
Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-18th-24) (Read 236763 times)

Started by Swanky, January 20, 2021, 10:24:40 am
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Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-10th-24)
#61  August 11, 2024, 11:52:04 am
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Poison Ivy 1.06 has been rolled into the main character download file. Link in first post and here
Re: Various MvC-ish characters edited, other odds & ends (updated Aug-10th-24)
#62  August 18, 2024, 12:18:55 pm
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Updated some character patches:

- fixed p2stateno hitdefs for boss characters. Add bosses to statedef -2

- changed AI activation method

- fixed p2stateno hitdefs for boss characters. Add bosses to statedef -2

- changed AI activation method
- fixed 9000,1 portrait colours


- Work around for P2 recovering during Buccaneer Hyper
- Changed AI activation method

Also, new Patch for

by Gou-San & VsDebuts
- added an AI
- AI activation method changed
- fixed various inconsistencies for AI triggers in statedef -1
- added bosscode variable and added it to all hitdefs with p2stateno parameters except throws. Bosscode var(2) in statedef -2 to add boss names.
- 623k now hits low
- removed one of his hypers and fixed up and added in an existing one. Cody can now throw Tornados with 236PP, mash p for more tornados.
