
Dragonball: Allstars  (Read 179351 times)

Started by Neocide, January 03, 2011, 10:16:45 am
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Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#21  February 18, 2011, 08:49:15 pm
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they are already widely color separated as of now vegeta has diff colors for his arms,legs,armor,boots,and gloves, most of the others are separated from their upper and lower torso as well.
Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#22  February 21, 2011, 12:12:27 pm
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That sounds really awesome. You can do really much with color seperation. Crazy pallete's are always good fillers for great quality.
Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#23  February 24, 2011, 04:45:53 pm
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I finally have found a forum where you show this.
It’s good to see that all those sheets won’t be thrown like things of rokcorp usually are.
Finally some normal sized dbz chars.

Man, it’s amazing how you still work on Mugen. It reminds me some AIM discussion, while progging shits. =P
It was in 2006 lol.

It’s good to see some well-known names around there (*looking at Strife man =p)
Things changed lol, even Pextin seems to be gone.


Anyway, to focus on your project:
-   Keep a small roster during the 1st time.
-   Try to elaborate an “easy to swap” basics base.
-   Try to use things that already exists

Every crappy codes I did in the past are naturally yours =D

I’ll follow this sir

Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#24  February 24, 2011, 08:06:39 pm
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wow long time no see sabby, why dont you ever come on msn anymore >= (
Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#25  February 24, 2011, 11:16:03 pm
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We will make you join the dark side once again! :)

Has it really been that long o.O a lot of various things are making me feel old as dirt lately. xD
Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#26  February 25, 2011, 04:06:48 pm
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wow long time no see sabby, why dont you ever come on msn anymore >= (


I will ! I did change of work, and i have an MSN access now, yeah ! I hope you're ready for my return =p


We will make you join the dark side once again! :)

Has it really been that long o.O a lot of various things are making me feel old as dirt lately. xD


I didn't even know that you were still in the business too.

I guess i never quit the dark side man, it's just that my life has recently been full of shits. But I always love that Mugen lol.

And yes, i guess we are old now lol. I'm 26 now, damn.

And i was there during the golden age of Mugen. I even collaborate on some works with Necromancer, before i was gone, again.

Remembering our boards, full of :

"Oh my god give me that private flashy OMG private beta, plleeeaaasseee!!!11"

Good times...

Sigh, we need to ressucitate**Team !!!   >:( >:(

Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#27  February 25, 2011, 04:46:23 pm
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And yes, i guess we are old now lol. I'm 26 now, damn.

And i was there during the golden age of Mugen. I even collaborate on some works with Necromancer, before i was gone, again.

Remembering our boards, full of :

"Oh my god give me that private flashy OMG private beta, plleeeaaasseee!!!11"

Good times...

Sigh, we need to ressucitate**Team !!!   >:( >:(

Hahaha I'm 23 & I feel bit old too. It's been 6 years since I discovered Mugen & ZGT :P

I was one of those guys hahahahah. Good times. Thank god I was cured from DBZ fanboyism but I'm still huge fan of series & DBZ Mugen ^^

Yeah we definitely need ZGT back (for 10th time lol). I would like to see some old faces :P
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Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#28  February 25, 2011, 09:07:19 pm
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I was one of those guys hahahahah. Good times. Thank god I was cured from DBZ fanboyism but I'm still huge fan of series & DBZ Mugen ^^

Don't repeat it, but i was too in 2004...

Man, i mean i started proggin when i did see some screenies of Vegeta-San.

You are one of the old too now Jarek, i remember you when some new polish fan boys start to attack the boards lol =p

Re: Dragonball Kai: Allstars
#29  February 25, 2011, 10:58:35 pm
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  • Smooches
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yes sabby you coming back and helping out just a little would be great, and zgt coming back? I dont know about that, I'd rather it stay dead and buried and just move on. =p