
Guide to CvS GetHits (Read 5303 times)

Started by KarmaCharmeleon, August 07, 2024, 05:59:14 pm
Guide to CvS GetHits
#1  August 07, 2024, 05:59:14 pm
  • ***
  • In a few minutes, bitch
    • Germany
I have a spriter friend that hates spriting GetHits, but sometimes he sprites more GetHits than needed. For that reason, I made this animation guide, to study how many frames does a CvS character need in order to look as legit as possible.

Standing GetHit (High) – Frame Count: 4

CvS has two 4 frame gethit animations for standing attacks: one for low attacks, one for high attacks. This animation has the peculiarity of being aligned around viewer’s right foot, which seems trivial but it’s a glaring difference from the next animation, and it’s what makes the animations standout when compared to NeoGeo anims.

Standing GetHit (Low) – Frame Count: 4

Same as the previous animation, but for attacks that would hit on the stomach area. 4 frames as before, but this time the animation is usually aligned around viewer’s left foot.

Crouching GetHit – Frame Count: 4

Much like the previous animations, this one has 4 frames and is aligned around one of the feet. In this case, once again it’s viewer’s right foot.

Air GetHit – Frame Count: 5

One of the most important animations. Notice the transition from Ryu’s front facing the came to Ryu’s back facing the camera, with sprite #3 acting as the transition. This animation is drastically different from SNK’s interpretation of AirGetHit:

SNK overall has 1 more frames, doesn’t have a starting frame going up, and the character’ back is only shown on the last frame. Its also worth nothing that Kyo falls on his head, while most CvS characters fall on their back.

Lie Down – Frame Count: 3-8

Lie Down is what follows the Air GetHit. The sprites framed in green are the bare minimum. The first one is the frame for the character hitting the ground. As alluded previously, the back is what takes the hit during the fall. The next framed sprite is the liedown frame, the one where the character stays down in the ground. Between them there’s a variable number of sprites that transition from hitting the ground and bouncing back, to hitting the ground once again and lying down there. The last frame is the GetHit, used for attacks that hit characters on the ground. While some sets use two frames for that one, one is more than enough.
Notice that NeoGeo sprites have two types of fall with two types of lie down, one of them having the character face the ground:

This type of lie down is not needed for CvS standards.

Trip – Frame Count: 1-3

Trip animation is a special fall gethit for attacks that sweep the opponent off the ground. One single frame is enough to make this animation works, as it transitions into air get hit.

Diagonal GetHit – Frame Count: 4… Sort of.

This the gethit animation for attacks that launch the opponent diagonally. There’s a catch here. All DiagUp anims use 4 frames, but they recycle at least two of them by flipping. At the same time, the second frame of AirHit is recycled for the first frame of DiagUp. While the frame count is technically 4, realistically you can get away while spriting a single frame to make this one work. All of the Ryu’s sprites framed in cyan are recycled.

Wake Up – Frame Count: 3-8

Another important one. It’s the animation for the character getting up after being hit. The number of frames varies for this one, to the point of some characters getting away with only 2 wake up frames. In Ryu’s case, the sprites squared in cyan are recycled from his crouch to stand animation.

Dizzy – Frame Count: variable.

The dizzy animation is used for whenever a character is stunned. It is not mandatory but it’s a great standard. Its essentially another stance, so it uses as many frames as you deem appropriate. There’s good dizzy animations with as low as 3 sprites.

Crumple – Frame Count: variable.

An animation used for character crumpling into the ground. The amount of sprites needed varies, but its important for the animation to transition into lie down seamlessly.
KOF animations have a crumple with more frames, and a notable difference: the character falls forwards and faces the ground:

If you decide to convert an animation like this instead of making one that transitions into the lie down, remember that you’ll also need a different wake up for the character getting up from that particular position.

Throw Tech/Guard Crush –  Frame Count: 10

A set of three animations used for characters getting their guard break. Standing and Crouching variants use 4 sprites, and Air variant use only 2. A lot of the standing animation is recycled for the crouching and air animations. If you have a solid transition sprite from turning, you can easily recycle the last frame of standing and crouching. In all honestly the most important one out of these is the standing one; the other two can be skipped if necessary.

That's it. Bear in mind that these are guidelines and not norms, so don't be afraid of breaking the rules a little bit.
Re: Guide to CvS GetHits
#2  August 07, 2024, 11:40:58 pm
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
This guide is very very VERY useful for everyone to use. I've been following CvS2 standars(namely Chun Li), but there were some SNK traces I took(which appears in C.Viper, Shiki and first version of Ash.

I think that, in a perfect CvS project, some other gethits, such as MB or electroshock would be appearing because of characters as Benimaru or Demitri. But that's adding a lot of work too(have someone sprites a full skeleton? I know some people in the community and I'd say they agree with me of how tedious is).


I have a spriter friend that hates spriting GetHits,

They're to be hated xD!

I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Guide to CvS GetHits
#3  August 08, 2024, 04:27:44 am
  • ***
    • Argentina
Writting this down right now
Re: Guide to CvS GetHits
#4  August 10, 2024, 10:54:33 pm
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    • USA
This will definitely be extremely helpful for Genjuro