Two WiPs, Reposted in this new furum.Here is a link to the old thread know that they are close.I await more edits from Aces high on the jeice(part of burter).And I need one more hyper from ginyu. (Suggestions Open)He already has milky cannon, and the body change(don't ask how, for its a long story(visit my posts in other forums for detailed info)I just need ideas, for a new ginyu..hyper...i'm possibly thinking rush.
Uhhhh, that video only shows him changing to throw an attack at his old body. And this raises two questions:1) Am I correct in assuming that you gain complete control of the enemy after you do the switch? Because it would be pretty stupid to change into the opponent, attack your old body, then switch back (which was pretty much the whole point when Goku fought Ginyu in the series)2) This video doesn't explain what happens if you try to do this with other characters that aren't made by Choujin.
Jangoren said, August 30, 2007, 03:44:56 amUhhhh, that video only shows him changing to throw an attack at his old body. And this raises two questions:1) Am I correct in assuming that you gain complete control of the enemy after you do the switch? Because it would be pretty stupid to change into the opponent, attack your old body, then switch back (which was pretty much the whole point when Goku fought Ginyu in the series)2) This video doesn't explain what happens if you try to do this with other characters that aren't made by Choujin.Ok I actually had explained what the move does in detail..............before the big forum change that deleted(archived) my previous thread.But since you have questions. I'll go through it all again.NO you are not correct , you do not gain controll or the enemy......THATS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO WITH MUGEN CODE(if u feel otherwise, be my guest and show me some code).Instead this move is a Level 3 Hyper with some pretty good uses.........or disastrous ones.During the move, the oppoent....acting as ginyu does a hyper on ginyus body..........doing the end of the move.........the two characters swap health....and ginyu returns to his body(visually). Therefore it allows for a severly beat up pull of this move against an oppenent with superior health................and KILL the oppenenent.If Ginyu's health is low enough when the move is began....the opponent(actiing as ginyu) will kill ginyu(bodY)......The opponents(body) will then do the win stance....................but ginyu will get the win(Game will say "captain Ginyu Wins")Therefore this move allows for ginyu to use the technique(which he used in the show)........of intentionally beying beaten up..........then body kill the opponent.Consequently.........any player dumb enough to body swap with a character with less health...........will reap the consequences.#2......of course the vid doesnt show what happens with other characters......THERE WILL BE NO BODY SWAPPING with RYU. In the case of none Choujin/Stig87 Characters..........the two will only swap health.This is the best and only way i could think of implementing any type of Body Swap into the ginyu character. And its done without having to add a single line of code to any of the other characters.The video wasnt meant to explain everything. It's a teaser..........You ever been to a movie theatre..and saw a preview that explained the WHOLE movie?
For other characters you could always do the old Raging Demon style. Swap the character's "souls", black out the screen, make some noise then deal damage.
Captain Storm said, August 30, 2007, 08:24:12 amFor other characters you could always do the old Raging Demon style. Swap the character's "souls", black out the screen, make some noise then deal damage.He is meant to be accurate to the anime ginyu,and not another shun goku satsu user.
stig87 said, August 30, 2007, 06:14:21 amNO you are not correct , you do not gain controll or the enemy......THATS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO WITH MUGEN CODE(if u feel otherwise, be my guest and show me some code).Yeah I know it's impossible to do. I just wanted to hear you say it.stig87 said, August 30, 2007, 06:14:21 amInstead this move is a Level 3 Hyper with some pretty good uses.........or disastrous ones.During the move, the oppoent....acting as ginyu does a hyper on ginyus body..........doing the end of the move.........the two characters swap health....and ginyu returns to his body(visually). Therefore it allows for a severly beat up pull of this move against an oppenent with superior health................and KILL the oppenenent.If Ginyu's health is low enough when the move is began....the opponent(actiing as ginyu) will kill ginyu(bodY)......The opponents(body) will then do the win stance....................but ginyu will get the win(Game will say "captain Ginyu Wins")That sounds pretty cheap, what with the move automatically killing whoever's stronger, and is quite off-canon. Although I SUPPOSE it could make things slightly more interesting by forcing someone to win by a "time over" victory.stig87 said, August 30, 2007, 06:14:21 am#2......of course the vid doesnt show what happens with other characters......THERE WILL BE NO BODY SWAPPING with RYU. In the case of none Choujin/Stig87 Characters..........the two will only swap health.Granted that actually might be a better solution for all of the opponents, even though it's still a placeholder method.stig87 said, August 30, 2007, 06:14:21 amThe video wasnt meant to explain everything. It's a teaser..........You ever been to a movie theatre..and saw a preview that explained the WHOLE movie?I at least had a general grasp of what the movie was about last time I saw one, and if this trailer was an attempt at getting people excited... well I'll let you fill in the blank for that one.
