
Classic VS : Balrog (Read 754868 times)

Started by ELECTR0, January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
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Re: Classic VS : Mai
#141  September 02, 2024, 07:19:51 pm
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  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
People seemed to really enjoy the wrestling intros so here is the rest of the roster except for Mai and Johnny Maximum. I also updated some of the intros from the last video, but didn't include them in this video to cut down on the length.

Re: Classic VS : Mai
#142  September 03, 2024, 04:00:58 am
  • ****
    • Brazil
Eliza looks so tiny in Ken's intro, lol.
Re: Classic VS : Mai
#143  September 06, 2024, 06:52:46 am
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  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
Previewing both versions of Mai (FF3 and FF2). They are basically the same except for a few differences. The FF2 version of Mai doesn't have the twirling fan attacks, so instead she has an upwards flaming kick. In the FF3 version of Mai I changed the way the Hyper Fan attack works since the last preview video. Instead the move now mimics Mai's Super from the game Fatal Fury Wild Ambition were she plants a bomb on the opponent.

Re: Classic VS : Mai
#144  September 06, 2024, 09:30:12 am
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    • Brazil
I hope you move to another Slam Masters char next, there are so many of those guys that need a good version.
Re: Classic VS : Mai
#145  September 06, 2024, 03:18:27 pm
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    • USA
It's Mugen in all of the videos, but I also have an Ikemen version of the game. The Ikemen version doesn't have simultanious mode but it does have tag mode.

Oh really? That's even better then. Is this a 1.1 exclusive thing? It doesn't look like it from the vid, though I want to confirm. Honestly, if you don't mind, would you be willing to put up a tutorial/guide on making chars compatible with this/these stage(s) intro(s)? I'd like to try my hand at it and if it's pretty streamline, make all my chars compatible with your stages.
Re: Classic VS : Mai
#146  September 06, 2024, 08:40:03 pm
  • ****
  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
It will also work in Mugen 1.0 because it can read the stagevar( trigger. So all you do is add a changestate at the top of your 190 intro state. Here is an example :

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

This will cover both team sides players 1-4. Next you just code the intros like you normally would any other intro, but give yourself enough time for both events to play out. For example in the Slam Masters intros both players intros are playing at the same time for 1000 ticks. Player 1 sprites all play in the first 500 ticks and then delete. The next 500 ticks are for player 2 sprites to play. I usually put the extra stage intro sprites into my screenpacks FightFX file, but you can also put the extra sprites into your characters. Here is an example of the intro code for all players.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

As you can see it's not complicated but it will take a very long time to set all this up, so it's probably best done in a smaller full game like I'm doing.
Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 08:46:29 pm by ELECTR0
Re: Classic VS : Mai
#147  September 06, 2024, 08:42:32 pm
  • ****
    • Mexico
I really liked FF2 Mai, excellent work as usual!
Re: Classic VS : Balrog
#148  September 17, 2024, 10:49:09 pm
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  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
The next character coming to the game is Balrog. I'm still working on his smart palette and code so I'm not showing off any gameplay today, but here is a look at the smart palette so you can see some costume options. I have also finished an electric deathmatch stage from World Heroes with interactive code which will be in the next update.

Stars and Bars

Apollo Creed

Mike Tyson Red Overall

Re: Classic VS : Balrog
#149  September 21, 2024, 09:43:59 pm
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    • USA

Ah ok, I'll give this a try with KFM as I planned to do some tweaks to him anyway relatively soon. I'll have to add the sprites to the SFF, but it's not a big deal. Once I get it going with him, everything else should fall in line. Thanks. :)

Also, looking forward to see what you do with Balrog. Very nice CS you have going on with him.
Re: Classic VS : Balrog
#150  September 26, 2024, 05:47:45 am
  • ****
  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
I have finished Balrog's moves and smart palette so it's time to show him off. He now has 4 hyper moves. Two hyper moves are punch attacks on ground. The air hyper attack has 2 variations. One variation sends the opponent flying into the air and then punches them again before they land. The other sends the opponent to the ground and you just punch them again. The last hyper is a throw. I plan to add some variations to this throw before release.

Re: Classic VS : Balrog
#151  October 02, 2024, 08:46:38 pm
  • ****
  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
Added the Port Town stage to the game. It has a stage finisher which I'm showing off in the video were you knock the opponent off the platform and fall through the Street Fighter 2 arcade intro. Balrog has a new ariel special were he spins in the air and lands on the ground to do a punch. While he is spinning in the air he can't be hit by normal or special projectiles. I don't think he connects the move in the video, but he does it a few times so you can see what it looks like. This will be the last video of Balrog. He should be released in a few weeks.

Re: Classic VS : Balrog
#152  October 08, 2024, 10:40:37 pm
  • ****
  • Cosmic Creations
  • The Living Dynamo
    • USA
While making Balrog's stage I got an idea to throw opponents into the Casino signs to get electrocuted. At first I didn't think I was going to be able to pull off this feature and almost gave up because I was having trouble figuring out how both players Helpers should respond once someone hit a sign, but I think I got it figured out now. Don't expect all the characters to be able to do this in the next update. Just the finished characters like Ryu, Sagat, Zangief, etc.. will be able to do it. I'll try add this feature to  as many characters as I can before the December update.