
Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~ (Read 374355 times)

Started by Xenomic, August 01, 2023, 04:12:19 am
Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#1  August 01, 2023, 04:12:19 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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    •'s been a very long time since I've done something like this, hasn't it? Howdy, hi! How's everyone?!

So! After falling into a certain rabbit hole, been in a very VERY good mood, and because of this, been kinda been wanting to do a little something to show my appreciation for all the good vibes and positivity that's been making me feel so good lately! So!! Been thinking of trying to do a little gift of my own, in the form of pixel art!

HOWEVER, and this is a big one, I haven't done spriting in yeeeeears, and I don't consider myself a super great spriter to begin with. I would LIKE to do most of the work myself, but some help here and there would be much appreciated, if anyone is willing to help me out!

So what is this little spriting project of mine? Well, to put it simply, it's just doing a single idle sprite. Just one!! I have the pose in mind and the character sprite reference in mind, as well as the artwork, but I have yet to start yet (may actually stream this later tonight!!).

For the references, I have these:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

The first image is the base pose, which I think will work for the person I am going to do this for. The second and third images are the base sprites I'm thinking of using. However, I've never worked with Xrd sprites, only +R sprites, and while I WOULD like to work with Xrd sprites (models...rather...but you know) since it'd allow for more details, I don't know how feasible this would be.

Oh...I never mentioned exactly who this was going to be for, did I? Well, this is a little sprite project that I'm doing for Ceres Fauna as a gift actually! I'm just hoping it...doesn't come off as weird or anything?

Anywho, yeah, I have the art reference for that (well, only one, don't know how much that'll help with the pose but it's something??). Again, I'd like to do most of the work myself, but having help would be much appreciated, especially for detailing or just....getting the overall posing right because I'm so out of the loop!

I'm really hoping to see this one through. Last time I did spriting, I didn't finish the Lenna sprite, only the Maria Renard sprite, and that was....back on Aug 19, 2013. So....10 years its been since I last sprited. Oi yoi yoi....

I will keep updates in this thread whenever possible, for those that are willing to see it through with me!
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#2  August 01, 2023, 08:41:10 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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I'm so ashamed that I forgot that I flipped the image I was using as reference for this, so the eye-covering part is on the wrong eye, ahhhh!!! This is a very rough draft, 2 1/2 hours of trying to figure out things and whatnot. It's very shoddy looking, but it usually is on the start, yes? Don't worry, it's not going to be a complete sprite replacement, it's using this as a base for now before I go and try to figure out how to change the pose to fit more with Menat's pose. If that's possible anywho.

So uh...would anyone be willing to help me with fixing that, by any chance? The second and third image here in the gallery is what I was using (the 3rd mostly for the hair, but I flipped it and forgot all about what I was doing an AHHHHHH!!!)

I GUESS I could leave it as it is, but then I'll feel self-conscious about it being on the wrong side when I give it as a gift hue. So really, the main thing is just changing the side the braid is on, and just fixing the hair-covering piece before I move on. Do I also need to readjust how the hair flows to the opposite way than the way I have it (i.e. the ends facing to the right rather than to the left)???

EDIT - Found a good reference to use, if anyone wants to try to fix it before I get to it next time!

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

EDIT #2 - Tried to fix it up, how's this look?

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: August 01, 2023, 10:14:55 am by Xenomic
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#3  August 03, 2023, 09:01:29 pm
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Unless you're really, really good at editing a picture of a 3D model with simply pixels added on top, I suggest you to:
(this is my opinion)
1- retrace the 3D model completely and while doing that you make it look like the character you're intent on showing;
2- or you could use the "small" sprite you had, rescale it (if you wanted it to make it bigger) and do what I said on point 1.

As it is now, I don't think it'll end up well. I mean, for consistency sake.
It looks 2D, but it isn't 2D, it's still a 3D model. The parts you're going to add on are going to look different from other parts of the sprites you didn't touch (unless, again, you're a monster at editing 3D model pictures)

And wait, weren't you supposed to use the Menat pose instead of the Jam idle? You said you would use the first, then the second/third one: which is it, the first, the second, both?
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#4  August 04, 2023, 02:09:46 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Unless you're really, really good at editing a picture of a 3D model with simply pixels added on top, I suggest you to:
(this is my opinion)
1- retrace the 3D model completely and while doing that you make it look like the character you're intent on showing;
2- or you could use the "small" sprite you had, rescale it (if you wanted it to make it bigger) and do what I said on point 1.

