
GI JOE  (Read 10371 times)

Started by Count Monte, March 15, 2010, 09:07:50 pm
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#1  March 15, 2010, 09:07:50 pm
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I've been dabbling with a GI JOE game for MUGEN.  Acey is going to update his Snake Eyes at some point, but he said I could release my tweaked version (I added sounds, AI, and activated Timber).  I also added sounds and AI to Cobra Commander, my beta Storm Shadow is in there and a couple other chars that have new sound and palettes but haven't been modified yet.
A bunch of stages that have been edited to include GI JOE sprites, etc. 

Anyway, you'll be able to see what I'm going for from this beta.  Here's the thing - the Martial Masters project is taking up most of my time, and to take GI JOE to the next level from here is going to be tough for me to do alone.  So I'm putting this beta up for the purpose of hopefully getting a team together to go forward.



#2  March 16, 2010, 12:43:17 pm
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  • Silence Is Golden
WOW! Pretty intresting. I will try this out.
Sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language, I am Russian
#3  March 16, 2010, 09:58:29 pm
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Wow what a suprise this looks Awesome :o I especially like how the baroness looks she looks great and just wondering will the actual character look like the one in the pic when she is finished? (I have downloaded the game and had a bit of a play and know that is just a few sprites of her on one of the stages) if so I cant wait ;D

good luck with this project anyway Count Monte your doing great and really looking for the finished version

cheers :sugoi: :)
#4  March 16, 2010, 10:22:32 pm
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  • The Mugen Philosopher!
    • Canada
You could probably get permission from Scar to use his Cobra since he made it.
Welcome to the House of Fighting.
#5  March 16, 2010, 11:40:46 pm
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Do you know his email or how to get in touch with him?
#6  March 17, 2010, 12:19:43 am
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  • The Mugen Philosopher!
    • Canada
Welcome to the House of Fighting.
#7  March 17, 2010, 12:35:00 am
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Thanks, just sent him a message!
#8  March 17, 2010, 12:57:19 am
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#9  March 17, 2010, 01:03:53 am
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Prime, if you're the one that made those sprites then
A)  THANK YOU!  They've amazing
B)  Now I know who to ask permission for to use them in this game.
C)  Any interest in helping me actually make this game into something special?

Scar just gave permission to use his Cobra Commander btw.
#10  March 17, 2010, 08:18:18 am
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Count Monte, the best way to get help on a project is to be honest about how much actual work you've put into it. You have a beta Storm Shadow that's basically someone's MvsC 2 Strider Hiryu character, Ghouly Maximoff's Ryu Hayabusa sprite set (available for download here), a few pixels from my old Storm Shadow and a bit of editing by you and yet there's no mention that you didn't do all the work. The game demo download in this topic has more borrowed stuff in it including a "ccikula" folder with NHK's name in the .DEF, CCIRocky aka Ironmugen aka David D. in the README for the "kevin" folder, and Clutch is really XIII by SS5ACE. Hell, even that crappy drawing of the Baroness in the "ccikula" folder is mine but the Baroness.Fansector.Com site swiped that and threw a watermark on it.

In the case of my sprite edits, you probably found them on one the sites or message boards that copies sprites without saying where they come from. That happens. A lot. I know the current way of doing things is to just use people's stuff without asking or even crediting but you should at least mention that you didn't do all of the editing and programming. Even if the rules allow it, it's just the classy thing to do. To answer the questions...

A.) Eh, most of them are just so-so. They look really awkward standing still in stages like that. You should probably make new sprites that would look better in a stage. The Vipers were made for a stage I wanted to do but gave up on so they're small enough to look like they're farther in the background. The other sprites look kinda goofy pasted in stages though.
B.) They've been pasted into enough other stuff already so another game wouldn't hurt. I was going to use some of them in a storyboard but I'll just have to make all-new sprites now to replace them. I'll admit that I was a dumbass for ever showing them before I finished my project.
C.) I've got more projects that I can handle right now. I might help if I ever get some extra time and see that you're serious about this project. Good luck with it because I've always wanted to see a Joe game for M.U.G.E.N.

BTW: I didn't do the Zartan that you have on one stage and I'm not sure who did that one. Sorry I can't help with that.
#11  March 17, 2010, 09:36:52 am
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Thanks for the reply.
I never attempted to take credit for anything I didn't make.  I was pretty up front saying what I have done so far.  And believe me, it was hours and hours just to frankensprite storm shadow and replace/align sprites, add in all the Joes and Cobras to the backgrounds, find the music and record it etc etc.  As I'm sure you're aware, if I wasn't serious I wouldn't have spent that amount of time on it.
If I was releasing this and taking full credit, yeah that would be shitty of me, when the final game is released, I'll need permissions and everyone will be getting credits.  You notice my name is nowhere on this beta.  In fact, if you and Acey and Scar said that you three were teaming up to make a GI JOE Mugen game, I would be thrilled beyond belief.  I just want the damn game to exist, I am doing this out of necessity, not ego.

As for me creating new sprites, I'm no artist.  I truly admire the ones you made, it's beyond my skills unfortunately.  I can only go so far with this without a spriter.  I'd rather have all original stages etc if it was up to me.  But help is hard to find, everyone says they'd like a GI Joe game but no one wants to put in the effort and time.  Most folks just wait to download and either praise or criticize.  Which is fine, but that also means things will take longer or never come to fruition.

I figured that since you took the time to make those sprites, you must be a GI JOE fan like myself, so I was hoping that by showing this WIP it might inspire talented Joe fans to help out.  I agree that the BG chars should be animated, even if it's just a few extra standing frames.  Don't remember where Zartan came from, I started this about a year ago and put it aside for months.

Maybe someone can explain to me why Naruto is so popular, but GI JOE has hardly any presence in MUGEN.

Oh, and that shooter you linked to above?  That is just odd!
Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 09:46:28 am by Count Monte