
I.A creates interaction in stage, help (Read 11709 times)

Started by oscar123, March 19, 2025, 03:27:08 pm
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I.A creates interaction in stage, help
#1  March 19, 2025, 03:27:08 pm
  • ***
    • Spain
I have the base stage of the mugen (the trainig room  that always comes out), I told an i.a that 20 seconds in the center would come out a crack and slip when passing by hay (I added a sprite as a crack that is the group 33 and index 33. I passed the stage and in a matter of seconds I inserted the stage at the end of everything necessary. original, I told him to add the necessary at the end. I leave what I put, it seems everything is fine, but it does not work. Does anyone know why?(my mugen is 1.1)

the i.a added this finally:

; Animation of the closed crack (initial)
[Begin Action 9000]
Clsn2: 1
Clsn2[0] = -50, 0, 50, -100 ; Set the collision area (adjust according to your stage)
Sprite: 33, 33 ; Closed Crack Sprite (Group 33, Index 33)
Delay: 5

; Open crack animation (active)
[Begin Action 9001]
Clsn2: 1
Clsn2[0] = -50, 0, 50, -100 ; Keep the collision area the same
Sprite: 34, 34 ; Open Crack Sprite (Group 34, Index 34)
Delay: 5

; Initial closed crack (appears after 30 seconds)
[BG GreaterCerrada]
type = Anim
action = 9000
ID = 9000
start = 0, 185 ; Position on the floor (adjusts according to your internship)
delta = 1, 1
mask = 0
layer = 0
layer = 0
day = 0, 0
tilespacing = 0, 0
window = -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000
trans = None
time = 30 * 60 ; Appears after 30 seconds

; Open crack active (changes after 60 ticks)
[BG GreaterOpen]
type = Anim
action = 9001
ID = 9001
start = 0, 185 ; Same position as the previous one
delta = 1, 1
mask = 0
layer = 0
layer = 1
day = 0, 0
tilespacing = 0, 0
window = -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000
trans = None
time = 60 ; Switches to active animation after 60 ticks

and this is the original stage, added that code at the end:

; Definition of stage 0 (training stage)
; *** denotes values you should change/check for each stage.
; The term "background" is used to mean both backgrounds and foregrounds.

 ;Name of the stage.
name = "Training Room"
displayname = "Training Room" ;Name to display
versiondate = 09,30,2009    ;Version date of stage (MM,DD,YYYY or X.XX)
mugenversion = 1.0          ;Version of M.U.G.E.N stage works on (X.XX)
author = "Elecbyte"         ;Stage author name

 ;Camera starting position: Usually 0 for both
startx = 0
starty = 0

 ;Left and right bound of camera
 ;You may want to fiddle a bit with these values to make sure the
 ;background doesn't move too far or too little
boundleft = -125
boundright = 125

 ;High and low bound of camera
 ;High is a negative number. Make is more negative if you want to
 ;camera to be able to move higher.
 ;Low should usually be 0.
 ;If omitted, defaults to -25 and 0 respectively
boundhigh = -25
boundlow = 0

 ;This is how much the camera will move vertically towards the
 ;highest player. Valid values are from 0 to 1. A value of 0 will mean
 ;the camera does not move up at all. A value of 1 will makes the camera
 ;follow the highest player.
 ;Typically .2 for normal-sized backgrounds. You may need to pull this
 ;value up for taller backgrounds.
verticalfollow = .2

 ;Minimum vertical distance the highest player has to be from the floor,
 ;before the camera starts to move up to follow him. For extremely
 ;tall stages, a floor tension of about 20-30 coupled with a
 ;vertical-follow of .8 allows the camera to follow the action.
floortension = 0

 ;Horizontal distance player is from edge before camera starts to move
 ;left or right. Typically 50 or 60.
tension = 50

 ;Number of pixels beyond the top and bottom of the screen that may
 ;be drawn.  Overdraw specifies the how much can be seen during an
 ;EnvShake.  Overdraw pixels will also be used when the screen aspect
 ;is taller than the stage aspect.
overdrawhigh = 0
overdrawlow = 0

 ;Number of pixels into the top and bottom of the screen that may be
 ;cut from drawing when the screen aspect is shorter than the stage
 ;aspect.  These parameters suggest a guideline, and the actual
 ;number of pixels cut depends on the difference in aspect.
cuthigh = 35
cutlow = 25

;--- Player 1 ---
 ;Player 1 starting coordinates.
 ;p1startx is typically -70 and p2startx is 70.
 ;p1starty should be 0.
p1startx = -70          ;Starting x coordinates
p1starty = 0            ;Starting y coordinates
p1facing = 1            ;Direction player faces: 1=right, -1=left

;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 70
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1

;--- Common ---
 ;Don't change these values.
leftbound  = -1000 ;Left bound (x-movement)
rightbound =  1000 ;Right bound

