
AI works for Ahuron's Characters  (Read 4800 times)

Started by ryghkdtlavks, September 04, 2007, 01:26:06 pm
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AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#1  September 04, 2007, 01:26:06 pm
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Here are my AI works. Every AI patched by me. I just made AI states. Nothing is modificated.
I don't release these things yet. It is just private.
If Ahuron will be OK, I would like to release these AI works.
Without his permission, I won't do it. :P
Every AIs are not too difficult and not too easy. Maybe, it is enjoyable. I hope...




Re: AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#2  September 04, 2007, 02:57:43 pm
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nice AI work!!!  :sugoi:
Re: AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#3  September 04, 2007, 03:20:53 pm
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Eiji rolls and spams his throw much too often.
Re: AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#4  September 04, 2007, 04:06:48 pm
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Re: AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#5  September 04, 2007, 09:18:58 pm
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Great Patching there my friend.


Are you going to make patches for Duck King or Oswald?

I was planning on making patches for those in teh distant future.

If you already had those planned, then I won't proceed with my plan. Don't take that as a guilt trip. I have many AI projects to work on already ^_^.

Eiji rolls and spams his throw much too often.

I agree with you, and it is still W.I.P. I need more time to complete his AI.  --;

That is the result of the distance coding and the fact taht mugen triggers random values 'per tick'. :wall:

It's pretty hard to successfully limit. I code for randiom value within set distances meant to trigger within "random = 1 value and only 1 specific value", and my char can still become a constant dodger :rifle:

To fix this, either code a random value that is > 990, limit the distances in which your char may dodge more, or else code for ranged attacks to trigger almost equally or just less than the dodge/roll.

LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 06:11:20 am by Tee Hee Hee
Re: AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#6  September 05, 2007, 03:31:18 am
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Thanks for your advice. I won't make Duck King and Oswald's AI, because it's hard to make their AI. I tried to make it, but no luck. I give it up. :P
Re: AI works for Ahuron's Characters
#7  September 05, 2007, 07:49:21 am
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Nice AIs for the characters.

Thanks to Ren on MI for my sig.
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