
Stage Discussion (Read 361129 times)

Started by Neocide, October 24, 2012, 11:06:52 pm
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Stage Discussion
#1  October 24, 2012, 11:06:52 pm
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I've reached a point where it's time to discuss stages. Talking to iced made me think that sb based stages might be out seeing as how the backgrounds are a bit small. so I'm making this topic to see if I can get people with suggestions and ideas for me and NoZ for stages.

I want to make at least 16 stages and try to get most of the landmarks in. My list of stages that are mandatory;

What's Done :

- Islands
- Cell games
- Road
- Earth Plains
- Earth Plains (Mid)
- Earth Plains (Night)

What's left:

- Namek
- Namek Coastline
- Dead Namek
- First fight
- Room of space and time
- ??????
- Kami's Look out
- Islands (Night)
- Islands (Storm)
- Snow
- Forest
- Mountain Top                 
- Roshi's House                 
- Destroyed City               

Up Next:

- Dead Namek
Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 01:23:08 am by Neocide
Re: Stage Discussion
#2  October 24, 2012, 11:12:49 pm
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Mr.Satans arena maybe?
He could be in the background


Re: Stage Discussion
#3  October 24, 2012, 11:23:21 pm
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Maybe you could add an original idea for some.

For instance, maybe an anime styled background with some dragon ball implemented ideas to them. Just an idea:

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Potentially editing something like that with your own twist on it. Look Goku flying around on the nimbus, or just a dragon ball styled city in the background.

I know it's been done in mugen before, but maybe your own twist on android's destruction to the city, also where Vegeta fought Android 18 potentially (referring to the tenkaichi games)
Re: Stage Discussion
#4  October 24, 2012, 11:26:05 pm
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yea my initial idea was to rip backgrounds from the show and add a filter to them, and then add stuff along with them to sorta mesh. Like I did with my sig.

But yea I want to take as many scenes from the show as possible for stages. If I could find the right resources I'd make the stage where vegeta and 18 were jumping from car to car.

If anyone knows good terrain from games (rocky floors,cliffs etc) please let me know. I am a bit swamped on looking everywhere and trying to code and sprite. It's very time consuming @_@
Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 11:30:50 pm by Neocide
Re: Stage Discussion
#5  August 19, 2014, 06:13:14 pm
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Okay So since I started working on stages I thought I'd post in here instead of the progress board.

So Stage editing\spriting has started, worked on cell game's floor, seemed to be the most work for the cell Games, which I've decided to try first,
after this I'll do the forest stage.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

not 100% on the tile colors, but I'll figure it out later. Next up will be the background stuff (hills,grass etc)

Thinking of props for the stage, atm, I'm thinking of satan's men hiding behind a rock, with their heads popping up. A news chopper (if anyone has sprites of a chopper please lemme know)

As of Now I am entirely on stage work so this thread should be Quite active with activity from me.

right now I'm starting with Shin b Stages I'm going to edit, then I'm going to begin editing from actual scenes from the show.

Spoiler: Stage List (click to see content)

I might Sprite Guild members (In Ap) in one of the alternate stages (probably the Hell stage), sorta be easter eggs in the stage to find where everyone is. 

Re: Stage Discussion
#6  August 26, 2014, 12:14:00 pm
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You can get the cliff and mountain stages from MVC, you can get the grassy plains from elena sf3 stage. I suggest checking out real bout because it also has a lot of useable content.


Re: Stage Discussion
#7  August 27, 2014, 12:10:45 am
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Re: Stage Discussion
#8  August 27, 2014, 01:55:11 am
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oh that can work, since it'll be way farther in the background.

Also If anyone at all can help me with ripping stage materials from some games (the alpha series, the vs series, marvel,last bout) it would help me tons, I have the stages I need so if someone is willing I can give the list, also Iced can as well.


Re: Stage Discussion
#9  August 27, 2014, 06:56:42 pm
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Anything specific you want from those games? I'm not that great at ripping but i may be able to help you with getting what you need.
Re: Stage Discussion
#10  August 28, 2014, 01:24:37 am
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yea I have a list of the stages I need and the parts for each stage. atm  it's mainly floors, and some backdrops, I have a full master list for what materials I need for stages. Mainly I just want to grab ones with terrain close to db ( rocks,cliffs,plains,islands)  so the stages I know for sure I need..

Alpha series - 

Venezuela (SFA2)
Hong Kong (SFA3) (Mainly the far background)
Thailand Adon (SFA2) (floor, palm trees, fat background)
Thailand - Sagat (SFA2) (floor)
Usa - Guile (SFA3 ) (Far background, the mountains)
Mexico - T hawk - (floor,background)
Cave - Gouki (SFA3)


Oro (Second Imapct ) (floor, background)
Africa - Elena (3rd strike) (floor)
Unknown - Gill (The New Generation) (background)

Marvel\Vs series

Death Valley  - (MvSF,XvSF)
The Hilltop - (MvSF,XvSF) (Floor,background)
The Cataract (MvSF,XvSF)(floor,background)
High cliffs (MvC)  (Floor,Background)

Islands - Iceman (X-men) (floor, background)
Mountains - Wolverine (MSH) (Background)
Savage  Land (X-men)

I think thats all the ones I can think of. There might be some real bout ones I'm forgetting.


Re: Stage Discussion
#11  August 28, 2014, 02:17:09 am
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Like I said i'm not really the greatest at ripping anything so i couldn't provide full stages, but I've got a few renders saved you may find helpful.

I know it's not much, lol. If I find anything else I think could help I'll send it to you.
Re: Stage Discussion
#12  August 28, 2014, 02:43:26 am
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thanks, just any help at all is awesome! saves me some time. Really appreciate it :)


Re: Stage Discussion
#13  August 28, 2014, 03:18:38 am
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No problem!
Re: Stage Discussion
#14  August 29, 2014, 12:07:18 pm
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That actually looks awesome :)
Re: Stage Discussion
#15  August 30, 2014, 03:46:55 pm
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i'll try & help out with this if i can, probably try & rip some sprites from Alpha & whatnot. i'll keep ya posted with any progress i make bruh.
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Re: Stage Discussion
#16  August 30, 2014, 11:17:56 pm
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alright, thanks a lot : )
Re: Stage Discussion
#17  September 01, 2014, 03:25:27 pm
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I forgot to add China from sfa3 to the list, the background area behind the wall, those mountains.


Re: Stage Discussion
#18  September 07, 2014, 08:12:37 pm
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Was messing around with stage stuff yesterday and thought about you.

I know it's not on the list but i thought it could help, it's the background from Alfred's stage in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2.

Background with sky:

In case you wanted just the mountains, version without sky:

Just in case the quality or something with images mess up here's a quick link:

In game this background with the sky had an animated sun effect on it, I figured you'd rather have just a tileable piece like that. If you'd like the sun effect i can get that for you as well.

I'll start keeping more of the stuff you listed in mind while i'm tinkering with stuff.
Re: Stage Discussion
#19  September 07, 2014, 10:40:25 pm
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ORA ORA ORA!  that is wonderful! keep it up ^^
Re: Stage Discussion
#20  September 07, 2014, 10:43:10 pm
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intriguing :)
with a stage like that all it needs is a sort of parallax floor (perhaps tatsu style)