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#7  April 21, 2016, 01:50:34 pm
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My netbook finally died and I had to buy a new laptop. Good news is that it is really light weight, easier to carry around, stronger, etc. Bad news, it has no actual hard drive. Just the ssd which makes it hard to much with it aside from code(which is why I bought it anyway). I'll be resuming regular coding soon(probably after I move). I plan to have this game finished by 2017. If it isnt done by then, I'll cancel it and never speak of it again :)

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#8  April 21, 2016, 02:07:53 pm
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Also, since my netbook smells like burning hair every time I boot it up and Im a bit worried about booting it again, all projects that I started or made progress on while on it will be lost. So Felicia, the Chun-Li update, Hotaru, Juni, an AI patch for Koop's Mature, etc are going to be abandoned for now. There are older versions for most of that, but not all. The roster is going to be shrunk as well since some of the characters I wanted to make require sprites that will no longer be made/finished. There will probably be more SF than anything tbh. Probably over half for the initial release in 2017. I don't have the time to invest like I want to, so sacrifices had to be made.

If you want to make things easier for me, I always need help.
-I need to make an screenpack and lifebars.
-I will probably borrow stages
-If you want to help character wise and have a base with a finished sff, let me know. Esp if you have a finished .air file. This would save me a ton of time. I can port a lot faster than make from scratch.

Also, I forgot winquotes in the last alpha for the new characters so... my bad :p

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#9  May 19, 2016, 06:43:32 pm
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Last update for a bit:
-I'm moving the 30th if all goes well. I'll finally have good internet. Updates have been a bit sporadic with the way my life has been going lately.

If I bought Photoshop, which is the best version for mugen stuff? I need batch processing for easy sprite prep, but I'm told certain versions had better blurring for hires fx and better options for color separation. I want uniform fx if possible to kind of cut down on the clashing I have now.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: Next Alpha testing
#10  May 19, 2016, 07:29:52 pm
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Photoshop CS5 has batch processing, but I'm not sure if it has that FX blurring property you speak of.

Maybe @Hoshi: can shed light onto your matter.
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Re: Next Alpha testing
#11  May 19, 2016, 09:42:04 pm
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I'd just get CS2. It's free. Should do everything you'd need.