
Ikemen GO (Read 1877537 times)

Started by K4thos, May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
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Ikemen GO
#1  May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
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Ikemen GO
IKEMEN Go is a remake of the IKEMEN (open source fighting games engine that supports M.U.G.E.N resources) in Google’s Programming Language "Go".


If you need to install OpenAL dependencies use the respective package manager (OpenAL installation is not needed for windows build since it comes with appropriate dll).

On windows, execute Ikemen_GO.exe
On mac/linux, double-click on Ikemen_GO.command

These instructions are for those interested in developing the Ikemen_GO engine. Instructions on contributing with custom stages, fonts, characters and other resources can be found in the community forum.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Features added since Mugen

Bug reports and know bugs

Discord server

Suehiro repo (Original creator of the engine):
Gacel's fork:
Neat Unsou's fork:
My and ShinLucho's fork:

There are currently no competing repos. While there may be differences between them at a given time, changes introduced in any of the active forks end up being merged into one another.

What I.K.E.M.E.N means
Ikemen is an acronym of:
Itumademo Kanseishinai Eienni Mikansei ENgine

MIT Licence
Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 08:16:36 pm by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#2  May 26, 2018, 03:17:16 am
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    • USA
Dayummm. I've been waiting for this. So I noticed, that the current coop online modes don't work. Also replay etc. Do you need anyone to help test that?
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#3  May 26, 2018, 03:29:35 am
  • ***
Dayummm. I've been waiting for this. So I noticed, that the current coop online modes don't work. Also replay etc. Do you need anyone to help test that?
you're talking about that version on MA with brokenMugen screenpack included? I didn't upload it there. There is no point in testing build that is several months old (all of the stuff you mentioned have been fixed long time ago).

Testing will be needed once release candidate version is available (I will post a link here) - no point in uploading it now when it constantly changes.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#4  May 26, 2018, 03:35:01 am
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    • USA
Well, that is exactly what I mean. Wouldn't you need someone to test the online capabilities with regardless? No, not the old one, its a general question, like how can I help you. 
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#5  May 26, 2018, 06:39:29 am
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I apologize in advance if I ask a dumb question. I haven't honestly played with Ikemen enough to know some of the things im asking, and I have been told some things are possible by people but since no one ever explains how and I don't see the option for it, I can't be certain. I guess another 'for reference' fact would be I've only used older ikemen builds vs friends, that first Ikemen Plus build, and I just tried the recent one.

I tried to search the thread to find my answers and I'm not getting anything 100% clear so this is my asking here.

Future fntv2 support
Not much of a question, but I'm excited for this. I'm just wondering how much can the engine handle? Me, and some others I know, like to really push the limits on graphics, and last I checked, regular Ikemen couldn't handle it too well.

Screenpack questions
-I'm not sure if its already possible, but can the character select scrolling be configurable with the option for it to be more like Mugen? I can see the benefit it has but it's also problematic when trying to create certain kinds of motifs

-Can Turns and Simul be made modifiable ? How can I word this.... I can see the situations where the way it currently is would be useful, but there are times where it'd be nicer to be able to have it selectable from maybe a screen prior or even just separated at the main menu? It's kind of variable I supposed based on person/full game needs. Like personally, I like turns and i like when you can have 4 weaker chars fight one "boss" char or something, but I also hate having to choose that right before I select my fighters at the select. I hope I'm being clear, but I'm willing to explain what I mean more if need be.

-Can systems be altered where the way localcoord affects characters and their portraits and stuff isnt so.....disjointed? It's been some times since I touched either engine, but if my memory serves me right, if a like HD character has its own localcoord thing going on, it became hard to properly adjust the portrait (different resolutions required different localcoords, and ports were always affected badly, especially on more experimental resolutions)
I feel like this would also affect animated portraits if it's done through the characters directly. but maybe im wrong idk

-I forgot my last question....