As it is now, I don't think it'll end up well. I mean, for consistency sake.
It looks 2D, but it isn't 2D, it's still a 3D model. The parts you're going to add on are going to look different from other parts of the sprites you didn't touch (unless, again, you're a monster at editing 3D model pictures)

And wait, weren't you supposed to use the Menat pose instead of the Jam idle? You said you would use the first, then the second/third one: which is it, the first, the second, both?

I'm using the Jam idle as a reference base, and from there, going to try to edit it moreso into the Menat pose. I just needed someone that was about the right height (5'4" Jam is, which is one inch taller than what I'd like to go with) and somewhat the right pose, and would go from there. Does that make sense?

Yeah, I'm aware that because I'm doing 2D on top of 3D, the parts that are 2D won't look well due to the 3D parts. I'm assuming this is in relation to the face vs. the hair and eyes, yes? Unless I can figure out how to edit the face to match more 2D-esque (actually....are Blazblue sprites "sprites" or models?? If so, maybe I can borrow colors from there to fix up the face or whatnot??).

...Maybe this idea wasn't sound at all, huh?? mentioned, if I have to, I'll pay for help on this (though also mentioned I would like to do most of the work myself, if possible). That is, if anyone is willing to help an old man with a silly little gift idea for a VTuber.
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#5  August 06, 2023, 12:21:31 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Ok, yeah...I feel like maybe I'm trying to do something that's too much out of my league, despite how much I want to really do it heartfeltly. Can I perchance ask for assistance in this by anyone willing to do so?
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#6  August 06, 2023, 01:34:46 pm
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Since it's not something you would sell but a fan art/gift, why don't you re-trace it (on a separate layer) and do your thing from there?
You could directly re-trace the Menat pose and while tracing you add the details you need to make it look like the VTuber you're giving the sprite to.
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#7  August 06, 2023, 11:07:02 pm
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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I am doing all of this in Paint, mind you, so I don't have layers to work with ^^;; I do have GIMP, but I haven't really ever worked in that. The re-trace idea does sound like it'd be a good idea, though I'm not sure how I would do that very well.

EDIT - Again, I'm willing to pay for anyone to do the base, if it'll help things along smoother. Sure, it's a bit of coping out, but well...ya know...^^;
Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 11:44:30 pm by Xenomic
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#8  August 07, 2023, 12:42:36 am
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Do you want to work with that resolution? The one from Xrd I mean.
It's a bit big, and if it has too much resolution it won't really look like pixel-art.

Can you try getting a program like Aseprite?
It's pretty cheap but you can get an older version for free.

I can help you with some of the stuff, PM me if you want.
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#9  August 07, 2023, 12:55:41 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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I could probably go with Blazblue instead for the resolution and sprite size?? And it'd still look nice as pixel art, right? That's still sprites, right?

Though finding a pose from there that'd be as close to Menat's might be tricky for me, I don't know the characters at all to know which one would be the best to work with like Jam was. Finding a pose that was roughly the same stance (it's not the same as Menat's, I know but it's the closest) with the arm slightly out (which I think one of Jam's supers would've been good for that, but I don't have access to Xrd models lol) was hard lol. But yeah, if the Xrd resolution would be TOO bad, then probably go with Blazblue if that's still sprites. Can still look nice and still get the good details, yes?
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#10  August 07, 2023, 01:13:00 am
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I'd recommend a little bit less res than BlazBlue, you can still show a lot of detail on smaller sprites

Also try checking sprites from games like Under Night or Dengeki Bunko.
These are more detailed in my opinion, and have pretty palettes too.

If you want help with posing the character I can get you a rough sketch that you can use as base.
Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 01:18:07 am by Hexioum
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#11  August 07, 2023, 01:21:52 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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True, true. I forgot all about these sprites, honestly lol. Though I've always been semi-awful at smaller sprites lol. Though I should check those two games, don't think I ever have. Only checked Guilty Gear mostly for hi-res sprites. MAYBE Blazblue?? I don't remember, but back then, don't think I did.

The last sprite I made 10 years ago was this one:

Which was a bit of an amalgamation of +R May (for height and other things) & Millia (for shading), and Shannon from Ougon Musou Kyouku (for the arms and legs). I don't remember how I handled the rest of this anymore, but that was the last thing I ever did, out of whim too for...some reason or another lol. Still Guilty Gear-esque, but that was about the best of my spriting capabilities back then.

