
RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover. (Read 16840 times)

Started by JStudios2k, November 09, 2022, 11:08:10 am
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RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#1  November 09, 2022, 11:08:10 am
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  • Sporadic Content Creator, Meme Lord
  • Drops hot every once in a while.
DISCLAIMER: I own none of these. This is a NON-PROFIT FAN PROJECT and is NOT meant to produce income in any way, nor it is used for any commercial activity. This is an edit of Cattigan619 and MGSSJ2's Gumball. The Amazing World of Gumball belongs to Cartoon Network. If for any reason this should be taken down, the following content will be REMOVED.


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Gumball Watterson:

One blue cat with somewhat different gameplay. That's it.

(9-11-22) Initial Release

According to a poll I posted on Reddit, Gumball's the first to come out. Here he is.

The first true shoto character I've released. More so than President Peach, which was quite a mess. Unlike Ryu, Gumball comes off as a hard hitter with stubby normals... bar his standing hard punch. His Custom Combo can be cancelled into, which gives him an extra oomph to his combo potential. The gimmick doesn't stop there; why don't you try doing a MAX super during his Custom Combo?
JStudios2k. Always has been.
Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 04:29:38 am by JStudios2k
Re: RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#2  November 10, 2022, 01:41:55 am
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Very, very odd release, but always welcome for higher quality Western cartoon characters. I never did personally like Custom Combo mechanics, both to use and defend against, but big fan of how you added perks to Gumball using a hyper during it. It adds a lot of motivation to risk doing it, but, why does he "self destruct" so much with a rainbow effect? Is no Chain Comboing intentional as well? Thank you for this edit, in love with the snazzy title card hyper effect.
Re: RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#3  November 10, 2022, 04:11:30 am
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  • Bat's a Wrap.
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-Can't seem to high jump very easily (it requires a very noticeable pause between down and up)
-5LP is an infinite (or at least extremely suspect) if combined with walking, I can get 21 hits
-Extremely stubby range, I know it's intentional and this one is not really your fault either since his limbs were sprited very very small.
   On the subject of range, his 5HP should probably posadd him forward on the 3rd animelem so not only it boosts his range, but also so the alignment of the sprites is consistent
since it's designed so the viewer's left foot is the pivot point of the animation. No idea what you can do for his other normals however. 2MK is perfect as is. maybe repurpose his target
combo to replace some of his normals. I know you were trying to base it off of Ryu's own target combo but it would be more fun if Gumball had more boosted range.
-I'm very unsure about his frame data overall, not only he has short range, some of his normals are in the slow startup side, and while if he makes contact he has a lot of time to do
whatever he wants, the thing is at close range most other characters would have the advantage (they could grab which tends to be very fast, or just throw jabs at him which tend to be quick), the only
real option Gumball has at closer ranges is to jab which I feel makes him very linear. At the same time though his jab has enough hitstun to link onto other normals and he has heavier buttons
with much more range, so take this point with a grain of salt.
-Maybe the first hit of his overhead (6MP) should not have pushback so the second hit connects better, since the hitbox grows for the second hit and p2 can be pushed out of range because of it.
-Not much damage variation across the different versions of his DP. Neither any variation on the invincibility, it could also use a little more horizontal priority, since the point of the
move is to beat air moves.
-QCB+K has too much frame data on block (6, 14 and 12 for L, M and H versions), this causes several problems such as 5LK cancel into QCB+MK link 5LK cancel into QCB+MK link 5LK ... being a true
blockstring infinite that's very easy to do.
   >On the subject of that, Tiger Knee'd aerial QCB+LK is a blockstring infinite on its own as a result.
-Can't fire a new hadouken immediately after one makes contact, the fizzle out animation must completely play out before I can throw another one. It makes zoning with him weaker.
-HCF+K's P2 custom animation could use some work, there's frames where my training copy is going through the floor or is completely misaligned:
   >I do like that H version is unblockable, however 17 frames of startup might be too good for an unblockable moves AND that hits on the ground AND the air, Maybe slow it down enough so it
can be reacted to, or make it an unblockable grounded grab.
-I think some moves of his do too much damage even during custom combo, might want to check:
-Most EX moves and Super moves give back meter on hit/block.
-EX QCB+2K does too much chip damage and it's does insane damage on block if you spend several bars to do it over and over again.
-His going to crouch animation gets frozen if I kept tapping down.
-QCFx2 + P: does too much chip damage
-QCFx2 + 2P: should not be unblockable, and I dont think it should have that startup for a fullscreen.
-D,D + C+Z does too much chip damage.
-QCBx2 + 2P: I dont think it should be unblockable.
Yeaaaah im shootign ducks wiht the paino
Re: RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#4  November 10, 2022, 05:49:47 am
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  • Sporadic Content Creator, Meme Lord
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It's TRULY an honour to have you here, jaede_. I even have your character in my roster! Nerfs and patches are on the way, but I might have a few things to point out...
QCBx2 + 2P
- The opponent actually has ample time to get away from Gumball before he charges forward. The super portrait wants you to think otherwise.
- The attack can be low-blocked.
- The timing is tricky enough, but I'll patch it anyway.
D,D + C+Z
- The real damage itself isn't that much. It is only accessible when Gumball is in Custom Combo (or in Transform status). Still, will nerf chip.

I'll try to resolve the Custom Combo damage another time. Then again, thanks for the comments. Check the readme for the patch notes.

JStudios2k. Always has been.
Re: RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#5  November 10, 2022, 06:03:11 am
  • ****
  • it's me
  • Bat's a Wrap.
    • Chile
    • Skype - koakumadevil69
Haha it's alright, sometimes I also get some stuff wrong every now and then, QCBx2 + 2P is fine in that case, but I'm glad you could work it out, I'll test the patch some other time, but no problem, glad you enjoy my stuff!
Yeaaaah im shootign ducks wiht the paino
Re: RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#6  November 14, 2022, 03:26:07 am
  • *
  • Sporadic Content Creator, Meme Lord
  • Drops hot every once in a while.
JStudios2k. Always has been.
Re: RELEASE: Gumball Watterson and a CVS/POTS makeover.
#7  March 23, 2023, 02:41:44 am
  • *
  • Sporadic Content Creator, Meme Lord
  • Drops hot every once in a while.
JStudios2k. Always has been.