Dream Features (i don't expect these to ever happen but im curious if the possibility is there)
-Animated menu items? like an alternative to the font system it already uses?
-Live Updating when code is modified & saved? (chars,stages, motifs, etc)
-Profile/Progress Saving (arcade/story mode progress, record of battle wins/losses, survival tracking, etc)

I came to ask one thing and left with a bunch of stuff.....sorry. I guess a better question is what can't be done with the engine?
Ultimately, If I could get MUGEN features, IKEMEN AI and Online, and any other improvements to the engine, then I'm satisfied.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#6  May 26, 2018, 10:01:31 am
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Well, if you’ve tried to Go ver or whatever which was made to replicate mugen SP support, you’ll see that he converted several already including the broken mugen etc. The selling point of the scrolling was the inifinite space. Some of this was previously said, but the idea was to make both tag and simul both selectable as individual modes. Not too long ago I discovered that you can scale specific animations so there is that. Depending on how the ports are done. The main thing here that we all can agree upon would be the universal ranking system, which ties in to unlocking stuff etc as well as those other points you made.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#7  May 26, 2018, 01:57:24 pm
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If mugen has infinite possibilities then ikemen is beyond that because is opensource and can be adjusted or modidied from the core.

everytime some is added other one can broke or fix because all is interconected as a whole and when you do something, it has consequences, whether good or bad.

remember that can be implemented every imagined thing and ported to every made hardware but there are no instant things,the only magic button is the one that needs to be pressed over and over to form a functionable code.

Ikemen code can be divided in:

Input and output between hardware and software,keyboard,gamepad,video modes,how sprites are displayed/rendered,sound and network actions.
Main engine functions,variables,fonts,character and stage interact controll.
The mugen commands and files interpreters.
Allowed expansion via scription.

Planned new engine commands:
animated/static character and stage portraits; video/image/audio/sound streaming; snd file for stages; multiple Sff linked in def; File type id= Character/stage/storyboard;

Planned basics screens hard coded on main engine: logo,intro,start,demo,menu,options,select,versus,challenger,victory,rank,timer,continue,ending,credits,game over

Planed basic arcade functions hard coded on main engine:
coins/number of times presses a button to allow start,demo mode,new challenger interruption,hidden/unlockables.

planed engine posibilities expanded via scription:
enable/disable screens for arcadeish game; extra modes created and linked; rotation,scale,order and possition of every menu element using font/image/animation; extra screens to expand interaction; enable/disable/force game mode;

You can use a lua script to force the engine to start as 1vs1 or simul or tag or team based game, even can be a mix of all.

with a lua script you can establish how cpu will fight you regardles of your main selection, fist match can be vs a simul team, meanwhile second match be vs a tag fight, third encounter vs turned oponnents lastly as an example the fourth and last be vs a single boss oponent.

And many many other things imagined (Mugen Castlevania platformer game created by Falchion22 and Serio Castlevania Fighter properly merged in one for example)

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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#8  May 27, 2018, 10:23:00 pm
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    • Brazil
hi guys,
well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:

this game of naruto works perfectly in mugen ... but see what happens in ikemen:

I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#9  May 27, 2018, 11:06:56 pm
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    • Turkey
is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#10  May 27, 2018, 11:10:13 pm
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  • Raging Fist
is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)
Something like that would also come in handy for arcade order battles too.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#11  May 28, 2018, 02:53:30 am
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is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)

Well the engine does not distinguish in who is who, just know that they are independent characters from each other.
There could not be a syntax that says if it is original, clone or modified; since they are all original creations.
maybe the engine in select.def can recognize words like same author, display name, the name of the definitions file, here is an example of how it could be:

capital.disctinction = 0               ;distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.
player.disctinction= 2,3,5,6        ; -1 conditions affects all players, 0 none player be affected, only the numbered separated by commas be affected.

 ; if you pick one character, the cpu or another player described above can't select same character. (fight and beat em up mode) = 1              ;avoid select another character with same display name. = 1               ;avoid select another character with same auhor name. = 1                     ;avoid select another character with same def file name.

 ; The cpu ignore a match if meets the conditions. (option designed for fight mode only since it is redundant) = 1             ;avoid fight characters with same display name. = 1              ;avoid fight characters with same auhor name. = 1                    ;avoid fight characters with same def file name.

