
gaming news that don't deserve their own thread (Read 3292769 times)

Started by Titiln, October 30, 2011, 05:13:58 pm
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9681  August 20, 2022, 04:29:32 pm
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Good thing there's a scarcity of these emulators-in-plastic so that the people who have a passing interest in video games and don't know about emulators don't buy these things, then.
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9682  August 20, 2022, 09:58:16 pm
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I'm skeptical to get this thing, there aren't many games that i play most (Well Sonic CD, Crusaders of Centy, Sonic 3D Blast and Street of Rage 3 are good). Why not include Earthworm Jim from Sega CD (They include the Genesis over CD) or the games from Team Wolf of Earnest Evans and Annet? Heck, no Snatcher in English was a miss opportunity.
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9683  August 20, 2022, 11:59:53 pm
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SUNSOFT is back in action...! :o

So, Waku Waku 8 and Zero: The Kamikaze Squirrel 2 when? ::)
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9684  August 29, 2022, 12:38:45 am
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    • is seriously nobody gonna talk about Sonic Frontiers?, at all? Really now?
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9685  August 29, 2022, 01:59:33 am
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9686  August 29, 2022, 04:53:05 am
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I don't do this often, but I'll give my impressions as I've previously talked about Sonic a fair bit on here.

Here's the latest trailer to kick things off:

I've been following SSF1991's and other people's coverage on Twitter since we started getting gameplay footage back in June and so far I think there's a good amount of promise here. Most of my excitement is for the open zones and the moveset Sonic is shaping up to have when in them.

Another cool thing worth mentioning is what appears to be settings to customize how Sonic controls, such as his top speed and turning sensitivity. This might just be something left in the demo, but if it carries over to the final game it's gonna be an awesome accessibility feature.

I'm pretty iffy on the Cyberspace levels so far, as they're looking to be mostly abridged recreations of existing level layouts from previous games in the series. Though one clip showed what more closely resembled a moment from SA2's City Escape, so if they're remaking stuff from non-boost games that could be neat.

Overall, the impressions from people who have played the game at events has been positive, with Sonic's controls being described as smooth and snappy. I feel pretty optimistic overall myself, there's definitely more to this than Forces and, best of all, no Classic Sonic in sight!

Also those little stone creatures are pretty cute. ^^
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9687  August 30, 2022, 05:25:05 am
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I didn't know where to put this, but there's someone out there on GameFAQS that's claiming that he knows what's going on with the next MK game.

Here's the link to that forum post:

The Cliffs Notes version...

-No Injustice 3. According to this guy, Injustice 2 only sold half of what MK11 did, so if there is an Injustice 3, someone else would make it.
-The team has been told that NO POLITICS are allowed in the new game. Apparently, there were plans for a new hero that was non-binary, but some of the WB/Discovery reps got a hold of that info alongside photos of this new character and a script of story mode that pushed certain viewpoints. Five days after the reps got that info, the heads of NRS had a conference call from the new God Emperor of WB/Discovery David Zaslav (if that name sounds familiar, BTW... he's the jerkass to thank for such wonderful trash like Honey Boo Boo). He told them to cut the political shit or else the franchise is going to someone who can give him a game that is not woke.
-In terms of characters, certain fighters like Quan Chi, Reptile, and Ermac would be back after being gone from MK11. Certain 3D era characters would return as well, like Daegon, Nitara, Hotaru and Bo' Rai Cho. Of course, many of the mainstays would be back as well.
-D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn are now on the sidelines
-The Great Kung Lao is now a playable character and some of the returning characters would have new backstories to better fit the prequel timeline this game has planned - for example, Scorpion here is an ancestor to Hanzo Hasashi and one of the men who created the Shirai Ryu. Same with Sub Zero. In fact, the game plans to go more in depth with the origins of the Lin Kuei.
-Stage Fatalities are back, along with the return of stage transitions
-No Friendships
-Customization is also given the boot
-A new feature is character specific Fatalities. For example, you use Scorpion and defeat your friend's Sub Zero. With a different input, Scorpion would do a special Fatality on Sub Zero that is more cinematic and includes dialogue.
-Speaking of Fatalities - the violence meter has jacked up yet again. Think Takashi Miike or Dead Alive era Peter Jackson.
-Certain female characters will go back to the more provocative looks they had in MK9.
-There is also a lot of R&D going into realistic character physics. For example, he said that muscles will flex, flesh ripples during the slo-mo part in X-Rays, arms will dangle when broken, Reptile's tail swings like an alligator, and Kitana has jiggle physics (that aren't DoA level of jiggle, mind you).

