
PS2 sprites&voice release (Samurai Shodown VI hokuto no ken sengokubasaraX) (Read 22256 times)

Started by ddt26, August 20, 2023, 05:14:07 am
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PS2 sprites&voice release (Samurai Shodown VI hokuto no ken sengokubasaraX)
#1  August 20, 2023, 05:14:07 am
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Re: PS2 sprites&voice release (Samurai Shodown VI hokuto no ken sengokubasaraX)
#2  August 20, 2023, 10:21:40 pm
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    • Argentina
Wow, just checking part of this and you manage to rip and share a lot of stuff from three different games (PS2, I guess).
Personally I'm not a big fan of HR graphics but I always manage to adapt or rework it to my preferences. The resources here are really good.
Again, thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:
Re: PS2 sprites&voice release (Samurai Shodown VI hokuto no ken sengokubasaraX)
#3  August 21, 2023, 06:27:30 pm
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i am surprised especially the sengoku rips which i always wanted to have it since year 2008, thanks for all the rips  ;) however, the missing rip for samurai shodown 6 is kuroko, hope you will rip him one day  :)

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: PS2 sprites&voice release (Samurai Shodown VI hokuto no ken sengokubasaraX)
#4  August 22, 2023, 02:58:11 am
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MediaFire seems to have a large number of files of Samurai Shodown VI and may not be displayed accurately.
All images that can be prepared have been uploaded, so in that case, change the sort, etc.