Hey guys. It's been a while. If you don't remember me I'm the guy who was working on a project a while back with the intention of adding a lot of blood and gore to the Samurai Shodown series. Well things didn't pan out as planned and I was never able to get a good collection of characters. I ended up with a lot of stages that I added to and edited and a screen pack that I did the same to. But never quite got to my goal. I still have that custom content if anybody is interested. If you still don't remember me well I probably deserve it. Anyways I decided to move this goal of making a game bloodier to another franchise that had a roster of characters designed for Mugen that were built the same way. Preferably from the same author. And so that brought me to muteki and his amazing characters for GGXX. I've always loved the art style and character design aswell as the overall style to these games. Yet I never got a chance to play any of them. So I was blown away by the gameplay when I first started messing around with these characters and since then have created something quite solid and very nice. Features with a * in front are still being implemented and are subject to change if more can be done. This project is for Mugen 1.1 and is designed for an HD 1280x720 screen resolution. Official Launch Trailer:VIDEO Official Gameplay Tutorial Trailer:VIDEO Blood and Gore Features :Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Blood spouts and lands on the floor when characters are hit by their opponent's weapon. Blood splats disappear when created by normal, special, and hyper attacks after a few seconds. Blood splats stay permanently when created by a Destroyed 1 Hit Kill attack on the deciding round. *Characters with explosive Destroyed 1 Hit Kill Attacks will cause their victims to explode into messy chunks ( MK Style ). *Characters with fiery Destroyed 1 Hit Kill Attacks will cause their victims to stay on fire after death with fire and smoke FX. *Characters with electrical Destroyed 1 Hit Kill Attacks will leave their victims smoking with smoke FX.Gameplay Features : Counter system known as Burst that fills while attacking or being attacked that will help to push your opponent away to stop their attacks. Penalty system that removes power from you if you spend too much time waiting to make a move. Hyper Attacks have been reconfigured to the D,F,D,F method for easier usage. Destroy mode that enables your character to utilize their 1 Hit Kill move. Destroy Mode will start to drain your own life if the mode's timer bar runs out and the mode hasn't been deactivated. Different play styles for several characters that can be selected during the intro of a fight with the left and right directional buttons.Screenpack Features : Borrowed the intro, assets, and inspiration from the GGXX Screenpack made by Zinesis and the GGXrd Screenpack made by MustardSeedComics. Custom Main Menu, Options, Character Select, VS, Victory, and Gameover Screens with a lot of moving parts. Custom Ending shared by all characters ( Justice is the Final Boss of the game so you get to see her die in a cool cut scene ). GGXrd Life bar, Fight art, and power bar created by Rayzo and edited by me.Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
This is the final frame of the intro. The "Press a Button" flashes on and off until you actually press a button. Then you are taken to the main menu screen. Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
All of the gears and chains are animated except for the gears attached to the top and bottom metal borders. The lava also flows to the left behind the grating. The monitor screen actually changes every few seconds to show a screenshot of the stages. I love fighting game stages so I wanted to show them off a bit. The GG series has really nice stages. Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Every gear is animated except for the big gear in the center of the screen and the gears attached to the top metal border. The lava flow to the right and the fire is of course animated. Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
The gears in the background rotate and the fire is animated. Huge metal doors open up to reveal all of this as the VS screen is activated. The lava flows to the right. Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
All gears rotate.Stages : Mostly typical stages for GGXX characters downloaded from The Mugen Archive with added FX such as fog or smoke. Edited some stages to accompany Mugen's limitations such as a lack of having water effects when characters are walking in water. Used 2 edited stages from GGI for Testament and the Robo-Ky Ambush Mini Game. All stages were edited to allow the Mugen 1.1 zoom feature to work properly.Music Features : All music for stages and the screenpack are included and may come from GGX, GGXX, GGI, or GGXrd.Character Roster : All characters by muteki have been stripped of their ridiculously hard AI and use the default Mugen difficulty system. All characters come from muteki except for Robo-Ky ( 1 on 1 version ) who comes from Ukege and Leopaldon who was made by Kurogane. Robo-ky was edited to include all features from muteki's characters. Order Sol is a secret character on the character select screen. Will post a video of all this in action. I have really internet so it'll take some time. I could use a good spriter to maybe take this project even further with the gore in future updates. Maybe custom sprites of every character getting their top torso removed from an explosion. Stuff like that.ModDB Project Page :http://www.moddb.com/mods/guilty-gear-xx-bloodshed