
KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next? (Read 2458316 times)

Started by KarmaCharmeleon, April 21, 2019, 02:40:00 am
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Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#61  May 02, 2019, 09:33:27 pm
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Spoiler: Spoiler because too much text, thanks to everyone for the feedback and palettes! (click to see content)

I'll try to adress messages from both Alpaca-san and DW regarding CC and Rage.

First, regarding Alpaca's suggestions for rage explosion:

- Right now I'm using Issen as lvl 1, still doing damage that scales with the less life you have. Minimum damage is 1800 cvs units when 100%-50% life, and maximum damage being 4000 cvs units when in 5%-1%. I'm not sure what reference I used for the minimum (I think that the weakest -in terms of damage- supers in cvs2 does a minimum of 2000 units), but for the maximum damage I went for a value similar (+/- 200 units, can't remember) to Rugal's lvl 2 super grab.
- This Genjuro is mostly based on ssvsp instead of iv (because ssvsp is prolly my favourite ss game) where as you probably know Issen is limited to time slow state. Inserting proper versions of rage, rage explosion, fatality when in rage explosion, time slow, and issen should require to fuck the entire jmorphman's system in the ass, or at least change a lot of stuff.
- Have in mind that it really hurts me to alter the mechanics of both rage explosion and zatsumei ougi this much, especially since I started to mess around with programming for this engine when using Character of the Month as a reference for good quality (because half of the characters, --especially the ones that won the early cotm entries- are quite good), and then discovering that some of the cotm winners, while solid in terms of coding, anal raped the identities of the characters that they were converting.

Regarding CC (mosty to DW) and his uses of CvS2 (NOT Jmorphman's CC), I think you're undervaluing A-Groove a lot when saying that is trash for most of the characters. I know you're refering to the fact that is not that good when there's not a loop to abuse, but it's still the best groove for like 10-15 characters and some of these are the most stupid strong characters in the game (Blanka, Hibiki, Sakura). Of course Sagat is not good in A Groove but let's be honest, you can masturbate while only using Sagat's normals and still win some matches with how good they are, especially cr.hp. Heck, Haohmaru's best groove is either a groove or k groove (depending on how agressive you want to be). But it's true that Custom Combo in Jmorphman system is somewhat nerfed and not optimal.

Now I'm not gonna play dumb here. Not only for Genjuro but for every single SamSho character, the most efficient way to conver them into CvS-custom gameplay would be to just use K-Groove as base. You could implement all the mechanics that are giving me problems and have them being accurate characters to  both to CvS and SamSho standards. The thing is, I'm still not that experienced when it comes to programming (heck, I'm having problems with basic stuff like reading Jmorphman's buffering system, or adapting constants from source). For now I'm gonna keep the system as it is, and make Rage Explosion into auto Fatality his lvl 3. Later, when feeling more comfortable with this engine, I might try to go nuts and recreate a version of K-Groove more accurate to SSVSP, with rage explosion, fatality, and maybe even time slow.

I'll upload a version of Genjuro once jumping values (yaccel is giving me problems) are 100% right and lvl 3 is finished. I'm in finals period so it might take me a week.

Thanks a lot for the feedback and the discussion, it is helpful.
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#62  May 03, 2019, 03:28:30 am
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I'm sorry, as I was using A-Groove/CC interchangeably. I'm mainly referring to POTS nerfed version of it. Also, it's not trash, it's just my lingo so to speak. In Mugen or in CvS(especially) it's only selectively useful officially. Though you wouldn't be able to tell that if Mugen was your only guide for that lol. At any rate, none of that matters. Sorry for overloading you with concepts and all. Just stick to your scheme, while fixing any bugs or anything out of place as you have.

I don't want you to get discouraged or anything. You are doing a great job. I would have advised against using any buffering system your first time out... I know stuff like that can be hard to follow. Though you are handling it well.
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#63  May 03, 2019, 07:33:56 pm
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just finish my kof version of genjuro feel free to use some ideas if you like! or need any help just ask me!


Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#64  May 03, 2019, 07:50:10 pm
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I hope player 1's palette isn't one of the ideas you're hoping to see used :P
Iroha stripped for me
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#65  May 09, 2019, 05:11:59 pm
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- Simplified moveset. Issen is the lvl 3 and he just has 1 regular Super (not unheard of, see SvC or well, SamSho). Does scaling damage depending on missing life. for no the command is hcbf+pp but I'll probably change it to 646+pp (I think that was his command for double Issen in NGBC?). A lot of assets came from JeanBurau so thanks!
- Changed all of his movement velocities, now he should feel way more like Haohmaru in CvS2 (almost 100% like him).
- All ex moves coded but rekkas. Still not sure on how to handle them but I discuss an idea with DivineWolf.
- Damage values are pretty much done.

Things to do:
- Adjust bouncing card y velocities for both regular and ex special.
- Add ex rekkas.
- Test for damage issues and add dampering where is needed.
- AI (not a fucking clue on this btw, barely any experience with cmd overall)

Thing I might add:
One command move based on his 66b from SSVSP, does two slashes where the first one hits low and the second one knocks down and causes wall bounce. It is a really useful tool since it's part of Genjuro's basic mixup with bouncing card.
Not 100% if I'm gonna add this.

Any kind of testing is appreciated.
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#66  May 10, 2019, 02:30:07 pm
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i can help you out with the A.I
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#67  May 29, 2019, 06:59:14 pm
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Working on Blanka right now. He's missing EX moves, lvl 2 Ground Shave Rolling, lvl 3 Shout of Earth, some fixes on his links, and shock related stuff. Don't know how much time it will take me to finish this guy. I'll try to make his A-Groove combos as strong as in CvS2.