 ;Distance from left/right edge of screen that player can move to
 ;Typically 15
screenleft = 15    ;Dist from left of screen that player can move to
screenright = 15   ;Right edge

 ;"Ground" level where players stand at, measured in pixels from the
 ;top of the screen.
 ;Adjust this value to move the ground level up/down in the screen.
zoffset = 190

 ;Leave this at 1. It makes the players face each other
autoturn = 1

 ;Set the following to 1 to have the background reset itself between
resetBG = 1

 ;Width and height of the local coordinate space of the stage.
localcoord = 320, 240

 ;Horizontal and vertical scaling factor for drawing.
xscale = 1
yscale = 1

 ;This is the shadow darkening intensity. Valid values range from
 ;0 (lightest) to 256 (darkest). Defaults to 128 if omitted.
intensity = 96

 ;This is the shadow color given in r,g,b. Valid values for each
 ;range from 0 (lightest) to 255 (darkest).
 ;Defaults to 0,0,0 if omitted.
 ;intensity and color's effects add up to give the final shadow
color = 0,0,0

 ;This is the scale factor of the shadow. Use a big scale factor
 ;to make the shadow longer. You can use a NEGATIVE scale factor
 ;to make the shadow fall INTO the screen.
 ;Defaults to 0.4 if omitted.
yscale = .3

 ;This parameter lets you set the range over which the shadow is
 ;visible. The first value is the high level, and the second is
 ;the middle level. Both represent y-coordinates of the player.
 ;A shadow is invisible if the player is above the high level,
 ;and fully visible if below the middle level. The shadow is
 ;faded in between the two levels. This gives an effect of the
 ;shadow fading away as the player gets farther away from the
 ;ground. If omitted, defaults to no level effects (shadow is
 ;always fully visible).
fade.range = 0,0

 ;Intensity of reflection (from 0 to 256). Set to 0 to have no
 ;reflection. Defaults to 0.
intensity = 0

 ;Put a filename for a MOD, MP3 or MIDI here, or just leave it
 ;blank if you don't want music. If an invalid filename is
 ;given, then no music will play. To play CD audio, put
 ;the track number followed by ".da". Using a track number of
 ;0 will play a random audio track. For example, to play
 ;track 3 from a music CD, use:
 ;  bgmusic = 3.da
bgmusic =

;bgmloopstart = <sample number>
;bgmloopend = <sample number>

 ;Adjust the volume. 100 is for 100%.
bgmvolume = 100

; Background definition
; ***
; [BG x]
; type = ?       "Normal"/"Parallax"  (def: "normal")
; spriteno = ?, ? Sprite group and number: groupno, imgno  (req'd)
; start = ?, ?   Starting location (integer)  (def: 0, 0)
; delta = ?, ?   Change in location per camera unit moved (float)  (def: 1,1)
; trans = ?      Transparency settings: "none"/"add"/"add1"/"sub"" (def: "none")
; mask = ?       Masking (int): 0 - off, 1 - on  (def: 0)
; velocity = ?, ? Velocity: x, y (float): speed background moves (def: 0, 0)
; tile = ?, ?    Tiling: xtile, ytile (int): 0 - off, 1 - infinite,
;                        >1 - tile that number of times  (def: 0, 0) - only for Normal BG
; tilespacing = ?, ? Tiling: x, y (int) : space between tiles (def: 0, 0)
;  Parallax-only:
; xscale = ?, ?    Top xscale, bottom xscale (float)
; width = ?, ?     Top width, bottom width (int)  (use either this or above, but not both)
; yscalestart = ?  Starting y-scale (float, in percent)  (def: 100)
; yscaledelta = ?  Change in y-scale per unit (float, in percent)  (def: 0)

; Main background definition
 ;Filename of sprite data
spr = stage0.sff

 ;Set to 1 if you want to clear the screen to magenta before
 ;drawing layer 0 (the default background). Good for spotting "holes"
 ;in your background.
 ;Remember to turn this off when you are done debugging the background,
 ;because it slows down performance.
debugbg = 0

; Start each background element with the following:
; Make sure it's "[BG n]", where n is anything you like (it's only used to
; report errors.) For example, you could use:  [BG TheFloor]
; Specify as many as you like. This is an example of a normal background:
[BG 0]

 ;The background type goes here: for now, only NORMAL and PARALLAX
 ;If this line is omitted, the type will be assumed to be normal.
type  = normal

 ;The sprite number to use for the background (from the SFF specified above)
 ;It's the group-number, followed by a comma, then the sprite-number
 ;*** Do not omit this line.
spriteno = 0, 0

 ;This is the layer number, which determines where the sprite is drawn to.
 ;Valid values are 0 and 1.
 ;0 for background (behind characters), 1 for foreground (in front)
 ;If this line is omitted, the default value of 0 will be assumed.
layerno = 0

 ;This is the starting location of the background in the format
 ;x, y
 ;If this line is omitted, the default value of 0,0 will be assumed.
start = 0, 0

