Here's the situation: I have a very basic damage dampener in State -2, which kicks in after the first hit. The trouble I have with ir right now is that it also kicks in during Super Moves, which makes them a bit useless. I want to be able to turn off the damage dampener during Super Moves, and potentially EX moves, so that they actually feel useful. Any suggestions as to how I would do this?
;Damage Dampener
[State -2, Damage Dampener]; Scaling in action
type= attackmulset
trigger1= numenemy
value= ifelse(enemynear, gethitvar(hitcount) = 0, 1, ifelse(enemynear, gethitvar(hitcount) = 1, 0.93, 0.85**enemynear, gethitvar(hitcount)))
ignorehitpause= 1
[State -2, Damage Dampener]; Full damage
type= attackmulset
trigger1= numenemy
trigger1= enemynear,movetype!=H || (enemynear,stateno=[120,155])
value= 1.0
ignorehitpause= 1