
Spritesheet Expansion Thread (Read 2514243 times)

Started by Graphicus, September 18, 2011, 07:17:56 am
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Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#881  January 21, 2023, 10:55:56 pm
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    • Argentina
Hi, one question, the sprites here are open source? can I use it for future characters?
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#882  January 21, 2023, 11:20:55 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
Isn't this the whole point of this thread?
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#883  January 21, 2023, 11:26:37 pm
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    • Argentina
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#884  January 22, 2023, 11:01:41 pm
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    • Argentina
I had this laying around and I wanted to finished it.

SF IV's Omega Mode Funky Summersault by Me (SFA Dee Jay)

Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#885  February 04, 2023, 09:32:37 am
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  • Some day I'll finish this thing...
    • Argentina
Hi, one question, the sprites here are open source? can I use it for future characters?

Isn't this the whole point of this thread?

It wasn't mentioned in the rules, so I just wanted to be sure before causing any problem

Isn't this the whole point of this thread?

It wasn't mentioned in the rules, so I just wanted to be sure before causing any problem

It IS the whole point of this thread and I can't believe I didn't state it explicitly (I suppose I assumed it'd be obvious, since there's a gallery and all, but I still should've). Thanks for pointing it out. I've added it to the first post.
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#886  February 04, 2023, 04:40:23 pm
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    • Argentina
Im sorry, I should have known it, I just had problems with a user after I use some edits he made so Im kinda cautious about this.
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#887  February 10, 2023, 01:24:58 am
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  • Some day I'll finish this thing...
    • Argentina
No need to apologize. Like I said, I should've stated that in my first post :)
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#888  February 26, 2023, 12:52:38 am
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    • Argentina
I was practicing frankenspriting for future projects, and I started with some simple animations for Dan, Haoh Gadouken and This Punch that I think Ryo has in some games? Idk I don't know the name of the move.

Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#889  February 26, 2023, 12:55:14 am
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    • USA
They actually look like they fit within his moveset. It would be cool to see more sauce from him, like his taunts from SvC MOTM and SvC Chaos, SF5, etc., as well as other moves he had past cvs2
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#890  February 26, 2023, 01:05:57 am
  • ***
    • Argentina
They actually look like they fit within his moveset. It would be cool to see more sauce from him, like his taunts from SvC MOTM and SvC Chaos, SF5, etc., as well as other moves he had past cvs2

That would be cool, I'll try to do Danretsuken from SF4 OM and SFV, and also give him a Jumping MP because it share the same animation with his Jumping LP
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#891  February 26, 2023, 01:36:35 am
  • ***
    • USA
They actually look like they fit within his moveset. It would be cool to see more sauce from him, like his taunts from SvC MOTM and SvC Chaos, SF5, etc., as well as other moves he had past cvs2

That would be cool, I'll try to do Danretsuken from SF4 OM and SFV, and also give him a Jumping MP because it share the same animation with his Jumping LP

If we also get to see his other taunts it be awesome to get the sauce
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#892  February 26, 2023, 11:20:36 pm
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    • Argentina
I didn't like Dan's Medium Kick so I created one mixing his sprite with Ken sprites.

Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#893  February 26, 2023, 11:30:52 pm
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Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#894  February 26, 2023, 11:32:14 pm
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    • Argentina
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#895  March 02, 2023, 06:26:42 pm
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  • Shame on you!
    • USA
the Dan animations are good. Though that kick has some edits it could use. The shading on the legs that just seems to SNAP in and out. I think the colors need to be worked a little better. I'd use the foot from the first two frames on the 3rd frame. Test to see if the foot from the 8th frame looks the best though. It's got the twist to it that should be there. I'd either remove the hair that flips out off the 5th frame, OR add it to the 6th frame and change the right shoulder's gi so it doesn't stick up on the 8th frame. the back and forth between the two could be smoothed out.
Small edits cuz the vibe of the move is already good, imo.
@DrPotem: What were you thinking?
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#896  March 06, 2023, 10:21:51 pm
  • ***
the Dan animations are good. Though that kick has some edits it could use. The shading on the legs that just seems to SNAP in and out. I think the colors need to be worked a little better. I'd use the foot from the first two frames on the 3rd frame. Test to see if the foot from the 8th frame looks the best though. It's got the twist to it that should be there. I'd either remove the hair that flips out off the 5th frame, OR add it to the 6th frame and change the right shoulder's gi so it doesn't stick up on the 8th frame. the back and forth between the two could be smoothed out.
Small edits cuz the vibe of the move is already good, imo.
@DrPotem: What were you thinking?

I thought about making intermediate frames that soften the movement and fully adapt the movements taken from CvS2 Ken to CvS2 Dan
Still in progress hahaha
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 01:52:56 pm by DrPotem
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#897  March 07, 2023, 12:41:23 am
  • ***
    • USA

I thought about making intermediate frames that soften the movement and fully adapt the movements taken from CvS2 Ken to CvS2 Dan

Still in progress hahaha

That actually looks really good! It be nice to see some of Dan's other stuff from sf5, svc, etc
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#898  March 09, 2023, 01:50:54 pm
  • ***

I finished the modification
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#899  March 09, 2023, 03:46:46 pm
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Guys, everyone's work here is EYE-gasmic!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Spritesheet Expansion Thread
#900  March 09, 2023, 03:51:11 pm
  • ****
  • Was it something I said?
Damn, that's a nice Dan! Very nice work, everyone!