
I.K.E.M.E.N. General Netplay Explanation (Read 877500 times)

Started by MellyInChains, September 12, 2013, 04:53:15 pm
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I.K.E.M.E.N. General Netplay Explanation
#1  September 12, 2013, 04:53:15 pm
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vanilla ice asked me to start a topic regarding this, and thanks to zeak6464 there's a surefire way for this to actually work

q: the hell is ikemen?
a: an open source mugen clone, basically. you can get it here

q: how's the quality of the netplay?
a: generally pretty smooth. of course this all depends on you on your opponent's connection.

q: haha alright! now i can go into ranked lobbies and sic f1 key on them
a: whoa slow down there, hypothetical question guy. that is not how this'll work. this all works in terms of clientside. meaning, you and your opponent MUST have the same exact ikemen set for this to work at all. so if you wanna go that route, your opponent would also have to be as masochistic to include such a 'god' character. however you can change your controls to your own liking. more on that a little more below

q: how does one connect to one another?
a: using lanbridger. there, you can host a server, and once that's up, click the button that says 'share link', and give it to your opponent. of course they'll have to know the password as well. if you want to host the ikemen session, boot ikemen up, hit 'netplay', enter nothing in the prompt, and wait for your opponent to connect. if you are the one joining, boot ikemen up, hit 'netplay', copy their i.p., paste it into the ip prompt, hit okay, and it should direct both of you to the select screen.

q: what are the controls? i can't seem to find/change it
a: Look for the ssz folder and find config.ssz, and open it with notepad.For the pad/stick players, you are lucky cause there IS controller support. IMT posted a useful tutorial about it. If you want, you are welcome to use xpadder or joy2key, the default keys are:

(actual key = how ikemen interprets it as mugen controls)
directional keys - up, down, left, right
A = X
S = Y
D = Z
Z = A
X = B
C = C
RETURN = start

imt's supplied control layout is a bit weird for me, but i THINK i learned how to customize it more to your liking. here are the numbers for the buttons on an xbox360 wired controller;

2 = X
3 = Y
4 = Z
0 = A
1 = B
5 = C
7 = start

q: why is there no common.snd, fight.snd, or system.snd in-game?
a: Vanilla IKEMEN includes a system.snd (located in the script folder). For things like common.snd/fight.snd, that's all lifebar based, so you can just add your own (best if you just wanna replace the existing lifebar).

q: how do i add characters and stages?
a: open the 'script' folder, open 'select' and basically add them how you would normal mugen.

q: i don't believe this. i'm gonna need some video proof.
a: here ya go! the video recorder i use actually lags ikemen up a bit, so it's best to record replays then LIVE matches.

q: i can't open lanbridger. are there any other alternatives?
a: LogMeIn Hamachi, Tunngle, Evolve, Zerotier One, or even port forwarding works.

q: are there glitches that happen with certain characters?
a: Many mugen characters work fine, but as you might have expected, there are a few kinks. Generally, IKEMEN runs characters very smoothly, but from time to time there can be a few chars that can cause a few glitches in IKEMEN. (Note: Some issues could have been patched out from older versions, and there are work arounds in case someone wants to make a certain character more accurate to IKEMEN).

q: what characters are glitchy/incompatible with ikemen?
a: Some examples (Note: The list could be outdated):

Minor Glitches
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Major Glitches
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

if there are any other glitches that need attention, feel free to report them

if there's any other questions i'll try to answer em and add them to the first post of this topic. hope all of this helps!
Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 02:32:59 am by TheFclass97
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#2  September 12, 2013, 09:40:18 pm
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got an issue, works fine on a windows 7,but i have a friend with windows vista and the lanbridger keeps crashing everytime you access the UI , you know anyone else with that issue?
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#3  September 12, 2013, 09:41:58 pm
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You may be able to use an alternative like Hamachi or Tunngle.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#4  September 12, 2013, 10:21:57 pm
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no idea, but if either of those work i'll add that to the first post
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#5  September 12, 2013, 10:42:58 pm
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Also can you change screenpacks on this or will it mess up?
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#6  September 12, 2013, 10:45:07 pm
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i wouldn't know, i haven't attempted it. but from what i hear it's possible. i like the scrolling thing for the character select columns too much to actually change the current one though
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#7  September 12, 2013, 10:48:39 pm
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got an issue, works fine on a windows 7,but i have a friend with windows vista and the lanbridger keeps crashing everytime you access the UI , you know anyone else with that issue?

His issue is called Windows Vista.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#8  September 12, 2013, 10:49:24 pm
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Do you and your friend/family member have to have the same characters in the roster to play each other online or no?
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#9  September 12, 2013, 10:50:42 pm
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So I changed controls and when I clicked it to run

That happened.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#10  September 12, 2013, 11:00:56 pm
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Do you and your friend/family member have to have the same characters in the roster to play each other online or no?

All of that is covered in the first post, but yes.  It has to be the exact same.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#11  September 12, 2013, 11:03:54 pm
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So I changed controls and when I clicked it to run

That happened.

yeah that happened to me too. basically what i did was follow that IMT post, and copy paste it exactly, like even with the comments. should work that way and if it does you can change it any way you like
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#12  September 12, 2013, 11:27:33 pm
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Works fine now. Thanks.

EDIT: .......actually It sorta worked, all the punches and kicks are reversed on my end and one of the triggers won't work

Guess I'm using Joy2Key.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 11:51:16 pm by Roman55
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#13  September 13, 2013, 01:08:49 am
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Also can you change screenpacks on this or will it mess up?

Well i also work with this team , and yes you can make ur own screen pack . Everything can be changed just like mugen but you have to learn were to change it.

     Posted: September 13, 2013, 01:11:31 am

q: i don't believe this. i'm gonna need some video proof.
a: here ya go! the video recorder i use actually lags ikemen up a bit, so i can't really supply MUCH video proof...

if there's any other questions i'll try to answer em and add them to the first post of this topic. hope all of this helps!
Well here is ur video Proof !
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#14  September 13, 2013, 05:51:25 am
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This should probably be stickied.

Maybe replace that one MUGEN Online topic with this, I guess?
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#15  September 15, 2013, 12:42:07 am
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so umm did anybody find out if the hamachi/tungle thing works...?
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#16  September 15, 2013, 12:42:34 am
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I've played with Hamachi and it seems to work, but I don't notice much of a noticeable difference.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#17  September 15, 2013, 04:12:07 am
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Also a warning to you all, MULSET TRIGGERS DO NOT WORK ON IKEMEN.  This means there is NO DAMAGE SCALING.  PERIOD.

Also helpers are known to glitch up and stop appearing, this is particularly bad for Jojo characters because none of their moves with stands will work.  THIS INCLUDES BLOCKING.

All in all I think this thing is still too much of a glitchfest to bother with right now.  I'd much rather just play an actual fighting game. 
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#18  September 15, 2013, 04:21:43 am
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? helpers work absolutely fine on my end. there have been minor glitches here and there (mostly cosmetic stuff) but the jojo characters i included have little to no problems with their active stands (they are as follows, abbacchio, trish, joseph, chaka (does he count?)), so i dunno, do you have the latest version or something cuz this isn't a problem for me at all. hell in that video i supplied you can see trish's stand doing moves just fine

the damage scaling is kind of a problem though, yeah. i noticed that shortly after
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#19  September 15, 2013, 04:30:45 am
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I have Dio by Warusaki and POlnareff by Nimane.
Re: I.K.E.M.E.N. (basically mugen online) general netplay explanation
#20  September 15, 2013, 04:41:31 am
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dio isn't screwing up for me at all, i can do attacks and block with his stand just fine. this is weird lol