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Started by Inactive user, November 22, 2023, 03:36:56 am
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#21  November 23, 2023, 12:23:08 am
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Put your characters in the comments, who knows, maybe a creator can make your request a reality.
If you want something to be made, do it yourself, or prepare your wallet.

Personally, I'm also oversaturated of "POTS-style" chars but I don't hate them, even more, I respect creators who made chars like this (especially his "creator") since I tried myself to make some and failed miserably since it has a technique and MUGEN skills that few can get, which makes me respect those ones who achieve it. Sadly as said before, there're a lot of bad imitators that made bad works and make bad fame to this style of MUGEN creations, and I also understand them about why this trend is not so loved as before...

And don't be harsh with the Croix guy, Speed, I understand him and I know he was joking, I'm part of having more variety myself (like the actual "OHMSBY-style"), but I also know people who still like that and will consume it no matter the quality of them

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Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#22  November 23, 2023, 02:16:30 am
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Chang and Choi.  Mostly on how the creator would implement recent tag/puppet/striker mechanics of today to give Chang and Choi a more versatile gameplay while blending the duo's CvS playstyle, maybe give them additional buffs like how JMorphman has done with King.

I feel like more people would want Chang and Choi as separate characters rather than the duo character they were in CvS2, hence why I brought them up when I was talking about characters who probably couldn't be converted that well, alongside their KoF moves. Falcon Rapper's attempts at giving them those moves are a bit... sloppy, and he didn't bring in every move they had (like Chang's stomp), so that's probably why they've been in a bit of a rut despite them being one of the more popular "classic" picks.
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#23  November 23, 2023, 02:35:35 am
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  • Super Mario Fighters 3 resurrected.
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I would just like a Mario, preferably not using ShinRyouga's fantastic custom sprites as they have very stubby basic attacks or Mario Mario, he's already great. A Wario would be neat too in this style. Aware Tyler's Mario edit and JJ's Wario exist as well, they're great characters, more interpretations wouldn't hurt though.

I feel like a POTS SpongeBob could work using Madoldcrow's sprites.
Last Edit: November 23, 2023, 02:41:42 am by MR. IBZS II
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#24  November 23, 2023, 04:38:08 am
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Well, when I said we all love CVS POTS, that means it's a Thread aimed at those who really like this style, that doesn't mean everyone in general.

I like this style because even though the character isn't perfect, the creators add a lot of things and revitalize forgotten characters.

I opened it so that each of you can post your CVS POTS requests indicating what the character would be, keep in mind that this Thread is for those who really love this style, if you don't like it, it won't be useful for you.
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#25  November 23, 2023, 04:40:01 am
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In all honesty I want more NON Capcom and SNK characters to be made in POTS style like Infinite's Cloud or the majority of SennouRoom's characters. It's tiring to see Street Fighter and KOF characters in this style imo.

Don't get me wrong people can make whatever char they want but can you imagine how cool it would be if someone made POTS versions of Zero (With RamzaNeko's sprites), more MVC characters, Sub-Zero (with SeanAltly's sprites) or more characters from obscure fighters like Chaos Code and Golden Axe: the Duel?

I tried to make a Kain Blade back in 2019 but canceled it because I bit off more than I could chew. I didn't wanna be branded another "shitty POTS imitator" either. Discouragement's a real bitch. :/
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
New #26  November 23, 2023, 05:06:42 am
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Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 06:57:39 am by Inactive user
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#27  November 23, 2023, 08:50:10 am
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i am satisfied all cvs1 characters minus nako and morrigan were all made in pots style so that I can one day compiled a cvs2 waruaski3+h+jesuszilla+gal129+rei etc vs. the pots style mugen for my own except for zangief with mika as his striker in one of his level 3 super move, I have to edit him on my own which I did managed to do it on warusaki3's zangief for my personal taste. Anyway for non cvs characters, hydron, cheng, franco bash and kusaregedo based on thread starter's first post, I would love to see these four. For franco bash, I believe prime sc was making him, so I don't know if it is still continuing? Anyway, I would love to see sentinel, but I felt like he fits in more in infinite style after seeing infinite did to doctor doom, kain etc which was pretty interesting

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#28  November 23, 2023, 09:31:25 am
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I feel like more people would want Chang and Choi as separate characters rather than the duo character they were in CvS2, hence why I brought them up when I was talking about characters who probably couldn't be converted that well, alongside their KoF moves.
I agree. While the character as a duo is quite unique as its the only puppet character from CvS2, Chang and Choi happen to have clear unique identities of their own that are worth exploring.
IMO I'd be better to explore the concept of a PotS puppet character with a character that naturally belongs to said archetype, like Zato.
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#29  November 23, 2023, 04:58:01 pm
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To be blunt: This shit takes too long now lol.

We see a "downtick" in creation now, is what I assume to be, real life. I myself work 85% of the time. When I have time off, it's really hard to spend what little time I have on MUGEN. I miss the days when I had more free time. My motivation had been killed for a bit back when I lost my files. Though now, it's just a lack of time. Several have mentioned this as well, adapting characters to play in this way isn't easy. Especially those who don't come from a Cap/SNK background. There's a lot of consideration to take into account if you truly want something good. Still, in most cases, it still just doesn't work out. There're so many factors now that it's just so hard to get it with limited time. I get wanting to request that fave character you wish were in your roster.

Though DS is right: Making it yourself or commissioning it are your best options. Trial by error, don't be discouraged. You learn by doing. It may seem impossible for you, but no one starts out good really. This all happened over time as creators progress and learn more. I honestly feel now is the most streamline a process can get for making something this way. A lot of the groundwork has been done by various creators to where you can get the basis of the gameplay system and all running w/o much hassle. It's the nuances of the characters in question that you would want to create that fall mostly on you as the creator to iron out.

I have no qualms with requests. Though maybe this discussion can also turn into inspiration for the budding creator spreading their wings and giving it a go. You will stumble along the way, but as long as you're receptive to the mistakes you make, and learn from them, you'll be fine. You'll have people come at you with vitriol, though you'll also have people encourage you to be better. As long as you have that drive to be better, and recognition to see that what you've done always has room for improvement, you can make those dream characters you want.
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#30  November 23, 2023, 05:56:33 pm
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Fully agree and can relate.

I don't have time to play let alone sit down and learn properly.

I can imagine coding/data mining/gathering assets takes lots and lots of time.

Also being in IT myself after work looking at code is the last thing I want to do.

As for the style itself, it has its drawbacks, it has way to many defensive mechanics and I believe Rowen mentioned it not everything fits or needs to be in POTS style.
However, saying this, the most authentic chars I've used have been in this style.

Not to mention that I barely have interest in fighting games nowadays, mostly RPG's which I do not have time to play.

Having the patience of a toddler is also a thing, I cant be assed to learn new fighting game with its ins and outs.

Though an year or two ago I would have murdered someone for a POTS Rick.
Last Edit: November 23, 2023, 06:03:28 pm by PeXXeR
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
New #31  November 24, 2023, 01:36:36 am
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Last Edit: April 03, 2024, 06:57:51 am by Inactive user
Re: New Faces for CVS POTS in 2024 - What are your requests?
#32  December 17, 2023, 05:34:24 pm
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after seeing Gêmeos dos Jogos released his ziria, I almost forgot about his manjimaru, very well made with mode select like sennou-room's characters and what is more is that Gêmeos dos Jogos has a mode that allows players to choose to play from original game such as kabuki klash mode aside from max and custom pots style mode, so I felt like I look forward to his kabuki klash characters especialy kinu, one of my best favorite female character from that game  :truestory:

My real life is coming soon........!