
B-kun's Speculations Room (Read 976350 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, August 17, 2011, 09:32:18 pm
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#61  December 24, 2012, 09:08:00 pm
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About Bishamon.  Is his gameplay will be more similar to DS2, DS3 or a combination of both including O. Bishamon?

Nevermind.  Just reread the thread.  His base on DS1 version.
sailormoongalaxy said:
I had read on Wikimoon, and I found it grotesque it was so wrong.
Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 09:37:45 pm by rgveda99
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#62  December 26, 2012, 10:38:07 pm
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About Bishamon, basically DS1+NW is what I planned (no Oboro version by now, there're some versions of him on MUGEN already), I'm still making his SFF so he could be soon to be playable as well :P

And yeah, about Grifter probably I'll make a thread in Graphics if I make some other sprites for him, by now he's just an idea (a good one IMO)
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#63  December 28, 2012, 11:32:05 am
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on that picture I saw bad megaman by mouser,what that means what you post?
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#64  December 28, 2012, 05:34:49 pm
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MM1 Boxart Megaman is based on the character appeared in GMSpectre's KOF20XX fullgame. Mouser used his sprites to make his own version more based in Fat Megaman from SFxT (here's a video of MM's gameplay). My version will be more accurate to GMSpectre's, still managing those sprites so that's the reason why it appears here :P also, there're other characters from this game that appeared in MUGEN, like Captain Falcom (converted by Kamekaze) and KOF Super Mario (converted by 119way)
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#65  December 31, 2012, 12:49:09 pm
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  • a.k.a DuckSS
MM1 Boxart Megaman is based on the character appeared in GMSpectre's KOF20XX fullgame. Mouser used his sprites to make his own version more based in Fat Megaman from SFxT (here's a video of MM's gameplay). My version will be more accurate to GMSpectre's, still managing those sprites so that's the reason why it appears here :P also, there're other characters from this game that appeared in MUGEN, like Captain Falcom (converted by Kamekaze) and KOF Super Mario (converted by 119way)

yeah I saw the game video it's like a some "PIRATE COPY" and that game is also have bad edited moves and hypers on charachers,and what that game is on which console?
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#66  December 31, 2012, 04:35:24 pm
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The game was made under UFGE, a fighting engine similar to MUGEN and Fighter Maker. GMSpectre made all his games using this engine, which isn't so fluid like MUGEN, it has other great options that MUGEN hasn't, like codes for tricks and unselectable/secret characters. This Megaman is one of the joke characters from this game, considering the game itself is a parody to KOF series
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (added a comics character!!)
#67  January 16, 2013, 01:02:57 am
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So, I love the character Segalow ... Rugal's sprites ... slightly modified ... with new attacks and gameplay ...

Then I started thinking ... I'de like to see the same thing with M. Bison.

I was playing Metroid Fusion ... and looking at Samus's attacks, and animations ... as I went throught the game ... and it hit me ...

A M. Bison, with Samus Aran like gameplay ...

Now of course it would based off of Smash Brother's move sets since Metroid isn't a fighting game obviously ...

But like ...

Her change gun attack ... would use bison's CvS charge animation then like the psycho shot ...

screw attack would be obvious ...

Bombs ...

Dark Bison mode like Dark Samus ...

If anyone would like to help me start this character let me know ...

I know very little about coding but the none's segalow has inspirted me ...

It's be like ... Rajaa Mech-Hisui meets P.o.t.'s Vega meets Segalow meets Samus Aran ... here's an incomplete move list and system plan ...

[Bison -X- Fusion] by NessTheAvatar


Dodge = x+a

Roll Forward = x+a+->

Roll Backward = x+a<-

Charge = y+b

Focus Attack = z+c (Can hold to charge, and make attack stronger; max is unblockable)

EX Moves = Variations of Special moves, come out faster; do more damage & hits.  More invincibility frames at the start.

Special Attacks:

Screw it!* = ->, V, ->+V, x or y or z

Bison -X- Fusion will jump into the air and spin with an electric aurora around his body, damaging the opponent(s) from whatever direction the come into contact with him.  EX version will hover in the air for a few tics.

Charge Beam* = V, ->+V, ->, x or y or z

Bison -X- Fusion will create a ball of energy and throw it at the opponent.  The attack can be charged, to do more damage and more hits.  EX version will dizzy the opponent(s).

Warp Speed Slasher = <-, <-+V, V, V+->, ->, a or b or c

Bison -X- Fusion will run at "THE SPEED OF LIGHT", and slash through the opponent.  This move can also be used as a teleporting move to manuver across the screen.  EX version crosses back and forward, putting you in the same spot you started in and setting the opponent up for a juggle.

