
Order #, and other ideas (Read 11953 times)

Started by Seravy, December 03, 2008, 10:13:40 pm
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Order #, and other ideas
#1  December 03, 2008, 10:13:40 pm
  • ****
    • Hungary
It would be nice if there were no limit in the maximum order # you can assign for arcade characters. (or at least not 10 like in normal mugen but 100 or something)
It would also be nice if you could set up some text to display on the VS screen (and/or in the lifebar) in arcade mode for those numbers. (Like "Level 3" or "Final Stage" or similar so the player will know how far he got in the game).
In addition, if you could configure a character for multiple order numbers and assign one specific palette for each one like order=2 palette=1 and order=5 palette=12 for the super version of the same character. Normal mugen needs two copies of the character to do that and it is a waste of disk space. Also this way is better than adding an order trigger to the characters, as the palno trigger is in the original mugen, while using a new one will make those characters incompatible.

Also for characters, an AI activation variable option in select.def would be nice to have, so when AI needs to be on, it will automatically assign a value. Another advantage of this is if a character has scalable AI setting, you can easily change it in your select.def, and don't need to look for the correct place in the character code. (It could look something like this : "AIVar=number, AILevel=number", and set that value whenever the character is under CPU control and in roundstate 2 (and set to 0 otherwise))

And finally for orders in arcade, a configurable attack,defense,life,and power generation rate boost for the CPU opponents that gets added directly to their [data] values in percentages. (with a default of no change of course)
Re: Order #, and other ideas
#2  December 04, 2008, 04:07:56 am
  • ******
  • In after lock
It would be nicer to do away with the order stuff so that we could have something that allows for programmable logic.  For instance, you could have a specific rival for each character, face a certain opponent if you win / lose, have game over condition for not beating somebody after so many rounds etc.

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re: Order #, and other ideas
#3  December 04, 2008, 12:06:30 pm
  • ****
    • Hungary
That sounds even better. Nice ideas.