
Super Portraits (Read 13679 times)

Started by Human, December 21, 2012, 11:02:41 pm
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Super Portraits
#1  December 21, 2012, 11:02:41 pm
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    • Japan
I need help with Super Portraits, currently I use Pocket fighter ingame portraits, but making them is too hard to me and there are no people with time to make them.

Is there any gallery/collection of art of chibi versions of SF/KOF/Other characters in more/less same style (so they don't clash)? They dont need to be in colour.

I know falserockman to have nice gallery of those,
this is good example

I pmed him some time ago and no response.
Re: Super Portraits
#2  December 22, 2012, 04:29:10 am
  • *****
  • IG @tanooki_ninja
    • Puerto Rico

Hmmmm the best of my knowledge you should be able to find stuff relevant to chibi versions in TFG.

If not, try Creative Uncut or Kawaii Dream.

I remember at least getting SF KOF and SamSho chibi art from those sites.

Also, if you find something that is too low quality but like the art enough to use it...maybe I can remaster it for you.

Just send me the image and specifications you would like me to format them in and I will try to do my best.

...after all I've been thinking of opening a Chibi section in my DA...So we could both benefit from this.

I'm a PM away.
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA
Re: Super Portraits
#3  December 22, 2012, 05:36:28 pm
  • ****
    • Japan
Thnx for helping,

I found easy way to convert chibi fanart to more/less ( :P ) Pocket fighter style portraits, here how it looks:

I know hands and head are not exactly same size as Pocket Fighter style, but those super portraits pop out for less than a second so I don't need it perfect :P

So all I need is good colection of Chibi fighters and I can easily make it done :D
Re: Super Portraits
#4  December 23, 2012, 12:48:56 pm
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  • MUGEN IS MY LIFE /I promise from not to derail.
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 12:56:28 pm by Segatron
Re: Super Portraits
#5  December 23, 2012, 02:16:22 pm
  • ******
  • JoJo is boring
    • USA
Cool looking game, going to try it out.

Also, nice portraits
Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 02:25:10 pm by ExShadow
Re: Super Portraits
#6  December 24, 2012, 04:48:48 pm
  • *****
  • IG @tanooki_ninja
    • Puerto Rico

I've uploaded some scanned pages from SF20 where chibi character art is present.

Hope this helps.

Also, I will try to get you everything I can off the internet and upload it in the next file...couple of days from now considering its Xmas and everything.
"We need other people in order to create the circumstances for the learning that we are here to generate" RIP Adam Yauch aka MCA