Warp Speed Upper = <-, <-+V, V, V+->, ->, x or y or z

Bison -X- Fusion will jump into the air at "THE SPEED OF LIGHT", slashing the opponent if they're near him on the ground or in the air.  EX version goes up and down, and sets the opponent up for a juggle.

Censor bombs = ->, ->+V, V, V+<-, <-, a or b or c

Bison -X- Fusion will set a motion censor bomb on the ground, if the opponent touches said bombs, they explode causing damage.  EX version will cause "burn", meaning that for a short period of time the opponet will take hits.

Let me know what you think so far ...


Hahah :-p
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (2 chars for my official WIP list!!)
#68  January 19, 2013, 10:53:28 pm
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Sounds like a cool idea, MUGEN is not just about accurate characters. So I say go for it!! :D

Well, I got you a surprise right now. Check out the thread to see what's about that ;)
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (My 2 secret Breakers chars revealed!!)
#69  February 06, 2013, 05:04:48 pm
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As you can know, Bishamon and Chiho were added to my official projects few time ago. But this update is to reveal you those ones who I spoiled you since a lot of time ago, I hope to resume them to make my official WIPS or just release them as a surprise (like various from this thread). So here you go the Breakers edits I've making just for fun and who appeared in various of my shots:

6. Karateka
An edit of Sho, a trained karateka without a known name who's working to master elements in his own way to become the greatest fighter of all. An experiment I was planning for further, basically his powers change depends of the button you use, he'll have powers of fire, water, ice, wind, earth, lightning and ki as others. And of course I'll use another voice and palettes than Sho, so it won't be a simple edit of him, I promise you ;)

. Shelly Tarlar
In Breakers series, when you fight against your clone, instead you fight with another character who looks like you but changes the name and story of him/her. In this case, Tia's clone is Shelly Lartar, a famous kickboxer in her town and even fought against Tia's brother. Also, this is Tia's prototype name in earlier stages of Breakers. Instead making her from scratch like Karateka, I'll use Nyo's Tia as base and remake her AIR and moves, she will be slighty different from Tia, with new palettes, new sparks and FX (I've SFA ones in my mind) and the voice of Rina-chan.

And that's all for now :P
Last Edit: June 28, 2022, 12:07:57 am by Bad Mr. Basara
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (My 2 secret Breakers chars revealed!!)
#70  February 07, 2013, 01:21:01 am
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As a Breakers player I'm quite interested in those edits.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room (Added one more... from Scott Pilgrim!!)
#71  March 11, 2013, 07:59:33 pm
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Added one more to make in a future:

. Kim Pine
My favourite character from this series after Scott himself. Seeing my success to make Scott sprites, maybe in a future I'll make her for MUGEN, that's a dream for me to see her there (even made by someone else), so I'll add her here to take Kim in count. And maybe all the others like Stephen, Ramona and Knives... Stephen could be the next to make Sex Bob-Omb in MUGEN :c00l:
Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 12:29:18 am by Basara Rockatansky
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
New #72  May 16, 2013, 12:57:54 am
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Adding 2 more doable characters to add to this list, you never know :P

. Goku B2
After I did with SSJ2 Gohan (ex-Gohan Z2), probably I should do this, too. This special version of Goku sprited by Balthazar that maybe I should make a la B-kun in a future (maybe after I finish SSJ Gohan as a proper character). And before you ask, B2 stands for Balthazar+Basara :P

. B-Kung Fu Man
Yes, some of you should ask why my interest in KFM sprites recently. Well, this is the reason, it's time to make my own version of this iconic MUGEN character (I made a try with AGP's Kung Fu Fan). My intention is remaking the moves' code from scratch, as well AIR (clsns and times), make new palettes and using separate colors sprites made by Moon Girard and G.o.D.. And yes, I'll add some of the stuff made for Kung Fu Fan (as well an intro between those 2 and vs Eric)

Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 01:26:22 pm by Basara Bogard
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#73  May 17, 2013, 08:45:26 am
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No intro for KFM vs Suave Dude?  :'(
===My discord servers===
Unlimited Force HQ:
Mega Man Megamix Engine Help Server:

Touhou database (by Ryouchi):
you are all small and can't grow manly sideburns
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#74  May 17, 2013, 09:44:13 pm
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Of course, I forgot about him. Yes, I'll totally do it, too :P
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#75  May 17, 2013, 10:43:03 pm
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===My discord servers===
Unlimited Force HQ:
Mega Man Megamix Engine Help Server:

Touhou database (by Ryouchi):
you are all small and can't grow manly sideburns
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#76  May 22, 2013, 05:20:54 am
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KFM is classics of a genre. If i ever will develop my own M.U.G.E.N project, i will add him in. :P

If i were a developer, all of my characters were original + KOF based. Too bad i'm not skilled in painting(it requires for sprites), and nor a voice actor. Currently stuck on Chain Dog, i also have id... Sorry, i gave a vow to never write this word never else but "Idea Engineering", to not to give a chance for trolls to send me "back to "Idea Engineering", maaan!" and other ways... Sorry, but that troll guys starts ticking me off.