 ; User specific words to ignore with another predefined ones separated by commas, the first word is the one that will be compared with those that are in parentheses, capital disctinction if defined.
user.word.list = "ryu" ("RYu", "r1u", "rhyu", "er1u"), "ken" ("K.en", "KEN", "k3n"), "orochi" ( "0r0ch1", "Oro.chi", "porokhi"), "Ph4ntom of the server" ("phantom of the sereve", "geist server", "ghostly sammy", "PoTS").

It is not really a priority but it could be integrated later, it is not a promise but I could think about it.

Something like that would also come in handy for arcade order battles too.

Mugen itself has a option for character orders in select.def
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#12  May 28, 2018, 03:36:27 am
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is it possible to add sth that prevents you from picking same char twice on simul to new version of engine
cause I dont want ryu's assist to be ryu or evil ryu,same goes with different versions of character(final bison,violent ken etc etc)
I can add it as either options setting or screenpack parameter but I'm not quite sure what's the benefit of doing so. Like if you don't want particular assist character don't select it? I don't think it's screenpack creators who should decide if it's possible. And even if this would be a new setting in options I can imagine false bug reports/complains from players who try to select such characters combination and forgot about this option. Please elaborate why exactly it's needed.

Something like that would also come in handy for arcade order battles too.
When character with particular order is selected than you won't face that character again in this arcade play through (just like in mugen IIRC)

well, a problem with transparency is happening on ikemen plus ... see:
I would like to know if this has already been identified and corrected in the GO version
it's fixed for the screenpacks (to be more precise in old Ikemen Plus animSetColorKey was used incorrectly). As for the stages please upload the problematic one and I will check it out. Even if the problem is still there I know how to fix it (should be a matter of changing one of the bg.anim.mask lines in stages.go from 0 to -1 or maybe defaulting this value to -1).

Well, that is exactly what I mean. Wouldn't you need someone to test the online capabilities with regardless? No, not the old one, its a general question, like how can I help you.
yes, but not yet.

Not much of a question, but I'm excited for this. I'm just wondering how much can the engine handle? Me, and some others I know, like to really push the limits on graphics, and last I checked, regular Ikemen couldn't handle it too well.
Loading times are infinitely better in current build (in old Ikemen Plus characters loader was badly coded). As for performance I don't know since I have fast computer, so can't test how it performs on weaker setups.

-I'm not sure if its already possible, but can the character select scrolling be configurable with the option for it to be more like Mugen? I can see the benefit it has but it's also problematic when trying to create certain kinds of motifs

it works like mugen by default. In order to optionally enable select scrolling screenpack needs to have "rows.scrolling = x" (where x is number of scrolling rows) parameter set under [Select Info]. Same with double select screen (optional "", "", "" parameters)

-Can Turns and Simul be made modifiable ? How can I word this.... I can see the situations where the way it currently is would be useful, but there are times where it'd be nicer to be able to have it selectable from maybe a screen prior or even just separated at the main menu? It's kind of variable I supposed based on person/full game needs. Like personally, I like turns and i like when you can have 4 weaker chars fight one "boss" char or something, but I also hate having to choose that right before I select my fighters at the select. I hope I'm being clear, but I'm willing to explain what I mean more if need be.
everything in interface can be changed. But adjusting when exactly team mode menu should show up or what values should be selected automatically requires lua file edits, so it's better suited for full games. Adding additional screenpack parameters for this sounds like bloated functionality to me (please elaborate how you want it to be implemented taking screenpack coding into account - if your implementation idea is intuitive than we can think about it).

-Can systems be altered where the way localcoord affects characters and their portraits and stuff isnt so.....disjointed? It's been some times since I touched either engine, but if my memory serves me right, if a like HD character has its own localcoord thing going on, it became hard to properly adjust the portrait (different resolutions required different localcoords, and ports were always affected badly, especially on more experimental resolutions)
I've noticed weird way that mugen handles portraits during localcoord implementation. To be precise mugen seems to be using following equation for portrait scaling:
portrait.scale = scaleX * localCoordY / 240, scaleY * localCoordY / 240
Same for face scaling. I've implemented additional optional screenpack parameter that makes the portrait scaling work like any other image (so for example, if the parameter is set, and "portrait.scale = 1, 1" than portrait will maintain the correct pixel size regardless of localcoord). For compatibility sake this parameter is disabled by default.

