
(NOT A REQUEST THREAD) MUGEN characters you would love to see in the POTS style (Read 2837 times)

Started by Mr. Nobody, January 20, 2025, 02:34:30 am
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(NOT A REQUEST THREAD) MUGEN characters you would love to see in the POTS style
#1  January 20, 2025, 02:34:30 am
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This is not a request thread this is a thread of sharing what characters in MUGEN you would love to see in the POTS style.

Hatsune Miku by Yu-Toharu - As cheap as this Hatsune Miku is I would really love to see a version of this Miku that is not cheap and is balanced.

Akari Ichijou - Possibly one of my favorite characters from The Last Blade series and I am actually surprised nobody has made a POTS version of her yet.

Madoka Kaname by otzkai - I've seen people make magical girls in the POTS style, but none of them really turn out well, but this would be one magical girl character I would love to see in the POTS style.

Arina (Waku Waku 7) - Possibly one of the best iconic characters from Sunsoft's Waku Waku 7 and this is a character much like Akari Ichijou fits well with the POTS style.

Makoto Yuki (aka Persona 3 Hero) by UN - This character pretty much has the foundation that you would see in a POTS style edit.
Re: (NOT A REQUEST THREAD) MUGEN characters you would love to see in the POTS style
#2  January 20, 2025, 10:44:19 am
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I would love to see all cvs2 characters converted to pots style to complete the cvs2 roster, but most of them were already converted except chang with choi, so maybe chang with choi would be the next that I would love to see, for the rest, they were mostly listed in Karma's wip thread, mostly this one: in the tier list, tier 4 and the collab that I would love to see :P followed by chris from kof (I think karma mentioned that she has interest making him), most of the kabuki klash characters, GĂȘmeos dos Jogos made an awesome job to his manjimaru and ziria that made me love to see maybe an entire casts of them :bjugoi:

My real life is coming soon........!