Honestly, I don't buy most of this... especially the crap about Zaslav telling NRS to cut the political stuff out or else. I know he's the head honcho and all, but he's already burnt one bridge with his cost cutting antics in the movie division.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9688  August 30, 2022, 06:06:37 am
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Sounds like bait.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9689  August 30, 2022, 07:21:32 am
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I have a childhood friend that I used to play video games with a lot back when we were kids, and we're still in touch via Facebook to this very day. After we graduated high school, I went to a trade school and learned skills that would net me the $80,000/year job I have now, but he went to DePaul University near Chicago, got a degree in Video Game Development, and was recruited by none other than Netherrealm Studios right out of college.
Huh. Usually the fake leak involves an uncle.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9690  August 30, 2022, 02:39:03 pm
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9691  September 03, 2022, 09:37:09 pm
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A 2D platform adventure game for kids about the Qom tale of the Black Tree. It has a beautiful and simple graphic style to tell a legend of an aboriginal ethnic group from northern Argentina.
Laidaxai, is a Qom girl who must save her community from a strange disease, for this she performs the twilight test of the Black Tree, "Nawe Epaq".

Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9692  September 08, 2022, 10:31:32 am
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Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9693  September 10, 2022, 01:48:36 pm
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Pokemon tends to introduce new mons, new mechanics, new characters and enough information to justify getting a new thread.

SEGA have been very tight liped about Frontiers. not enough info to justify a whole thread for it.

Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9694  September 10, 2022, 05:52:52 pm
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The supposed leak
Honestly feels like a fake leak intended to bait outrage. Some of these are reasonable things, but reasonable things that wouldn't be hard to "predict".

Spoiler: My take on each point (click to see content)

It honestly feels more like a bunch of safe bets than any actual info on the game. Like, yeah, I can also expect Great Kung Lao and ancestors of Scorpion and Sub-Zero to show up, I could throw in that Siro and Taja from MK Conquest would show up too as replacements for Sonya and Johnny. Its a relatively safe bet, but I wouldn't call it a leak. Not to mention that, like I said, saying "no politics and specifically mentioning provocative designs for female characters seems way too much like bait. Also, some things straight up clash with one another, like "many mainstays will return" when so many mainstays simply can't be there.

Also, it seems that Ed Boon heard the noise of people talking about NRS's next fighting game and made a poll that ended up trending. He asked if we wanted to see Injustice 3, a Marvel game, Marvel VS DC or the next Mortal Kombat and made Marvel VS DC go viral on Twitter.

Here is the poll:
Here is his reaction:
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9695  September 11, 2022, 02:43:36 am
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Ubisoft finally found the balls to make that Japanese Assassin's Creed ???
And apparently there's also a codename Jade in 215 BCE China for mobile, and a codename Hexe in XVI c. Europe for a witch hunt period. Red and Hexe being part of Infinity, which acts as a hub / launcher ?

Aaaand Mirage gets an adult only rating for having real gambling. As in gamble with your real money. Game's dead.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: September 11, 2022, 07:08:54 pm by Byakko
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9696  September 12, 2022, 03:51:21 am
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Some sites are pointing the official accounts all have RP on their trailers, so Ubisoft either backtracked on the real gambling or are currently trying to sweet talk the ESRB.

It's also possible this was a mistake on Xbox's end because if the game was truly AO they won't even allow it on the platform on the first place.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9697  September 12, 2022, 01:06:56 pm
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TBH, I'd like to hear where did this stuff about gambling even come from...
At any rate, kinda hyped for Mirage. Good to see some freaking trademark AC gameplay again, and in setting so close to AC1. Win in my book, gents.
Too bad that's their last cross-platformer, and we won't be seeing Red, Jade and others on PS4 anymore though. I'll always say that it's dumb to drop PS4 until PS5 will stop being freaking rarity, but, I guess, no console generation can last forever too, and this one lived for a very long time after the next one came...
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9698  September 12, 2022, 02:01:13 pm
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TBH, I'd like to hear where did this stuff about gambling even come from...
The ESRB with the very rare AO rating, it's not a mistake someone would make lightly.
Random article making the point :
Again, it's not confirmed that the reason for the Adults Only rating is specifically for gambling, but considering every other Assassin's Creed has been M for Mature and had all the same content warnings except for gambling, it seems likely that's the case.

The AC Twitter put out a tweet to reassure everyone that the rating is stil pending and that there's no real gambling / lootboxes.
On one hand, good.
On the other hand, tidal wave of "there's totally gonna be lootboxes in this, isn't it" tweets incoming.
I do want to believe them because Mirage does seem to have a lot of really cool stuff that they explicitly teased (connecting Bayek's legacy of the Hidden Ones into the Assassins and Altair, the feather in the assassination sequences, the Loki visions, the parkour being an improvement from Unity...), but at the same time, we all know how that goes.

If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: September 13, 2022, 08:47:52 am by Byakko
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9699  September 13, 2022, 05:06:06 am
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On the other hand, tidal wave of "there's totally gonna be lootboxes in this, isn't it" tweets incoming.
I mean, are they wrong for doing this? Would not the first time that a shitty company pretends there isn't gambling in the games while there actually is. Would not the first time that they add them post-release either.
Re: gaming news that don't deserve their own thread
#9700  September 14, 2022, 12:38:39 am
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Hopefully the Ps5 becomes more available by the time this releases.

PS3 Japanese exclusive comes westward with built from ground up remake.