
Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes (Read 15194 times)

Started by Blagoy, July 20, 2009, 12:55:42 pm
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Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#1  July 20, 2009, 12:55:42 pm
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Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 12:38:33 am by durlyo
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#2  July 20, 2009, 01:30:03 pm
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It's Ok. Could be better. His Sprites have got bad quality (did you maximise them from his original size?) and his supers could be better.
Kinda strange but I woke up today and her hand was on my ass cheek
I won't suspect anything though I'll take it she was sleeping and didn't notice
you should have flipped over slowly
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#3  July 20, 2009, 06:31:28 pm
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Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#4  July 21, 2009, 01:22:57 pm
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It's Ok. Could be better. His Sprites have got bad quality (did you maximise them from his original size?) and his supers could be better.

Your right, his sprites look stupid this size and his qcbx2 and k move can miss hits because of his size... don't know why you'd want to increase the size, to return to default go into the .cns file and reduce x and y size to 1. No point commenting on his supers because they havent changed from the original. the editor here seems merely to have added a red line on his face and in his hair..... new palettes are ok i guess.... nothing really exciting here though
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#5  July 21, 2009, 02:29:15 pm
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only one reason my mugen rosters lock this pic
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#6  July 21, 2009, 05:13:02 pm
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arnt Sheng Long and Gouken the same person? why do people still refer to him as Sheng Long, although it has been corrected that "Sheng Long" is the chinese name for Shroyuken?
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#7  July 21, 2009, 05:34:28 pm
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arnt Sheng Long and Gouken the same person? why do people still refer to him as Sheng Long, although it has been corrected that "Sheng Long" is the chinese name for Shroyuken?

That depends on how you define "Sheng Long". If you see him as the guy Ryu refers to in his (poorly translated) winquote, then yes, they are the same guy. But if you define him as the guy EGM said would kill M. Bison and kick your ass, then S. Long by another name would be Akuma.

Also, "Sheng Long" isn't the chinese name for "shoryuken", it was a mistranslation.
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#8  July 24, 2009, 07:48:17 pm
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actually shoryuken is for the move that ryu and ken use,hence the name sho-RYU-KEN.thats why when akuma does it he does not say shoryuken.
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#9  July 24, 2009, 07:49:40 pm
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It's called that because it's Japanese for "Dragon Punch".

Akuma uses it, so why isn't it "SHO-RYU-KEN-AKUMA"?
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#10  July 24, 2009, 07:55:22 pm
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by the way..............nice character...i forgot.....DUH.
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#11  July 24, 2009, 07:56:08 pm
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Gouken does not say his name in any of his moves.  The old version of Alexlexus's Gouken had a weird pitched Mr. Karate Kouken clip that sounded like it though.  

And Gou Shoryuken= Great Rising Dragon Fist

And you just quadruple posted
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#12  July 24, 2009, 08:04:36 pm
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Gouken does not say his name in any of his moves.  The old version of Alexlexus's Gouken had a weird pitched Mr. Karate Kouken clip that sounded like it though. 

And Gou Shoryuken= Great Rising Dragon Fist

And you just quadruple posted

Actually, Alexlexus' Gouken DOES say it, as almost all of his voice samples were taken from Tung Fu Rue in Fatal Fury Special. Tung's desperation move is called "Sempuu Gouken", and is voiced as such.

@dcory: No, "shoryuken" is Japanese for Dragon Punch (literally, "Dragon Fist", but "fist" and "punch" are used interchangably in most video games). Deal with it.
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#13  July 25, 2009, 10:46:23 am
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Man I forgot about Tung.  His NGBC voice sounds pretty different from what I heard in Gouken.

I'm ashamed because I actually like FFS a lot, I just suck at it too much to get very far and I have not fought Tung yet ;____;
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#14  July 25, 2009, 03:44:44 pm
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Yeah, Tung's VA changed after FFS (play as him in Real Bout FFS and you'll see what I mean).

And Tung is a beast in FFS, which is saying a lot compared to the other characters in the game (can you beat the game as Geese?)
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#15  July 26, 2009, 07:51:54 pm
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I actually think the sprites look better than the previous entry. The character feels alot more fluid and the palettes are hot! :sugoi:
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#16  August 10, 2009, 05:45:45 pm
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This goes out to the two fighting over the Sheng Long story ...

Even though Sheng Long was turned into Gouken ...

And was the original build up for Gouki ...

I look at it like this ...

Sheng Long (as a seperate character)  taught Goutetsu

who taught Gouki and Gouken ...

then Gouken tauight Ryu and Ken (and partially Dan)

then Ryu trains Sakura (someday?)  while Ken train Sean (Un-Willingly)

Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#17  August 12, 2009, 01:20:46 am
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i thought "shoryuken" was "rising-dragon-punch"?
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#18  August 26, 2009, 12:38:05 am
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When will you add intros? ;)
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#19  August 27, 2009, 11:32:20 pm
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never i wait SF3 S.Long by DOy
Re: Sheng Long SF2 upg sprites and new paletes
#20  August 28, 2009, 12:19:50 am
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Thats right man! I'm waiting for that character too  :sugoi:

And the new and more accurate look of this Sheng Long looks cool to me, I wonder if anyone is thinking in a SFA Sheng Long...
Also I made a fusion of sprites, check this out:

I made the sprite a long time ago, so... What did you guys think?
Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 01:11:05 am by Paraside