
Which Melty Blood character? (Read 7948 times)

Started by 4sakenExodus, September 01, 2007, 11:44:55 pm
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Which Shiki is better?

Shiki Nanaya
Shiki Tohno
Which Melty Blood character?
#1  September 01, 2007, 11:44:55 pm
  • WTF!
I really prefer Shiki Nanaya by Toma + Raien Makoto since hes faster and deals better damage than the other ones but I use Shiki Tohno by rouge noir when Its a 2v2 game

Also, Im not sure if this poll belongs in the feedback section, but I'll put it here  :-\

Whoops, I pressed the enter button too fast and forgot to add all the other characters up there and change the name...
(>o o)> O-(><Q)
Last Edit: September 01, 2007, 11:51:00 pm by 4sakenExodus


Re: Which Melty Blood character?
#2  September 02, 2007, 12:28:39 am
Ciel, all the other ones are unfappable.
Re: Which Melty Blood character?
#3  September 02, 2007, 12:38:19 am
  • ****
  • Yume De Aetara fanboy of the highest caliber!

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Re: Which Melty Blood character?
#4  September 02, 2007, 05:57:20 am
  • ****
  • Cute Bounty Hunter
Absolutely zero pantyshots whatsoever = they all suck >:(
Re: Which Melty Blood character?
#5  September 02, 2007, 02:32:35 pm
  • ***
  • Passing Through