
HitDef - Multiple (Sparks)Sprites and Sound effect instead of one (Read 15069 times)

Started by stephen, June 02, 2009, 02:54:28 pm
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HitDef - Multiple (Sparks)Sprites and Sound effect instead of one
#1  June 02, 2009, 02:54:28 pm
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Hello SakirSoft

HitDef, as mugen defined, can only have 1 Spark and sound effect for hit and guard, and in fact people often use more than 1 sparks and sound effects for more beautiful effects. So they are forced to use explod or helper with MoveHit and MoveGuard as triggers just for the extra spark and sound effects, which I think is not necessary.

On the other hand, let's say, putting a circle and a square spark together with suitable timing by using softwares like photoshop and make it only 1 spark is more trouble-some than doing it by using explods and helpers.

So it would be simplier if HitDef can have more than one Sparks and sound effects.

Btw, I am learning mugen by editing other people's characters, when I come across something strange or limitation I think unnecessary, I try to leave a note here.  :)
Re: HitDef - Multiple (Sparks)Sprites and Sound effect instead of one
#2  June 02, 2009, 06:48:56 pm
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I am thinking about a separtion form fx stuff and player code.

Some thing like you have a fx script which you can play at a giving time.
Here you can find ShugenDo
HitDef - Multiple (Sparks)Sprites and Sound effect instead of one
#3  June 03, 2009, 07:31:55 pm
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I am thinking about a separtion form fx stuff and player code.

Some thing like you have a fx script which you can play at a giving time.

To my understanding, it is a one-to-many type like:

One Trigger ----> Many events (events can be arranged in a sequence, or at the same time)

Anyway a separation is the best!

Thank you very much!