Jangoren said, August 30, 2007, 12:20:29 pmstig87 said, August 30, 2007, 06:14:21 amInstead this move is a Level 3 Hyper with some pretty good uses.........or disastrous ones.During the move, the oppoent....acting as ginyu does a hyper on ginyus body..........doing the end of the move.........the two characters swap health....and ginyu returns to his body(visually). Therefore it allows for a severly beat up pull of this move against an oppenent with superior health................and KILL the oppenenent.If Ginyu's health is low enough when the move is began....the opponent(actiing as ginyu) will kill ginyu(bodY)......The opponents(body) will then do the win stance....................but ginyu will get the win(Game will say "captain Ginyu Wins")That sounds pretty cheap, what with the move automatically killing whoever's stronger, and is quite off-canon. Although I SUPPOSE it could make things slightly more interesting by forcing someone to win by a "time over" victory.It doesnt force anyone to win by time over. ...its just that If you're ginyu, and your health is near death..........the hyper done to ginyu.......during the body change will send him to zero...........if the damage done to ginyu ...during the hyper....sends his health to zero........then p2 dies.........................other wise it IS just a health swap.Perhaps it may be cheap............BUT ISNT that the nature of the move.............Goku was much stronger than ginyu in the show..........and ginyu let goku beat him up...........then swapped with him........Thats was cheap to me...........but thats how it works.Besides, its a level 3 super ..........and i may make it where it can only be done once a round...............but then actually have to CONNECT with move for any of this to happen...So therefore if you are p2 fighting ginyu.......and u see that he's near death....and on on level 3,................dont be stupid enough to allow him to hit u with that blast.............besides if the blast misses..............................ginyu may just become a frog
Quote...besides if the blast misses..............................ginyu may just become a frogYeah, I like that idea. Well, it's cheap, but I think it may work well. The DBZ game on Genesis had this move, and it didn't make Ginyu cheap at all.
in other news....between classes ive been doing jeice sprites. I now have all basic attacks done for the Jeice Playable helper(in burter). I also created sprites for the purple flash attack as well. With these done, burter is now closer than ever to being done.Heck, i may even have it in me for a dual release, Captain Ginyu, & Burter(Jeice)....The GINYU FORCE!
Impresive stuff.I like the helper.Even being able to fire projectiles while out and his desperation type move is awesome Stig.For stuff not private and etc you bring a good name to DBZ characters all around. Purple flash attack was nice. You implmented it well.You make the little swirling effect yourself or was that in the DBZ Arcade game? ???
stig87 said, September 18, 2007, 07:46:30 amBurter...Pre-release party...along with Teaser't believe how awesome looks, maybe when they do that "whirlwind" the Hadouken projectiles they use don't look so good, maybe some edited "big bang attack" projectiles or something like that would look better. But DO want.Luck man.
This game is great as it looks like. Jeice and Burter are good in team shape. They makes a little difference in the Character roster. Keep up the good work man.
D/\/\K said, September 18, 2007, 07:51:05 amPurple flash attack was nice. You implmented it well.You make the little swirling effect yourself or was that in the DBZ Arcade game? ???MSpaint, and Irfanview.Its just an elipse that i made in paint, then twisted with irfanview.Blue Wolfmage XX said, September 18, 2007, 08:03:08 amCan't believe how awesome looks, maybe when they do that "whirlwind" the Hadouken projectiles they use don't look so good, maybe some edited "big bang attack" projectiles or something like that would look better. I actually planned on doing that. The projectiles right now, are vegeta''s It's normally one of the last things i change in a character.
something funny that i discovered.......When burter gets killed with jeice active.............jeice gets up and leaves.I didn't plan this, but its funny that it's accurate to the showBurter now has a counter now.which again....utilizes jeice.However it is inactive when jeice is active...(a little more punishment to even out the advantages/disadvantages of having jeice...and partially because i'm too lazy to do the code when jeice is active which always seems to be significantly more difficult than just having jeice hop in, then hop out.)I have been using the combos so much that I havent really realized that burter only has 3 supers(including the hadouken)So i guess i'll have to add one or to more.Blue Wolfmage XX said, September 18, 2007, 08:03:08 amCan't believe how awesome looks, maybe when they do that "whirlwind" the Hadouken projectiles they use don't look so good, maybe some edited "big bang attack" projectiles or something like that would look better. blast effects purple.(by the way, its a still image but when animated, the whirlwind actually looks purple and matches the blasts more)also ..jeice has a red ki blast instead of using burter's blue one......besides 1 or two more supers..i can't think of anything else to add.he will be stupid(A.I. less) as A.I. is not my forte.(K.O.D/Ninja Naruto, has opted to do A.I. for this and other characters in the project on a later date.)Expect him within the week.
Looking good and Jiece leaveing makes since.Seeing as he didn't bother sticking around after Burter's death anyways. Far as A.I. I don't nesscarly like it eeing as I suck at fighters and play for the fun of it. I can't wait for another great DBZ arcade character.Luck once again.During the week release ftw.
the .def file causes it to crash in mugen (well in mine anyway)Here is the fix i came up with.def file:[info]name ="Burter"displayname ="Burter"versiondate =Beta 7 -15-07 ; change to: versiondate = 7-15-07mugenversion =author ="STIG87, CHOUJIN" ; You might have to change it to this: author ="STIG87 and CHOUJIN"pal.defaults =1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6