If you can help with the posing, that would really REALLY help speed things along.
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#12  August 07, 2023, 01:31:17 am
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Cute. Really looks like a background character from a GGXX stage

Give me a couple of hours, I'll try to make an "original" pose based on Menat.
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#13  August 07, 2023, 01:34:37 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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I WANT to say that I used Dizzy's face a little, but I think I didn't because it doesn't look as "mature" as Dizzy. Maybe I left it as May's face or something.

I do appreciate the help, honestly. I'm just hoping that I can make this as good as I can so that I can give it to Fauna once it's all said and done. Will definitely take quite a bit of time due to work and all that, but want to at least try, ya know? ^^;

(Also, when I was doing the hair on the Jam, I forgot how much of a pain in the butt hair can be lol. But it's still not as awful as HANDS. OMG hands are still the worst even in pixel form, just remembering the Maria sprite!!)
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#14  August 07, 2023, 05:04:02 am
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  • Just A Dude...
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I would say maybe rather than using the specific sprite of Jam as the drawing you're drawing over, since the pose you want is the Menat one from what I understand, maybe look for some of her other animations to use as a base, similar to frankenspriting maybe you can combine parts of her different animations to get what you wanted, like this one for the upper torso has some useful frames, you could even flip her right-most hand here to even have it facing the same way.

It might be tricky, but if you wanted even something slightly higher res than the older GG sprites, maybe you can use Litchi from Blazblue as well

Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#15  August 07, 2023, 05:07:56 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Oh, Litchi might actually work, though she might be way more buxom. Though would height be an issue in regards there? I don't know how tall she is (the one I'm spriting for is 5'3", so that may make things a bit tricky maybe?).

I think I did that a loooong time ago with something else. I just don't remember what and I don't think I have that frankensprite anywhere anymore. But I do know what you're talking about!

Also, how did you find something so clean? lol...the model I found was from Dustloop and it looked crusty as heck!
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#16  August 07, 2023, 07:15:47 am
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  • Just A Dude...
  • For me, it was Tuesday...
    • Canada
Ah, I mean you can always adjust and fix the proportions if you go with Litchi, and for the result I found I think I just looked on Pinterest lol, but I figured the final few frames where Litchi has her hand extended are kind of like Jam's and might help you with also Menat's hand pose as well
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#17  August 08, 2023, 05:37:53 pm
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To clear any confusion,
Blazblue uses sprites
Guilty Gear Xrd and Strive use 3D models
all the Guilty Gear games prior to Xrd and Strive use sprites.
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#18  August 15, 2023, 09:56:14 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Big thanks to Hexioum for the base for this! I would say this works a lot better than the original, yes? The hair is a nightmare to do on smaller sprites, but does it look good?? I feel the back of the head is too far away from the head?? And the "shawl" part isn't spread apart enough, and the diamond isn't at the right angle??

I haven't really been using any sprites as reference right now, though Celica's been sitting there in case I need her.
Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 11:11:37 am by Xenomic
Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#19  August 15, 2023, 01:00:27 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
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Big thanks to Hexioum for the base for this! I would say this works a lot better than the original, yes? The hair is a nightmare to do on smaller sprites, but does it look good?? I feel the back of the head is too far away from the head?? And the "shawl" part isn't spread apart enough, and the diamond isn't at the right angle??

I haven't really been using any sprites as reference right now, though Celica's been sitting there in case I need her.

Very interesting project.
I know nothing about this custom character, but the body proportions are pretty good.
I like how it's made.

I would say maybe rather than using the specific sprite of Jam as the drawing you're drawing over, since the pose you want is the Menat one from what I understand, maybe look for some of her other animations to use as a base, similar to frankenspriting maybe you can combine parts of her different animations to get what you wanted, like this one for the upper torso has some useful frames, you could even flip her right-most hand here to even have it facing the same way.

Nice reference.
I'm actually very curious about the source of these Jam animations/rips.
Are there some resources for GG Xrd ?
At least for Jam?

Re: Starting Anew. New spriting project in progress! Help appreciated~
#20  August 28, 2023, 08:05:59 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Got some work to be done, but hey! Got a lot done for the 2 hours I worked on this tonight! Opinions?