 ;These are the number of pixels the background moves for every single unit
 ;of camera movement, in the format
 ;x, y
 ;For the main background (eg. the floor the players stand on) you'll want
 ;to use a delta of 1,1. Things farther away should have a smaller delta,
 ;like 0.5 for example. Things near the camera should have a larget delta.
 ;If this line is omitted, the default value of 1,1 will be assumed.
delta = 1, 1

 ;Here is the transparency setting of the background.
 ;Valid values are:
 ;"none" for normal drawing
 ;"add" for colour addition (like a spotlight effect)
 ;"add1" for colour addition with background dimmed to 50% brightness
 ;"addalpha" for colour addition with control over alpha values (you need
 ;    an "alpha" parameter if you use this)
 ;"sub" for colour subtraction (like a shadow effect)
 ;If this line is omitted, it's assumed that there will be no transparency.
trans = none

 ;Use this parameter only if "trans = addalpha". First value is the alpha
 ;of the source (sprite), and the second is the alpha of the destination
 ;(background). The values range from 0 to 256.
 ;Uncomment the line below to use it:
;alpha = 256,0

 ;Mask means whether or not to draw colour zero of a sprite.
 ;If you turn masking off, the background will take less CPU power to draw,
 ;so remember to turn it off on sprites that don't use it.
 ;If this line is omitted, it's assumed that there will be no masking.
mask  = 0

 ;The format for tiling is x,y. For each of them, the value is:
 ;0 to use no tiling, 1 to tile, n where (n>1) to tile n times.
 ;If this line is omitted, it's assumed that there will be no tiling.
tile  = 1, 0

 ;This is the x and y space between each tile, for tiled backgrounds
 ;If omitted, default value is 0,0
tilespacing = 0,0

 ;This defines the drawing space, or "window" of the background. It's
 ;given in the form
 ;x1,y1, x2,y2
 ;where (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) define a rectangular box.
 ;Make the window smaller if you only want to draw part of the background.
 ;You normally do not have to change this setting. Value values range from
 ;0-319 for x, and 0-239 for y. The values are 0,0, 319,239 by default (full
 ;Uncomment the line below to use it:
;window = 0,0, 319, 239

 ;Similar to the delta parameter, this one affects the movement of
 ;the window. Defaults to 0,0
 ;Uncomment the line below to use it:
;windowdelta = 0,0

[BG 1]
type  = normal
spriteno = 0, 1
start = 0, 185
delta = 1, 1
mask = 0
velocity = 0, 0
tile = 1, 0
tilespacing = 0, 0

; Animación de la grieta cerrada (inicial)
[Begin Action 9000]
Clsn2: 1
Clsn2[0] = -50, 0, 50, -100 ; Define el área de colisión (ajusta según tu stage)
Sprite: 33, 33 ; Sprite de la grieta cerrada (Grupo 33, Índice 33)
Delay: 5

; Animación de la grieta abierta (activa)
[Begin Action 9001]
Clsn2: 1
Clsn2[0] = -50, 0, 50, -100 ; Mantén la misma área de colisión
Sprite: 34, 34 ; Sprite de la grieta abierta (Grupo 34, Índice 34)
Delay: 5

; Grieta cerrada inicial (aparece después de 30 segundos)
[BG GrietaCerrada]
type = Anim
actionno = 9000
ID = 9000
start = 0, 185 ; Posición en el suelo (ajusta según tu stage)
delta = 1, 1
mask = 0
layer = 0
layerno = 0
tile = 0, 0
tilespacing = 0, 0
window = -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000
trans = None
time = 30 * 60 ; Aparece después de 30 segundos

; Grieta abierta activa (cambia después de 60 ticks)
[BG GrietaAbierta]
type = Anim
actionno = 9001
ID = 9001
start = 0, 185 ; Misma posición que la anterior
delta = 1, 1
mask = 0
layer = 0
layerno = 1
tile = 0, 0
tilespacing = 0, 0
window = -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000
trans = None
time = 60 ; Cambia a la animación activa después de 60 ticks

only programming has been done, no new sounds or spritesma have been added apart from what I told him to put

Last Edit: March 19, 2025, 03:43:29 pm by oscar123
Re: I.A creates interaction in stage, help
#2  March 22, 2025, 06:30:46 am
  • ****
  • Retired
  • Bad Bad Man
    • New Zealand
It doesn't work because the AI isn't trained well on mugen and just gave you random dogshit.
Learn to code it yourself. What it spat out isn't usable.
Re: I.A creates interaction in stage, help
#3  March 25, 2025, 03:17:23 pm
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Re: I.A creates interaction in stage, help
#4  March 25, 2025, 05:44:58 pm
  • ****
    • Argentina
Oscar123, just follow what Basara points you. It's the perfect guide to get started coding stages, ...and I think there's even a missing Spanish translation somewhere around. But the original tutorial is still the best.