What i'm saying about. Ah, yeah, i also have "blueprints" for Tundra and some others, but these ones will be written to my thread(i have one in "Idea Engineering") later, once Chain Dog will be finished.
Fun fact: I can't remain silent about problems of M.U.G.E.N, or the entire Gameworld, but i can't say about them without it turning into shitpost.

Akuma: Akuma Yuiko! *grabs Andy with SGS* Isshun Sengeki! *starts relentlessy beating Andy*
Andy: Ahhahhahhahahha!!!
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#77  June 22, 2013, 08:03:25 pm
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. Alex
There's an awesome doujin game called "Super Cosplay Wars Ultra" made by Team FK (who recently made Chaos Code) made years ago for Fighter Maker engine, and it's about cosplayers that can change their outfit during the fight, a la Pocket Fighter (and even the gameplay is like that). There's almost no adaptation for MUGEN, only Rario by Moldredd (the Ryu-Mario mixture) has been made. So, I decided once for all trying to make another character from this cool game. And I choosed Alex, the Power Rangers cosplayer and one of my mains in that game (along with Sin, the terror movies cosplayer). I just started to rip his sprites a la old-school (shots with Animget + manual cleaning), I got stand and walk by now and will be my third HD char along with Akito (Axel City) and Little John (BB's Tager). Let's see what's happens in a future :P
Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 03:52:35 pm by Basara-kun
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#78  October 16, 2013, 05:20:32 pm
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Reviving this B-kun's ideas thread with this:

-. Kotaro Fuuma (AODK)
Apart of Joe, Leonhalt and Bobby, this is another interesting project I want to do in a future. Basically I'll edit Yoshi-OK's Fuuma to convert him into a more accurate AODK version than the actual one, adding FX from the game, sounds and voices, more accurate moves (Enryuuha without fire anymore)... and obviously interaction with my other chars from this game (the finished ones and the WIPs) ;) so, it's noted here to be stated as a future WIP of mine!!

Also, now that Cenobite finally ripped Yamato sprites from Dragoon Might, could be a big possibility of making him for real for MUGEN, so he would be added to my official WIP list very soon ;)
Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 12:30:29 am by Basara Cash
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#79  April 29, 2015, 07:20:22 pm
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Hi people, updating this with some few news about these wannabe projects I got here:
-Mega Man (MM Box Art): Untouched until now
-Agito (Axel City): Untouched until now (also I can't make work the game)
-Little John (Tager edit): Untouched until now CANCELLED
-Rick Strowd EX: Untouched until now
-Roxy: Just her basics until now, playable beta FINISHED!!
-False Yuka: Untouched until now... but I'm downloading AVG1 for PSX so I'll see about her soon, I guess FINISHED!!
-Grifter: Just one sprite made, I got no inspiration to make more :blank:
-Karateka: Just basics and palettes are made, seeing if I got inspiration to continue him
-Shelly Tarlar: Just basics until now, same as Karateka FINISHED!!
-Kim Pine: Boring of don't get screenshots of her, I'm looking into DA if someone made sprites of her... and I got something :P ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP
-Goku B2: Untouched until now CANCELLED
-B-Kung Fu Man: Untouched until now FINISHED AS KFM 63 1/3

And about the projects that born here:
-Bishamon: All MUGEN basics are ready, now making normal punches and kicks... the lack of internet + back to play DS1 inspire me to work again on him :D FINISHED!! (sort of)
-Bobby Nelson: Bored of no adding sprites, I'll just use Shimon's SFF and start from there ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP
-Scaner 201X: Frozen until now Back to here, I lost inspiration CANCELLED
-Chiho Masuda: All basics are done, probably I'm reinspiring again playing AVG1, same for False Yuka ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP
-Yamato: Using DM sprites to make the SFF, still in very alpha state (and frozen too) Back to here, I lost inspiration
-Alex: Still in ripping state, I hope to complete basics soon (and keep working on Sin too) Finally got the sprites for both, restarting them
-Kotaro Fuuma: Same as Bobby, using SFF instead create a new one, in this case Yoshi-OK's ADDED AS OFFICIAL WIP

I hope to update this very soon, I guess so :P
Last Edit: June 28, 2022, 12:11:12 am by Bad Mr. Basara
Re: B-kun's Speculations Room
#80  May 07, 2015, 10:58:54 pm
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look at my sprite rips  HERE
look at my TMNT Project HERE
My Contribution to mugen: Stages: 897 | Chars: 8 | Fullgames: 1 | Spritesheets: 85