
Move List Preview Demonstration for UNIB/DBFC/Blazblue/KOF/etc (Read 28635 times)

Started by Walruso, June 12, 2023, 03:29:08 am
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Move List Preview Demonstration for UNIB/DBFC/Blazblue/KOF/etc
#1  June 12, 2023, 03:29:08 am
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  • Nowhere to work on, nothin to do.
Hey, is there any move list demonstration for Under Night In-Birth, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, Blazblue, KOF XIII, Persona 4 Arena, or any other fighting games for the characters?

I'm starting to think about the next character I'm creating in MUGEN, but it wasn't too easy for me because I don't have these games on Steam.

I wanted a preview move list or a demonstration move list for the characters but when I tried to search for them there was no video for the character's move list.
Re: Move List Preview Demonstration for UNIB/DBFC/Blazblue/KOF/etc
#2  June 12, 2023, 03:51:09 am
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  • Runs his mouth more than he does actually play
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There's a YouTube channel dedicated to fighting game move lists but outside of some exceptions it mostly focuses on retro stuff (and even some MUGEN games like TMNTxJL and Robot Master Mayhem), so I don't know if you would want to look there or not.

There's also wikis like Dustloop/Mizuumi/Dream Cancel that focus on in-depth character information, but it may be hard to replicate moves based on frame data numbers and still images alone, so you probably may not want that. The emergency solution if nobody has what you want is to just watch match videos of the games you want to create stuff from and get a general idea of what the character is like, which would be very time-consuming and not really great for replicating individual moves.
Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 04:02:41 am by SquidlyPoli1
Re: Move List Preview Demonstration for UNIB/DBFC/Blazblue/KOF/etc
#3  June 12, 2023, 04:14:00 am
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  • Nowhere to work on, nothin to do.
Thanks for the KOF XIII move list, but what about the four anime fighting games?

Any video previews or move list demonstrations for that?