.Rock Crush F + y
.Amazon River Run DF + z
.Coward Crouch D + 3p
.Surprise Forward F + 3k
.Surprise Back B + 3k
.Raid Jump k
.Wild Lift p
.Surprise Forward F + 3k
.Surprise Back B + 3k
.Wild Fang         F/B + 2p (near opponent)
.Jungle Wheel F/B + 2k (near opponent)
.Jungle Slam F/B + 2p (Air, near opponent)
.Wild Shoot F/B + 2k (Air, near opponent)

.Electric Thunder (EX) k, k, k, k, k
.Rolling Attack (EX) (charge) B, F, p
.Backstep Roll (EX) (charge) B, F, k
.Vertical Roll (EX) (charge) D, U, k

.Ground Shave Roll (MAX) (charge) B, F, B, F, k
.Direct Lightning (MAX) (charge) B, F, B, F, p
.Tropical Hazard (MAX) WIP?


.Shout of Earth              WIP

- Not sure if Tropical Hazar will make the cut.
- Will have an special intro agaisnt my Genjuro.

Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#68  May 29, 2019, 07:04:07 pm
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Varo Hades' has a version with the Tropical Hazard, will you take reference from that? EDIT: Oh and an AI, if you're interested.

What's planned for the next char? If you even have any rn.

Edit: Shout of Earth isn't really a Lvl3 in spirit becuase it was a All-3-Levels super. I'd suggest making it another LVL 1/2 and for the new LVL3 maybe taking inspiration from SFV's Dynamic Rolling CA or maybe the Shout of Thunder from SF4 where he had 2 Variations (Varo's version did this).
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 07:38:10 pm by RagingRowen
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#69  May 29, 2019, 09:17:37 pm
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Varo Hades' has a version with the Tropical Hazard, will you take reference from that? EDIT: Oh and an AI, if you're interested.
(...)(Varo's version did this).
Why would I take his version as reference for Tropical Hazard when I could simply use SFA3 as source? I'm consciously not using ANYTHING from varo's Blanka. Not even his color separation.

What's planned for the next char? If you even have any rn.
Not 100% sure. Maybe a grappler from SNK? Shermie? Would also be really cool to make a character with some kind of gimmick. Maybe Chang feat. Choi from CvS2? I want to use the next 2-3 characters as learning experience. Then again in two weeks I could be like: OK let's make Alice from KoFXIV using POKET's sprites. Or Iori. Dunno.

Shout of Earth isn't really a Lvl3 in spirit becuase it was a All-3-Levels super. I'd suggest making it another LVL 1/2 and for the new LVL3 maybe taking inspiration from SFV's Dynamic Rolling CA or maybe the Shout of Thunder from SF4 where he had 2 Variations
I mean Shout of Earth it's one of Blanka's Ultra Combos from SF4 (what are you reffering as Shout of Thunder I think). Actually me doubting of adding Tropical Hazard is not only because the move is weird and impractical, it's because I'm considering making the move as you suggested (lvl 1 MAX, with anti-air variation as in SF4) and adding his SF5 Critical Art as a lvl 3 (not sure if I can work around with the sprites though).
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#70  May 29, 2019, 09:36:29 pm
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Chang + Choi would be cool, I'd love to see what new supers you'd give to them.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#71  June 01, 2019, 11:10:06 pm
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Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Blanka
#72  June 01, 2019, 11:11:56 pm
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He clearly said a couple posts ago he wouldn't take reference from Varo's version, sorry.
Also this char's Small Port is blessed.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#73  June 01, 2019, 11:21:39 pm
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Cool Blanka !
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#74  June 01, 2019, 11:33:06 pm
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Working on Blanka right now. He's missing EX moves, lvl 2 Ground Shave Rolling, lvl 3 Shout of Earth, some fixes on his links, and shock related stuff. Don't know how much time it will take me to finish this guy. I'll try to make his A-Groove combos as strong as in CvS2.

Thank you. Finally some Blanka love!

.Electric Thunder (EX) k, k, k, k, k
Hold on... Typo? Electric Thunder with p, not with k...

Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#75  June 03, 2019, 12:28:46 pm
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Thanks a lot of the support guys! Just passing to say that I'm on the finish line with this guy. I'm having a little bit of troubles with the lvl 3 (from the design standpoint to the technical standpoint) but no biggies. If anyone has USFIV's ultra 2 fxs for Blanka, they're welcomed.

.Electric Thunder (EX) k, k, k, k, k
Hold on... Typo? Electric Thunder with p, not with k...
Yeah, typo. Don't you worry :P
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#76  June 03, 2019, 05:24:06 pm
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Looking good. You are progressing rapidly as well. Keep up the good work.
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#77  June 08, 2019, 10:03:02 pm
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For Genjuro
- With exception of Hyakki Satsu (and of course Sanren Satsu: Kiba ), the other moves are missing their EX sound
- Why is there some slowdown for his HP during Custom Combo?
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#78  May 08, 2020, 12:52:33 am
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Hey guys, what's poppin'.

I've been working on Rose using FeLo's sprites. He's been helping me out with some missing frames.

However, I'm having some issues with visual effects. SFA3 has limited frames overall so they look awful when converted into HD. Just look at this:

Does anybody know of any easy to use program capable of doing in-between frames? I think that having one or two transition frames could make for a good Soul Spark animation.
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#79  May 08, 2020, 01:09:06 am
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I don't know if it's ripped, but you can try the sf4 effect.
Re: Susan Sarandon's WIP thread: Genjuro Kibagami
#80  May 08, 2020, 01:18:45 am
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Nice to see this. varo_hades' Rose was kinda rough and had a few odd moments.

Do you plan to incorporate her Soul Satellite from Super IV somewhat?

I'd also suggest changing the Thread title like one usually does to incorporate the Latest WIP.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game