
Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Read 236898 times)

Started by Swanky, January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
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Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends
#41  March 26, 2021, 09:58:31 pm
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I just tested with no issues. Note that I edited Rose for Mugen 1.0, so I can't say if she'll still work for 1.1
You could try and download the original version of Rose (should be a folder Rose_MvC), then drop my files into that folder and have the following in your select.def:

That's how I've set up my files and it works no problem.
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends
#42  September 11, 2021, 03:09:21 pm
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I've uploaded a small patch for Beast by GladiaCloud, MotorRoach, and Kenshiro99. It lowers the volume on his screams and voice lines by ~7db. Link is updated in first post.
Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 03:15:38 pm by Swanky
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated 09-11-21)
#43  September 23, 2021, 02:03:15 pm
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An edit of Scarlet Witch was released.
An edit of Omega Red was released.
As full edits both have their own respective topics, links are in the first post.

Also, a patch for JubileeMVC by Gladiacloud, ShinZankuro and Kenshiro99 was released. I am keeping this patch separate until I can confirm there are no pressing issues with this. click!
The link and patch information is also in the first post of this topic.
Last Edit: September 23, 2021, 02:14:20 pm by Swanky
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated 09-23-21)
#44  October 05, 2021, 10:20:48 am
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Short update on the Flash edit. Not happening right now, but I did check several of Mr. Giang's edits, which are all for Mugen 1.1. While they are nice, I intend to keep my edits to 1.0. Retrofitting the characters and systems doesn't seem possible without rewrites, and I'm not sure they would work. Because of this, working off of Mr. Giang's work is off the table.
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated 09-23-21)
#45  October 05, 2021, 10:42:09 am
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Short update on the Flash edit. Not happening right now, but I did check several of Mr. Giang's edits, which are all for Mugen 1.1. While they are nice, I intend to keep my edits to 1.0. Retrofitting the characters and systems doesn't seem possible without rewrites, and I'm not sure they would work. Because of this, working off of Mr. Giang's work is off the table.

There are 1.0 versions of his stuff as well. I belive he made two versions for most of his releases.
Last Edit: October 05, 2021, 10:45:35 am by YugaCurry
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated 09-23-21)
#46  February 03, 2022, 11:18:51 pm
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Added a new portrait for Doctor Octopus.

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated 09-23-21)
#47  February 04, 2022, 06:46:40 pm
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I've pushed Mr. Sinister, Omega Red, Phoenix and Scarlet Witch over into the main download file on moddb.
Mr. Sinister, Omega Red and Phoenix have received minor updates over the past few days; see their respective topics on the updates.
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)
#48  February 04, 2022, 09:45:07 pm
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Hey Swanky, how you doin? I just want to say the work you have done for your characters is really good. It's nice and always cool when guys like you work on custom Marvel characters and getting them the proper work done on them, since custom, fanmade, and unofficial comic book characters have infamous history of not being the best made or programmed.
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)
#49  February 05, 2022, 09:44:19 am
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Hey Swanky, how you doin? I just want to say the work you have done for your characters is really good. It's nice and always cool when guys like you work on custom Marvel characters and getting them the proper work done on them, since custom, fanmade, and unofficial comic book characters have infamous history of not being the best made or programmed.

Thank you for your kind words. While I agree that some comic book based characters could be better it's still a lot of hard work making them in the first place. We should be grateful all of of them were made in the first place! :)

Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)
#50  February 05, 2022, 10:11:23 am
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Comic characters done right are my favorites to have in Mugen. I have enough Ryus, Kens, Jin Kazamas, etc. i don’t get excited for any new versions of them because they’ve been done right way too many times.. so when a character from a comic or TV series is done good Capcom style it automatically has my attention

