
BrokenMUGENhr screenpack (Read 353009 times)

Started by Sniper, December 19, 2008, 08:27:02 pm
BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
New #1  December 19, 2008, 08:27:02 pm
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[edited by Vyx under Sniper account...]

Dears Mugenguild Members.

BrokenMUGENhr team is proudly to present :

BrokenMUGENhr V 1.0 - 48 slots version

(An HR edit of the WinMugen brokenMUGEN Screenpack v.0.99 by two4teezee)

Details of this release

   - Includes the following:      - Winmugen plus
                                         - HR select screen.
                                         - brokenMUGEN Motif
                                         - Broken98SP Lifebars
                                         - SF3SP Spark Set
                                         - Plug-ins
                                         - brokenMUGEN Icon
   - To install:    Winmugen plus included
                       Just extract and put your chars in the /chars directory, sounds in the /sounds directory and stages in the /stages directory.
                       Configuration is in the brokenselect.def in the /data directory
   - Note: The Broken98SP bars are STILL DR=4 ONLY but are perfectly displayed when using the winmugen plus low res stage compatibility.

   - It's now impossible to switch to the 273 slots version (coming soon). 693 Slots version won't exist in HR.

   - The brokenMUGEN icon is found in data/brokenMUGEN/z - bonus. You can use this icon to customize links you have to your MUGEN. Enjoy.

 Inspired by: - KOF 98 (thanks SNK)
                  - Even Badder Mofo (thanks Christopher Hansen)
                  - VF5LBs (thanks Zedzdead)
                  - SF3LBs (thanks matmut)
                  - Messatsu's idea engineering

 Credits and Thanks To: - Neo-Kamek and Messatsu for the .cns code that enabled the in-game announcer.
                                 - Neo-Kamek for the MVC2 announcer sounds.
                                 - Zwei Fuss for ripping SF3.
                                 - DJ-VAN for providing ideas and a sound sample from his EVE SP, as well as for letting me use his plug-in.
                                 - And more... thanks to you all.
                                 - for hosting this.

The following MUGEN communities: - Mugen Infantry
                                               - Randomselect
                                               - Mugen Guild

The following MUGEN creators for providing their portraits for the universal ending: - iTorres
                                                                                                               - catinbags/LILTandStrick
                                                                                                               - (yber])ragon10]{
                                                                                                               - omega_black1990
                                                                                                               - DJ-VAN
                                                                                                               - haruko
                                                                                                               - and more...

The following MUGEN creators for inspiration: - Chunky with his TV stages
                                                             - Vyn for his characters
                                                             - POTS for his characters
                                                             - DJ-Van for his screenpack
                                                             - zedzdead for his screenpack
                                                             - ahuron for his characters

The following people or creations for inspiration:
                                                                   - The feature film Grindhouse, particularly Planet Terror
                                                                   - Christopher Hansen for his font, "Even Badder Mofo"

More screenshots and video coming soon.


Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 12:16:09 am by Titiln
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#2  December 19, 2008, 08:28:52 pm
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Screenshots plox
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#3  December 19, 2008, 08:30:11 pm
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Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#4  December 19, 2008, 08:32:49 pm
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In which case, disreagard earlier post of mine and disregard this topic cos:

Its asking for monies and...well, MUGEN fs meant to be FREE or else companies liek Capcom and SNK will try to shut us down or something to that affect

And its  acharacter pack so there.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#5  December 19, 2008, 08:35:15 pm
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For Sniper.

Also you didn't make it initially so you really don't have rights to it lol.
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#6  December 19, 2008, 08:38:41 pm
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Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 02:44:19 am by Sniper
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#7  December 19, 2008, 08:39:27 pm
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Selling it violates copyright law, kid.
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#8  December 19, 2008, 08:41:39 pm
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And with some companies, we're already on shaky ground. We should count ourselves lucky we have SNK's graces and Capcom consider it fanart as long as its not used for commercial (read monetary) intentions
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#9  December 19, 2008, 08:44:10 pm
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  • Pretending to know Japanese is stupid.
People could put that pack together on their own without your help, in a matter of 10 minutes.

You're stupid for asking money for that.  You should remove that section of your website.
Check me out.

Naruto sucks.
Last Edit: December 19, 2008, 08:48:23 pm by Tom Servo
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#10  December 19, 2008, 08:44:48 pm
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yeah, don't sell MUGEN man, also don't include characters in a screen pack that are not created specifically for that full game; unless they are significantly edited.

you should understand this and respect it. I definitely recommended giving respect, in this case.
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#11  December 19, 2008, 08:50:13 pm
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Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 02:45:18 am by Sniper
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#12  December 19, 2008, 08:51:50 pm
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Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#13  December 19, 2008, 08:52:23 pm
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  • Pretending to know Japanese is stupid.
Technically it's not selling?  Who do you think you're fooling?!

Why do you even need money for a collection of stuff you just downloaded off the internet?  Do you intend to donate that money to the people who actually CREATED those creations?  No.
Check me out.

Naruto sucks.
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#14  December 19, 2008, 08:52:45 pm
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  • You know it!
Why not just upload it into a pack on sendspace or esnips ?
PSN / XBLA - ViewtifulSuxx
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#15  December 19, 2008, 08:55:54 pm
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If its technically not selling then what do you call the asking of 5 euros for this "thing" you call a "full game"? Eating chicken?

Seriously, man, you've been called out. You lose. Good day sir.

And Merry Christmas
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#16  December 19, 2008, 08:57:44 pm
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I think this guy might be TehBazzard in disguise.

I bet donations go to ShinDan.
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#17  December 19, 2008, 08:57:58 pm
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technicalities are not an exception in my opinion. Also bringing in the question of other countries laws, other countries must respect the laws of other countries. There are international policies on things like this, especially far beyond the insignificance of MUGEN to the world. although you may not think it's a big deal, and you will probably never in your life get convicted for it, you should think about what you are doing. It can only show to yourself how you are as a person; disrespectful, selfish, unnecessarily unyielding, all of which could be used to someone who does things like this even when they know that it is legally and morally wrong.

It's your decision though, you can be a good person or a lousy person. All deeds will come back hard on you in the future in the manner that you committed them, so choose carefully.
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#18  December 19, 2008, 08:59:11 pm
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  • You know it!
PSN / XBLA - ViewtifulSuxx
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#19  December 19, 2008, 09:01:38 pm
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Heh, where did that come from?
Re: BrokenMUGENhr screenpack
#20  December 19, 2008, 09:01:47 pm
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I don't think he's gonna come back after being called out in this manner. And rightly so. Selling MUGEN is one thing. Then there's brazenly denying it. He reminds me of all the bratty little school bullies who beat up the innocent little girl in front of everyone and then while crying crocodile tears, constantly denies it, while CCTV has captured it on film, much less eye witnesses.
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)