
NiO artwork (Read 240586 times)

Started by NiO ErZeBeTh, February 20, 2015, 01:09:58 pm
Re: NiO artwork
#61  October 14, 2015, 01:58:14 pm
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Looks really nice Nio. Great work so far. Like the ideas you have behind animating it to make it more vivid. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. :)
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Re: NiO artwork
#62  October 15, 2015, 05:31:12 am
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made this for Swipergod, any feedback or better yet fixing would be appreciated

also, about the screenpack idea... should I edit again Ryu to resamble Evil Ryu (mugen one)?
if you see, I put there mugen edits, Kyo_MI, Another Iori (need the moon, didn't remember that) and Maaxima Type-B... Ryu is the only reguular one and I'm not to sure if I should leave it like that



            Zorf Giudecca
Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 12:54:33 pm by NiO KuSaNaGi
Re: NiO artwork
#63  October 15, 2015, 06:24:08 pm
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SP looks pretty good so far. Maybe change the "Everything vs. Everything" line with something like "The Ultimate Clash of Fighters" or something?
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Re: NiO artwork
#64  October 22, 2015, 09:22:54 am
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here is something I did for Melcore as a comission

he is making some good portraits in KOF03 and helping Swipergod in his KOF-E game

go ahead and give feedback dudes, would be highly appreciated

Mr.Karate is already sent, he will upload him as soon as he fix a few things he think could be better done
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#65  October 26, 2015, 08:40:43 am
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Another comission done (this are a kind of a challenge thing between my brother and me)

it was a more reaslistic draw until I added that shadow that kinda reminds me umvc3 artwork, I like it so I leave it there)
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#66  October 26, 2015, 01:02:23 pm
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You know, this is pretty decent. I really like how well done the brightening on her sleeves looks like.

Re: NiO artwork
#67  October 26, 2015, 10:35:22 pm
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I love it.
Re: NiO artwork
#68  October 28, 2015, 12:27:46 pm
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it took me a lot of time (didn't count the hours) but I liked the result a lot...

here is, my favorite MVC2 character, Rogue

there's also a NSFW version in my DA account
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#69  November 06, 2015, 04:55:41 pm
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How did I miss this!? That Rogue looks great man!
Re: NiO artwork
#70  February 02, 2016, 12:29:46 pm
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            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#71  August 22, 2019, 11:14:39 am
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I have been absent from Mugen and forums for years, I was working on a NES game (Deadpool rom hack from Ninja Gaiden), and trying to improve drawing mostly, since I wanted to improve and I bought an iPad I started to sprite again too, and I remember Duracelleur made an edit with a few unfinished sprites I made years ago for Zorf Giudecca character, I got an edit from his edit and saw the potential from at least make it look a bit more complete or less beta with the sprites he edited, trying to make them blend better, so, Im gonna do a few edits so Duracelleur can update his version (we already talked about it).

I have made also new art that I might share here too.

You can see the concepts here:
Also some draws I edited or did completely from scratch

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

This is a large image so Im using a spoiler.
            Zorf Giudecca
Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 11:19:31 am by NiO ErZeBeTh
Re: NiO artwork
#72  September 01, 2019, 09:14:35 am
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Another one, this was more an update than a new draw, anyways... Dark Queen from Battletoads.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#73  September 01, 2019, 11:16:14 am
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can you tell what you used for the lower left light part of the rusty element.
What kind of brush settings or texture ??
Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 12:15:36 pm by AlexSin
Re: NiO artwork
#74  September 01, 2019, 03:18:54 pm
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can you tell what you used for the lower left light part of the rusty element.
What kind of brush settings or texture ??

To be honest I dont remember how I got that result, the image was based on a picture of Pr0n actress, so moving around filters and pen I got that.

I just finished this one, my father drew him like 22 years ago, its called Cazador de diablos (mmh something like Demon’s hunter) and well, I had a picture and decided to make this update or remake of him.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#75  September 05, 2019, 12:56:30 pm
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New image, edited from one image some post above on spoiler.

She is Replika, clon of my OC Zilvia and Zorf.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#76  November 22, 2019, 10:54:05 am
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            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#77  December 01, 2019, 11:03:31 am
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Another one just finished.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#78  February 11, 2020, 02:33:24 pm
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            Zorf Giudecca
Re: NiO artwork
#79  February 11, 2020, 05:13:16 pm
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Omg I've never seen this thread, I really love that black cat, nice job.
Re: NiO artwork
#80  March 22, 2020, 08:29:51 am
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I liked my Wonder Woman draw, but I wasnt satisfied enough, so I updated it.

I think it looks better now.

            Zorf Giudecca