I think I suggested Martian Manhunter by efrencortes a while ago. There’s a problem with his super jump button. Might be some other slight things that could be adjusted.
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)
#51  February 05, 2022, 11:40:47 am
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You got that Swanky and Dakidbanks. In order for us to know what good comic characters are, we need people to make them all in the first place and I'm very grateful for the early palette swaps, voice mods, and other attempts at creating other comic characters that got us here today.
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)
#52  February 08, 2022, 03:40:14 pm
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Updated Jubilee's Patch. She's now hosted with the main patch archives on See first post for Download link.
V1.1 update
- Her Spark Wall now has range dependant on button strength. Medium and Heavy versions don't reflect anymore. Heavy version throws higher and further, with a little more damage.
- This also affects her counter since the 1320 anim now has more range. Deals little damage overall but knocks the opponent away.
- Some touch ups to her damage values and scaling, feels more consistent overall now (you may want to tone done the overall attack power in case you deal too much damage as I usually play with 150% life values)
- Her normals give 20% more power.
- 236x ground & aerial startup faster by 5 frames (slightly more consistent in combos, still dependent on RNG)
- couple of touch ups to her AI, should be slightly less derpy now

Also added a small preview video to first post. Probably need to get some better footage some time, and make Morrigan's hard ai a bit less spammy.

Comic characters done right are my favorites to have in Mugen. I have enough Ryus, Kens, Jin Kazamas, etc. i don’t get excited for any new versions of them because they’ve been done right way too many times.. so when a character from a comic or TV series is done good Capcom style it automatically has my attention

I think I suggested Martian Manhunter by efrencortes a while ago. There’s a problem with his super jump button. Might be some other slight things that could be adjusted.

Someone did. Still haven't checked out that character. Neither had time yet to work on any other projects. Still working on other -non-Mugen- projects; I just squeezed in some work after I got permission to release Phoenix.
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-04-22)
#53  February 08, 2024, 02:58:37 pm
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*Blows away some dust* *cough* *cough*
Alrighty... By some weird cosmic alignment and some other happenstances I wound up back at MUGEN again. Yay.

I've begun working a bit on Toni's Supergirl because she's a nice character that just needed a few touch ups. Not sure if she actually needs anything else because she's perfectly functional and pretty much bug-free. AvX bounce mechanic would work but not sure about it. Will likely release her later.

Change List so far:
- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
   - Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus)
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2

Also, I *AM* aware that my edits have been uploaded to mega and other filehosters and are part of the collections over at MugenFreeForAll. This has been done without my consent and I cannot and will not confirm these are kept up to date. If these break your game, your computer or even your relationship I will not care.
Last Edit: February 08, 2024, 03:05:11 pm by Swanky
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#54  February 11, 2024, 08:30:08 pm
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Update to Poison Ivy

Update 1.05 - Still needs a bit more testing.
- changed some anim frame times for QCF K and QCB K moves
- changed QCB K position from 10 to -10 on P2 and vel y to -10. This will launch P2 on hit, and the position slightly behind P2 will lauch them into Poison Ivy for
   more combo potential.
- changed QCB KK hyper damage from 250,10 to 350,10. More inline with other damage supers and also needed because this thing is otherwise useless with its high
   startup time

Also released an edit for Toni's Supergirl. Requires said character.

- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
   - Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus) and changed method to helper which is more consistent with sound effects
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2

Her gameplay is untouched. As said, not sure she needs anything else.

(Download has been moved into the main file)
Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 11:36:39 pm by Swanky
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#55  February 14, 2024, 08:12:02 pm
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Small heads up:
I am currently working on Shazam by Logansam, edited by Prospectone.
Fun character but woefully inconsistent in its combo ability. My aim is to normalize him so he makes nice within the MvC-ish setting.

Current Changelist
 - normalized his health / atk / def values
 - Removed AI cheats
 - streamlined AI command input (still work to be done)
 - fixed inconsistent frame & hitstun data on normals for combos
 - shortened some specials start up frame data a bit to allow for better comboing
 - reworked Hyper damage values
 - added Alpha Counter (code by MystikBlaze)
 - added HyperComboFinish BG (sprites by Winane)
 - added quotes
 - fixed incorrect Super Jump changeanim
 - some stuff regarding damage dampening

Will also be pushing another small update to Poison Ivy in the next couple of days.
- added safety checks to QCF P and QCB P specials to better prevent infinites. Her Hyper Plant Grab is specifically excempt from this.
- changed juggle points back to 15 but lowered atk value to 90 from 100 because more juggling fun
This will make her have a couple of longer juggle combos and should elevate her gameplay a good bit. Max combo damage as per testing is 500 - 600 which may be a little high, I'll have to see and run some more tests.

