as noted above. Though some users have added coding to allow the characters to be interchangeable by a simple command change in their file. Such as adding a W for winmugen or some other alteration. People have been very creative in how they approach the problem.
Some errors I found...When Evil Ken and Ryu walks backward, they go into 2nd stance.Without having full power, when you leave Ryu alone, he goes into 2nd stance or is that an idle stance?
Ah. It's good to see that Reu's creations are compatible now with 1.0. Sucks that Reu isn't here. He was a wondeful guy. I love this guy's characters, but they are HARD to beat. But hey, they're characters, they're functional, and they're good.
ya know something has been bothering me for a while. then i noticed what it is and i am confused. i noticed that evil ryu's AI isn't the same is the original, its alot lighter. every time i watch a battle between evil ryu and evil ken on the original versions its a close match usually and they win fairly close to equal amounts of the fights, but on the your version evil ken almost always wins... and badly, like 9 out of 10 fights . it seems like evil ryu's AI is... stupider then befor . i dont know if you redid the AI or something but do you think you can fix this?
Is your AI set to Difficulty 8 in the Options ? POTS indeed modified the AI so that it takes account of the AI difficulty (new Mugen 1.0 feature), so Evil Ryu's AI may be weaker than Ken's one on Medium 4 difficulty.