-Animated menu items? like an alternative to the font system it already uses?
I don't want to make screenpack creation confusing (even if it's optional feature). How exactly you want it to work? Tens of new menu.itemname.anim parameters for each mode? Sounds like a feature more suited for full game adjustments.

-Profile/Progress Saving (arcade/story mode progress, record of battle wins/losses, survival tracking, etc)
It's on the roadmap for future releases. It’s needed for ranking score system and characters unlocking functionality, so progress and tons of data will need to be saved.

Well the engine does not distinguish in who is who, just know that they are independent characters from each other.
There could not be a syntax that says if it is original, clone or modified; since they are all original creations.
maybe the engine in select.def can recognize words like same author, display name, the name of the definitions file, here is an example of how it could be:
Looks like I misunderstood mete122's question if this is what he meant. I'm not interested in coding it myself but if MangeX implements it than I don't see a problem with adding this functionality of course.

MangeX, are you interested in collaborating on Ikemen GO Plus fork development or you will create separate one? If the former I will give you access to the repository on Github, so that you can commit and create branches without pull requests.
Last Edit: May 28, 2018, 04:45:41 am by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#13  May 28, 2018, 11:24:49 pm
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Well, if you need anything let me know. I've been ready to jump into things. I'll just continue to spread awareness of it.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#14  May 28, 2018, 11:48:21 pm
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  • Pixels are atom's of resolution,Low-res or Hi-res
    • Turkey
Cause its pretty much how it works in offical games right?You cant choose ryu twice in mvc or tatsunuko
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#15  May 29, 2018, 12:57:55 am
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MangeX, are you interested in collaborating on Ikemen GO Plus fork development or you will create separate one? If the former I will give you access to the repository on Github, so that you can commit and create branches without pull requests.

I'm interested in that ,for now i want to implement sdl instead of the current gflw interface because if the engine  continue with the later it will be needed to instalo diffetent instances for every function (audio,video,input,network) and sdl has better compatibility.

Second is hability ti stream audio and video calls in real time.

Then i want to implement video MKV, MP4 or webm streaming for back background layers if needed or scenes ir whatever be usted.

Later my plan is to add a new way to make smaller and optimized games using tilesets assets ,just like older games manage to be, ovbiously as complement ti current SFF MUGEN files who stored complete Sprites in ram.
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#16  May 29, 2018, 01:22:26 am
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  • Raging Fist
well there is that order thing yes, but what if say u are making a mugen that has multiple versions of one character that you want for a team thing (Terry or Wild Wolf, Andy1 or andy2 and Joe or EX Joe) and you make the order but somehow you end up with a team that has two terrys or andys or joes instead of the one? That's my beef with my mugen atm.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#17  May 29, 2018, 02:21:56 am
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You basically want to replicate KOF with it's team based order system. The whole thing is random, as he said manually adding those things to distinguish them.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I'm having some trouble with the arcade setup.

Right now, this is the "specific" arcade ladder I have for Ryu.(I'll make a video of this once I figure this out)

Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Terry,3=Sakura,4=Ryo,5=kfma4a/kfma4a2.def,6=Kyo,7=Sagat,8=Ken,9=M.Bison,10=Akuma

Which is the correct way to add character specific stages unique to this ladder?

This is just an example, I've tried doing it with/without commas etc and nothing works.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Also I noticed that, it isn't possible to have this..

His Arcade order
Ryu, 1=Alex,2=Terry,3=Sakura,4=Ryo,5=kfma4a/kfma4a2.def,6=Kyo,7=Sagat,8=Ken,9=M.Bison,10=Akuma

and this together.

This is just him on the select def

Alex, order=1, stages/Shiyo/ring2014.def
It crashes every time.

Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#18  May 29, 2018, 02:28:50 am
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  • Raging Fist
That part I understand about. What I do not understand is how to make it so by order for tag/ team mode, I won't see 2-3 of the same character on the same team.
Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#19  May 29, 2018, 02:49:53 am
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Re: Ikemen GO Plus
#20  May 29, 2018, 03:00:28 am
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  • Raging Fist
crap. looks like I'll have to figure out how to combine characters together like in KOFZ