Have set my sights on Black Adam by Dr.Doom and Trexrell after. Looks fun and has potential, but also a boat load of issues as of now.
Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 12:56:02 pm by Swanky
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#56  March 20, 2024, 04:58:38 pm
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Great job with the DC edits.. you should check out Martian Manhunter by efrencortes as well that could still use your touch
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#57  March 21, 2024, 03:08:59 pm
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I did look at him at one point and I'm not very interested in doing him.

Also mailed Logansam about permission for releasing a Shazam edit a while back. Didn't get an answer which means that he is off the table for now.
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#58  March 21, 2024, 04:36:09 pm
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I like logansam Shazam.. I think Mr Giang released an edit as well before
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#59  March 21, 2024, 04:45:26 pm
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yea from reading his readme, as long as you don't edit the sprites, you should be ok to make an edit of the character :)
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Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Feb-11th-24)
#60  August 10, 2024, 05:47:04 pm
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I've released various patches for a few more characters:


Felicia by ahuron & RedHot
Gallon by VsDebuts
Marrow by Buckus
Nightcrawler (Legacy of Heroes 1.1) by 087-b, DarkWolf13
Sonson by FerchoGTX, RyouWin, Kong & RedHot
Supergirl by Toni

- Added an AI
- Now has 3000 power and does not start match with meter
- added an Alpha Counter

- Added an AI.
- hyper Damage values adjusted

- Added an AI
- optionally disabling starting with 1000 power

- Added an AI. Despite it being simple, him being able to teleport all over the place still makes him a pain to deal with.
- rearranged the palletes to be consistent with my other releases
- fixed var(57) / var(59) triggers in cmd to be consistent with AI triggers.
- hopefully fixed his jHP / jHK not knocking down correctly, and jHK not linking correctly from jMP/jMK
- Re-organized his QCF teleport attack inputs. Kick now correlates to a kick special while Punch now does the sword attacks.
- dejanked his qcf teleport specials. They were set to appear at posset 0,0. They will now appear in relation to p2 which makes them a lot more consistent (and dangerous).
- normalized damage values. He does a little less damage overall but has his hyper moves normalized and upped in damage.
- Reworked his Hyper Teleport. Should now teleport to p2 and consistently facing left and right, teleports are now tied to animelemtime & p2 position. Could still use a little polish.
- added an emergency teleport. Functionally the same as regular teleport, but works as an Alpha Counter variant. Cost 1 Bar.

- Added an AI
- optionally disabling starting with 1000 power

- touched up her AI, it's a lot more aggressive and consistent with their moves now
- reworked some of the damage values - hyper damage values specifically, to make them pop a little more.
   - Max damage should be somewhere in the 500s per combo (some of the after hyper juggling / combo extension is weird)
- Added a Hyper Combo Finish BG (by Beximus)
- new Portrait, old one is now 9000,2

I have removed the patch for Morrigan as jjkoolaid has long since updated her.
€ Quick update: Also merged Supergirl into the file.
Updated first post.

To Do:
Re-Evaluate Cody by VsDebuts. I have already done an AI Patch but his supers feel a little boring. Maybe I can see if I can do something more exciting with them. Rashid's SF6 Lvl2 maybe? A number of Tornadoes as a fullscreen super? Who knows...
Check characters for attacks with custom states. Those tend to whiff on super armored enemies and bosses.

€² I've noticed I probably haven't uploaded the newst Ivy version yet. >.< Will have to sort that out and move her versions into the character pack main file in the next few days, if moddb permits.
Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 11:38:05 pm by Swanky