I know this thread will probably get updated by the devs at some point, but thought i'd put this here in the meantime As of 5.0, a bunch of new anims were added for compatability with certain attacks. Some are just custom anims you can apply using your own character sprites, but some require new sprites. Cheers to HB for making me aware of these --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7611 (Hercules LVL3 custom state}----- Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Screenshot examples
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Anim example
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; Pics for Satan's Lvl3 [Begin Action 7611] 177,0, 0,0, 1, H 198,6, 0,0, 1 181,16, 0,0, 1, H -1,0, 0,0, -1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7612 (Gotenks Scribble)----- Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Screenshot example
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Anim example
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; Gotenks Scribble [Begin Action 7612] 7612,0, 60,30, 10, H 7612,1, 182,30, 10
Sprite Allignment example
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----5260 (reaction to Megaton Punch)----- NOTE: This anim is pretty freeform. As long as it ends with a frame with time -1, you can essentially do whateverSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Screenshot example
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Anim example
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; Megaton StandBy [Begin Action 5260] 185,1, 0,0, 5 181,0, 0,0, -1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5220 (Tien Bird's Eye)----- Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Screenshot example
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Anim example
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; Tien Bird;s eye [Begin Action 5220] 5220,0, 0,0, 10
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9000-9007 (SSJ Vegeta's Bingo Dance)----- It might be the most daunting, but it's actually not as bad as it looks. SSJ Vegeta uses 8 anims, 6 for pressing buttons during the minigame, one for not pressing anything, and one for if you win. The moves can be whatever you want, just mind they loop back to anim 9006 when they're done playing. Anims 9000-9002 are light to heavy punches, 9003-9005 light to heavy kicks. 9006 is idle, and 9007 is the win anim. All there really is to note is the win anim must end with time -1 Video exampleSpoiler, click to toggle visibilty